It's The 2004 Literotica Valentine's Day Story Contest!

This is public (from the story feedback forum) so I don't think Mab. will mind my posting it here for more to see, and go read and vote, on Gauche's brilliant entry. BTW, Mab. was only commenting on an excerpt.

Just a fan, Perdita

dr_mabeuse said:
I don't know if that works as sex, but that's some fucking great writing! For capturing the pure sensuality of food, that is some of the best stuff I believe I've ever read anywhere. GC, I'm astonished! I didn't know you could write like this. And I don't even like black pudding.

Really, I'm most impressed. Not only the precision of the descriptions, but the lyricism of the prose. A masterful job, and really, this is just beans and bacon and eggs, right? The "sharp spike of the bacon". That's fucking perfect!

I'll admit that I was confused as to who was who at the start, but obviously this is lifted out of context. There are also some places where I think you sem to be getting a bit too clever, but I think this comes from the frustration of not knowing exactly what is what at the start. I still don;t know if they knew each other or not when they entered the cafe, but, like I say, that's a context thing.

How come you didn't write this good for the Xmas contest? And what story is this from?

I guess I didn't get my story done in time or it didn't qualify for the theme because it still hasn't been accepted yet. Sigh...

Perdita you caught my interest or should I say Dr M. I will now put in time to read Gauche's story.