It's Obscene

UnderYourSpell said:
Goodness don't know why it said November 30th ... perhaps it sets it for you because I hadn't at all ... have put it right now I hope .. otherwise I can have two birthdays this year as long as I don't add on another year

Someone else said it might be a default birthday too! I wasn't sure they allowed that since "underage" is supposedly not permitted. Glad I pointed it out to ya and you could fix it.

Interesting thread we got goin' here, huh? :D
UnderYourSpell said:
like your psyche thing .. are you psychic?

Thanks....that was how I hoped to be when I joined...a soft lingering in others' psyches...LOL

You know what they say about "the best laid plans" though...:).... *sighs*

No...not psychic...don't I wish! You a witchy one?
obscene's not the fly as it crawls across the face of the dying child
nor the empty leathered tit lying against ribs scare covered by flesh
not the withered crop
nor the locust hoardes
the animals rotting, sunk-eyed, loll-tongued
the naked feet
the dust
and the mud
the bare asses
the shit
and the dead monkeys

is the supersized man/woman/child
stuffing fats and sugars into mouths that saw
enough money to feed a town of starving people
obscene lined the dentist's pockets to buy
a whiter, straighter smile
to have a hose shoved up their ass
to clean out their polluted systems
another car to please some grasping need
and the tv they change channel on
while still eating
because they find the famine coverage
Just reread all the posts here...very intriguing and interesting poets! Thanks, started something very compelling here for some of us! :)
hmmnmm said:
Those that just come without second thought seem to last.
And we must remember that this seed appeared in the Erotica/pornography thread.

It is very compelling stuff written here...

My motivation is just out of it today...

the wife had a possible job offer in NYC, which was The Last Place I ever expected to even consider moving to. THAT scares me a little. know...when the muse strikes! :) NYC huh...:eek:! I hear you about the scary part. I've never been to NY...not a big city girl. I know Pittsburgh and enjoy my time downtown but still get lost trying to find my way in and out. Strange cities - fagettaboutit! I avoid 'em as much as possible...which hasn't always been so easy. :)
hmmnmm said:
I posed the NYC concern downstairs in the AH
Let us return to the obscene observatory shall we?
I'll just watch, look, and learn for now.

Have you learned anything while I was off elsewhere then?

Obscene tureen we stir here
A quiet stream of purr here now
Mrowww...the sound is lonely if only
more were on the prowl this night...

*wanders off again*
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poppy1963 said:
Thanks....that was how I hoped to be when I joined...a soft lingering in others' psyches...LOL

You know what they say about "the best laid plans" though...:).... *sighs*

No...not psychic...don't I wish! You a witchy one?

I don't know about witchy one ... but I can read minds .. I was once told it's not a polite thing to do and I should ask permission!! How do I stop something that just 'happens'? I don't do it on purpose in fact I can't do it to order. I used to freak my husband out by answering questions before he asked them but the worst part is 'seeing' friends not being so kind in their thoughts and saying something else. Oh and by the way hello from across the pond in the slightly waterlogged UK

Old men make the wars but they send
the young men to fight the battles.
The course of history changed by
so much blood spilt in a muddy field.
UnderYourSpell said:
I don't know about witchy one ... but I can read minds .. I was once told it's not a polite thing to do and I should ask permission!! How do I stop something that just 'happens'? I don't do it on purpose in fact I can't do it to order. I used to freak my husband out by answering questions before he asked them but the worst part is 'seeing' friends not being so kind in their thoughts and saying something else. Oh and by the way hello from across the pond in the slightly waterlogged UK

That's pretty intriguing stuff there :cathappy:. I'll pm ya so we don't derail the thread...cause I could when talking about such things! And HELLO back from a really really HOT and HUMID Pennsylvania, USA! So hot and humid it is

OBSCENE! :eek:
hmmnmm said:
And the photographers make us look

Through shadowed eyes, a distant stare
an awareness of beatings
behind the shaded blue burka.

12 January '06 - wso

and the poets make us read...
Tristesse2 said:
Obscenity, profanity, hidden idenity
immorality, activity, anonimity
atrocity, calamity, perverted religiosity
diversity, exclusivity, frivolity
insatiablity, liability, moral monstrosity.


Father, why do these words sound so nasty?

Can be fun
Join the holy orgy
Kama Sutra
Angeline said:

Father, why do these words sound so nasty?

Can be fun
Join the holy orgy
Kama Sutra

Holy Obscenities...
In such ammenities
poppy1963 said:
Holy Obscenities...
In such ammenities

I'd love to take the credit for it, but it's a lyric from the musical Hair. I knew Tessy would remember it, too. ;)
Angeline said:
I'd love to take the credit for it, but it's a lyric from the musical Hair. I knew Tessy would remember it, too. ;) that you say so...I kinda remember it too!
Angeline said:
I'd love to take the credit for it, but it's a lyric from the musical Hair. I knew Tessy would remember it, too. ;)

....and you were right. :cool: Are you back from Da Big Apple already? Oy! So fast the time flies!

Tristesse2 said:
....and you were right. :cool: Are you back from Da Big Apple already? Oy! So fast the time flies!


We got back yesterday afternoon, but mostly slept till now. Two days of driving and we both felt jet-lagged. :cool:

Call me naiive, but this to me is obscene...

Joni Mitchell is following the lead of Paul McCartney in joining with the coffee giant Starbucks to release her comeback album.