It's my party ...

Aw shucks Dixon, your not going to do that thing where you lick the corner of a kleenex and wipe that little stain from my cheek are you?

I don't think I cope if you did that :(
Well Congrats Deborah!!!!
So may people becoming guru's lately...maybe one of these days I'll make it there, too. :)

Sorry I missed the party (been a lil under the weather lately). Sincere apologies for not hitting your thread earlier...twas nothing personal babe. ;)

hehehe...glad I'm from Cuyahoga Falls and not Cleveland. :D

Again, congrats to you dear, the infamous Deborah! Look forward to many, many more of your witty posts, darln'!
Angelique, I'm not accepting your excuse unless you have a note from your doctor. You don't feel well? Especially in the morning? Only reason I ask is that Gingersnap keeps bringing these little monkeys over to my house to watch while she goes off and does who knows what. Really, like I believe her story she's going out for "toast." There is more to these Literotica love stories than you guys are telling.

No, Deborah...I'm not pregnant.

I do have both a doctors excuse and one from the local hospital if you'd like. Where shall I send them? ;)

Nothing too serious...just having a few tests run, darling. But I'll be back to normal in no time at all. :D
Well Angelique, I guess you are back to normal already cuz I see you are flirting like hell over there on the "Hi There!" thread. LOL!

My dearest Madam Laurel, watch me get to 1000 posts quicker than Endlessly and don't forget you promised to show us all your pussy when I do. I mean, if the Madam of an erotic website won't show her pussy, then who will? Besides, if you don't, you'll never get on the Howard Stern show to plug Literotica. BTW, I hope to send you "something" later tonight. I been a little lazy lately. Must be the heat.

OK, since the fighting stopped, back to thanking all you wonderful people who were so nice to me on this thread. I left off with Lovely Latina.

Lovely Latina: Your Nigel accent, 'eh? Now, why would I think that you have some of those Spinal Tap tour issue red satin panties? You know, the ones with the black trim and "Spinal Tap" skull logo.

Gingersnap: Since you liked the pic of slut_boy so much, I'll do Roger (a pic I mean). Oh what the hell, I'll do Flagg too. I'm making progress on your appointment as Ambassador to the UK. Only thing is the President wants to see you to discuss the matter. Wear knee pads.

Endlessly: Funny you should mention the book of Ezekiel and Dixon's penis in the same post. I been studying Ezeziel, particularly verse 16:17, "... and madest to thyself images of men, and didst commit whoredom with them." Translating this verse to Hebrew, I am quite convinced this is all about phallic symbols. No doubt everyone will be at rigid attention when Endlessly "Strips off her shirt, Bible in one hand, whip in the other" and preaches on this verse.

Well, that's all for now folks. I have to run out and pick up a few things. It looks like Naked Hunny is next on my to do list.
Deborah said:

5. ... I suspect Cheyenne is just dying to let everybody see the magic of Magic...

Hmmmm.... the ONE party I come to late and I was actually mentioned as potential entertainment- that'll teach me. Let's see, I must have an "after" picture of the "magic of Magic" around here somewhere...... but I can't find it at the moment. In honor of Deborah's 500th post, and not ever for a lesser event, will this do instead? *sits down, spreads legs, and runs hand over smoooooth pussy* :D

Hey, has anyone seen Golden lately?
Yes Deb darling...I'm back!!! Had those few days off, but I'm back, and flirting again. *bowing head in shame*
Excuse me........Excuse Me........I don't mean to but in BBBBUUUUUTTTTT I have been offline due to the home computer going out and now am working off our laptop. I wanted to express mine and skittens congrats. to our friend Siren and Carl.......Thank may contiune now.
Deborah said:
I'll start next time with Lovely Latina (So git nekkid girl. Didn't you say once I was number three on your fuck buddy list?).

Deb, honey...didn't I tell you?

I've bump uglied ya up to #2 on Latina's "To Do" list. ;)

(Ya just got me all hot and drippy talkin' about my red satin Spinal Tap panties.)

Let us rejoice and be glad, and be glad!
Hey, Flagg - I'm just chillin' dude.

Deborah said:
Roger, I'll tell you a little secret about my ESP (extra-sensitive pussy) I never shared with you before. I knew the moment Rachel was not a girl. When I tried to pick a fight with you way back on that story of Weird Harold's, "Schoolgirl Blackmail" I think was the title. You backed off and girls don't do that. We just keep bitch fighting whether we are right or wrong.

Nope - I checked Weird Harold's 'Schoolgirl Blackmail' strand (called 'I'm finally published -- sort of') and also DCL's 'Where's The Line?' (which ended up being a kind of sequel) and I can't see any of that old Deborator Magic - at least, not directed towards the bombastic Ms Picabia. Are you thinking of another strand? Gingah and myself are keen to see your "extra sensitive pussy" in action. Please direct us towards the spleen that you mean.

BTW - Snapster has told me what you did to Slut_Boy. That poor man's never been the same since, you naughty guru.
Roger, if you think what I did to slut_boy was bad on me, wait until you see what I do to you! But I'm only sharing with Gingersnap unless she says it's OK to circulate the nekkid pics of Roger the Scotsquatch received from an undisclosed informant. Oh yeah, somebody got Flagg with the camera, too. I'll go back and look for exactly what you said/I said that stimulated my ESP. Right now I have to continue to thank all these wonderful people for saying nice things about me. BTW, Roger, check out a story posted today, "Prey for Me Pt. XVIII." Who doesn't know about Roger the Scotsquatch? Dang, you are gonna be able to buy Scotland soon!

Lovely Latina, who the fuck is number one on your list? I like to know who my competition is. I'll kill myself if it's Flagg. No wait, that's just what he wants.

OK, back to thanking people ...

Naked Hunny: I don't know you that well since you are fresh meat, but with a name like yours, I have to like you already. I bet you get a lot of unsolicited requests for anal.

April: I don't understand half of what you say but you sound really intelligent. What was that thread concerning a "timing chain" you started all about anyway? Is a "timing chain" some sort of exotic cock ring? I mean, this is a sex site, there has to be some sexual connotation.

Xander: I won't whip your ass, dude. That's Angelique's job now. I'm hearing rumors lately of rather "interesting" bachelorette party gifts.

Siren and Nicole: I admire you two so much! I mean, you two give the word "flirting" an entirely new meaning. One question, though. How do you get a guy to fall in love with you without giving him any of the real stuff? Quite extraordinary and please clue me in.

Roger: With respect to my comment above, I do understand Gingersnap's infatuation, what with Roger the Scotsquatch being supernatural and all. How else would you know about "HAROBED" but for your special powers? Incidentally, "HAROBED" is a Hebrew word which means "Eat me or die!"

Whew! I'm done with page one. Only three more to go. I just have to get to 1000 posts so Madam will bare all. She sent me an e-mail saying she meant it would be for my eyes only. But of course I'll share with you all if you don't go telling her. And Cheyenne, we are never going to be able to swing the deal for you to be "The Magic Girl" if you don't cough up the "before" and "after" pics.
DAMN it all, late to another party... oh shit, oh dear!

I really must learn to dress myself, one of these days.

Well warm congrats anyway, Deb! Will this new, elevated status be causing any major life-style changes? Don't bother to answer that...anticipation, is making me wait!