It's Obscene

hmmnmm said:
Well, it doesn't look like it's the sublimation... maybe sometimes, maybe all of them sometimes. Hoo boy!
And, Poppy, I know now that you have your own poetry thread - :cool: elsewhere, but near.

UYS, I got married a couple years ago, and it's true, a lot of those juices just went poof! and it took about a year, more, before they trickled again.

The direction of this thread reminded me of an exercise I used to do once in a while but forgot all about...

It's true...according to Freud's theory, we all use the defense mechanisms to manage our reality. They don't describe unhealthy processes unless overused to justify/rationalize certain beliefs/behaviors that are harmful and/or maladaptive. They are coping skills that are on a continuum of costs and benefits.

My poetry thread is linked in my signature line...right at the top!

What was the "exercise" you used to do that this thread reminded you of? If that's not too personal a question that is...
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hmmnmm said:
so we can speak in normal tones now? :catroar:
the exercise had to do with looking at the world (preferably the natural rather than the manmade) as though nothing in it had a name (referencing the interpretation idea). Makes a pretty interesting world, but it's hard to maintain it for very long.

Yes, thank you. I would like to speak in normal tones as well!

That is an interesting exercise. It reminds me of a similar thing I used to ponder on...WHY things were called what they are called...a chair, an arm, a dog, a

Also I would have times when I would try to shut out the familiar and look at things as "objects"...for example a human body walking toward me on the street. I would try to understand it from a purely alien though I'd never encountered such a thing before.

I would get to the point where I could "almost" have things appear alien...but I could never really pull it off the way I would have liked. I haven't done that in quite sometime. I do think it helped me "step back" at times and look at things from "less familiar" angles though...perhaps understanding more how others could see things in very different ways from my own understanding.
Do you ever wonder what animals say about us in their own language? I look at my dogs and think I wonder what your names really are .. is that kind of anti .. anthropomorphic?
UnderYourSpell said:
Do you ever wonder what animals say about us in their own language? I look at my dogs and think I wonder what your names really are .. is that kind of anti .. anthropomorphic?

This is exactly the kind of thoughts that occur to me as well...probably to lots of people who just don't talk about it at the risk of sounding crazy or something!

Anthropomorphic...never thought of it that way but it very well could be. I mean maybe other animals/life forms don't NAME stuff the way we do. Who knows for sure? I know that my animals understand the concept of "naming" as they respond to their own names and can learn simple commands and what's expected when those commands are given. :D

I also understand about wondering "who" they really are inside that container (body) in this life. :)

All I know is that the energy that enlivens everything is confounding. At the same time, I have had multiple life experiences that say to me there is an intelligence in it and oftentimes a sense of humor and a caring nature (or so it seems to me). It's not that I am given any special treatment - I believe this energy is accessible and "knowable" (in as much as it can be) to all of us and all of life. We understand so little yet think we are the prima donnas of the universe and know so much. :catroar:

Ah well...such is human nature, eh?
hmmnmm said:
Last night there was an ad on TV for a science show that promised to tell us all how the earth and the moon came into existence. My first reaction was to nod and think it interesting; just as quickly I shook my head. I wondered if so much factual knowledge about so much tends to sap the beauty of imagination. I'm thinking, "don't tell me! Let me guess, let me wonder"

I so understand your point. There is much beauty in the magickal world! But understanding it, to me, does not take away the magic always...just leads to more sometimes! :cathappy:

There are so many things to be awed by...your wonderment never need be satiated! Just the tip of the iceberg when peeking into modern physics will blow your mind. And than is just ONE thing...look also at biology & medicine for unfathomable matrixes of wonderment! Look to the Science of the Stars, Astronomy for dazzling amazements. So much...never enough time...and we are but a pin head on a pin head in the Universe of Energy! Physics

There is more in heaven and earth, Horatio... :catroar:
If our understanding correlates (I hope that is the right word!) with our age we are but children even those with far more brain power than I will ever possess Not just what is out there in space but so much we don't know about our own planet. Even now we hear of species that we never knew existed and thats just the physical side .. I wish at times I did know more but I fear it is too late for me now.
UnderYourSpell said:
If our understanding correlates (I hope that is the right word!) with our age we are but children even those with far more brain power than I will ever possess Not just what is out there in space but so much we don't know about our own planet. Even now we hear of species that we never knew existed and thats just the physical side .. I wish at times I did know more but I fear it is too late for me now.

It's never too late to take a peek at marvels! Of course it would be just for your own enlightenment/entertainment! :D You are so right about the things we don't know about our planet, too. The sea remains a vastly unexplored territory and who knows what we haven't discovered in the rainforests and such. Understanding animals~!!! They understand US much better - especially our companion animals and those who are close in evolutionary development like Chipanzees. I know there are researchers who understand alot more about these things but the general population...not much, eh?

I worked in a bookstore for almost 2 years and it was so overwhelming at times to get a grip on the sea of knowledges out there I've never even considered...
hmmnmm said:
Last night there was an ad on TV for a science show that promised to tell us all how the earth and the moon came into existence. My first reaction was to nod and think it interesting; just as quickly I shook my head. I wondered if so much factual knowledge about so much tends to sap the beauty of imagination. I'm thinking, "don't tell me! Let me guess, let me wonder"

it just broadens the wonders for me. reality (or what we think is true and newly discovered) strikes me as even more incredible than anything we could make up. and as Poppy says, just the merest glimpse at the tip of the iceberg. so much more we'll never get to know in this lifetime.
No....not obscene
But a bit surreal...
Come on...come clean...
Are you for real?

:rose: :kiss:
Spiders are definitely not my thing and I dont know why because they say its a learnt thing and my mother was never bothered but I am glad that here in England we dont have that many scooting across the floor (when we do they are usually big and black and I remove myself hurriedly! ) and I refuse to remove them from the bath but when they are in the garden I am not so bothered. Must be lovely to see hummingbirds flying free I have only seen them in zoos here .
Yes we do seem to have got off of the obscene thing but I must say it is nice to have got to talk in this way to you all.
Here is a pretty darn good image of the nature of our discussion here lately...wouldn't you say? Holy Devil posted it on the General Board Isolated Blurt thread made by Laurel. It's probably the closest image I've ever seen of Creation in all its dynamic process, in my reveries anyway!

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His lips, taking, making
offers a reality.
Come, be my guest
take what is offered,
while I slip your spear
into these caverns
of disbelief ...

:catroar: ;)
Beat me slander my name,
refuse to let me come,
I crawl to you begging
cock upon my tongue,
Nipples hard tortured
screaming pleasure,
whip reddened ass
taken at your leisure.


you cannot take my mind dear
you'll never dig that deep
even though you'd like to dear
the sides are just too steep.
I am way ahead dear
with far more intellect
I just enjoy the pain dear
bullnecked does not suspect.