I've learned my lesson

You bet it is. You are safe since she is over age now. Just hinting at it isn't enough to get the fur flying!
You are okay!
Thanks, bgmama.

I'll try. And you sound as though I might be able to hide behind you if people come after me with lighted torches and pointy hats after I post it!
I will certainly do my best to help you!
Like anyone who loves to read, I will defend anyone who has the guts to write what they love. Besides, you aren't talking about little kids, these are adults now.
You keep going and I will be the first in line to defend your right to write a great story. I am interested in what you will have!
I am with you all the way! Do a good job.
When it comes to pedophilia, you have to look at it this way. They do exist. They have always existed. They existed before you and they will still exist long after you are gone. They are like roaches. They are on about the same level. But, you can't get rid of roaches, either.

Your ranting is OK, but it only raises your blood pressure. It does nothing to the pedophile as a whole. Nothing at all.
I am sure we have our share of pedophiles reading the stories here, even though they are not pedophile, in nature. The mind can filter many plots to 'read' like nearly anything, if it wants.
I am sure some short passages of one or two of your stories could be done this way. Are you going to stop writing them because it is possible for a pedophile to get off on what you have written? You shouldn't. Because there are others who read your stories, too. Your normal reading public.

The human mind is very complex. You will never be able to stop this in small groups of boycotts. The only way to stop these people is to round them all up and stomp on them, like the roaches they are. But, even that won't stop them. New ones are being born, every day.

Make your stand, if you want. It at least lets others know how you feel about things. But, the sorry fact is you won't stop pedophilia by not posting at ASSTR. It will only make you feel a little better about yourself.

Personally, I don't like reading pedophile stories. I don't even like incest stories. But, they all have a legal right to write their stories. I want all of my legal rights, so I can't stop them from having theirs.

Educate your children as to what to watch for, and not to talk to strangers. But it isn't always someone they don't know. Sometimes it's a close relative, or even mom and dad. Thank God, that is rare.

And, did you know that pedophiles don't go into the general population of a prison? It is for their safety. Go figure. They would be snuffed out, in quick fashion, if they were. Even the hardened criminals agree with society that these people are the roaches of our time.

Why is our society so fair and compliant to such ass holes? For the same reason we are humane in our death row sentences for murderers, with umpteen appeals and a nice clean, calm lethal injection.

I say put pedophiles in with the general population and let the big boys have some fun. At least we wouldn't have any repeat offenders. A dead pedophile doesn't repeat his first offense.

That is my rant.
And I agree.
I have said that there isn't any way to stop someone from doing those things, but we have to accept that it happens.
I have never been to ASSTR, but I don't plan on posting there anyway. I am happy here and that is that.
No matter what the ideal is, we can never have the utopia we desire.
I also agree that it is mostly self-satisfaction that keeps people from ASSTR. At least those who are upset by all this. But you have to remember, everyone has a different level of tolerance.
I don't even bother to to check it out, because that is me.
Like I said before, I don't want someone's excellent work to go unread because of what I feel.
The human mind is a fickle thing. We can convince ourselves of anything. Absolutely. I am not against anyone, I just don't want to be part of it. That is only my opinion.
You have made an excellent point~!
peachykeen said:
It's interesting reading how this thread has developed.

If you go back and read KM's original post, it is actually quite simple - she says she has found out that this other site posts things that she is in complete disagreement with (to the point of nausea) and that as a result she will absolutely not consider posting there in the future.

....and that's all!

But that is NOT all. It might be what you WISH were all,
but your delusions are not reality.
KM went on to insult everyone who posts their stories on
She disagrees with one sort of story, and wants every site
to censor that sort. When the site does not, she won't
post to that site. Then she criticises every person who doesn't follow her own silly prejudices.
Of course, there are other kinds of stories of which many
of us disapprove. Having said that anyone who posts on a site which has any of the stories of whch she disapproves is endorsing those stories, KM is saying, if she were one bit logical, that she approves of all the stories on the site where she posts.
It is interesting how this thread has developed.
I said it several times that I personally do not read those types of stories and do not wish to go there, but I don't criticise anyone who does. Like I said, I would hate to think that someone had some great work that was ignored because someone wanted us to.
To me it is not censorship issues, it's personal issues.
Besides, KM's opinion are her own.
If that is how she feels, then I am certainly not going to tell her she is wrong. I respect her opinion and I hope in turn that she repsects mine.
How can you sit there are criticise what she says when you are doing the same thing? Don't start a bunch of crap. Aren't we adults here?
Agree to disagree, but don't start attcking each other.
Uther_Pendragon said:
But that is NOT all. It might be what you WISH were all,
but your delusions are not reality.
KM went on to insult everyone who posts their stories on
She disagrees with one sort of story, and wants every site
to censor that sort. When the site does not, she won't
post to that site. Then she criticises every person who doesn't follow her own silly prejudices.
Of course, there are other kinds of stories of which many
of us disapprove. Having said that anyone who posts on a site which has any of the stories of whch she disapproves is endorsing those stories, KM is saying, if she were one bit logical, that she approves of all the stories on the site where she posts.

I don't claim logic in this issue. In fact, if you'll read further you'll not that I stated that I thought I was pretty rational about author's writing whatever they liked, but discovered that I actually wasn't.

I don't just dislike pedophiles. I hate them. I hate them in ways that aren't healthy, aren't rational, and aren't just. There is nothing rational about my feelings for pedophiles. There's a lot of things not legal about my ideals for pedophiles.

It doesn't matter whether this hatred is justifiable or not.

You may call my prejudices silly all you like. If that makes you feel better about yourself or superior to me over my human blindnessness. I have an extremely good reason for my hatred's existence. Forgiving and forgetting is an admirable thing, but it's not something that happens overnight and forgetting never happens. Prejudice against a pedophile may be silly to you, but to me it's something that was planted by a pedophile when I was too young to understand that there was a difference between boys and girls. I reserve the right to be unreasonable on the subject. I'm sure you have your own little traumas that make you unreasonable on those traumatic subjects. You would perfect otherwise.

I don't want ASSTR to change. I just don't want to be a part of it. I could give a rat's ass what you do and what people on ASSTR do. I do not want to be associated with ASSTR because the association is also with people who glorify sex with young children. ASSTR bears no responsiblity for what pedophiles do with the stories they read. This isn't about responsibility in fiction. It is about being associated with pedophilia and being a part of a site that condones pedophilia; that's not what I want to have any part of.

If you find it insulting to be a part of a site that condones pedophilia, that's your problem. Rationalize your way out of any link to pedophiles if you like. I went a little far in saying that other authors who post there condone pedophilia, they don't necessarily, but ASSTR does because they allow and welcome the content.

As far as rape, snuff, and the like. I stand at the head of the Muffie is a hypocrite line. I don't like it, but I'm hypocritical and selfish enough to rationalize it. Just like you can rationalize pedophilia along with the rest of disgusting things people do to each other.

Take as much or as little "resonsibility" as you like. That's you. I took my stand, you take yours. You can think I'm a bad person for it if you wanna. You won't be the first to think I'm a bad person and you won't be the last.

As far as An Acidic Tiger goes? Yes, it's a about a pedophile doing his icky incest things. Anyone who reads it that thinks it condones that particular pedophile can't read English.
KM, you put yourself through to this person as eloquently as possible and yet it was not absorbed.
I do not want justification from you and no one else needs it, either. You are who you are and that is it.
If a person can't get past the fact that you have your own set of feelings, then that person needs a life. You can't live for them and you can't please everyone.
And if anyone doesn't like it, they can fuck off. So what if you are a hypocrite, so are most people I know, including me. Your opinion is your opinion. If this person had actually bothered to read what you wrote fully, it would have been clear enough. It was for me.
So, let's all get over it. Have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up
Why boycott ASSTR ?

If ASSTR upsets everyone so deeply because stories that contrain pedophilia are availible there, then just don't read that section where they may be found, as far as I know they are just stories.
If you want to be angry about something real and documented then get worked up over the largest non-profit, tax-free corporation in the world that actively supports child molestation, the Catholic Church. I know this point won't set well with many people but if a story that has no factual basis gets so much furor going, how can anyone turn a blind eye to what is pretty much a conspiracy of silence by one of the oldest of accepted religious orders in current history. I don't advocate torching your local parish or cathedral but would n't the cheery glow given from the guilty set to burn at the stake be comforting to all the victims of this unspoken tragedy. The first bag of marshmallows are on me, bring your own sticks.......
I personally cannot in any way condone paedeophillia, I have no personal experience of it, I have never read any of it, I DO know people who have been accused both rightly AND wrongly of being paedeophiles but I would like to bring up a couple of points, and probably a large harangue against this post.

First a sweeping statement that pre-pubescent children are interested in their own sexuality. I'm sure that many of you, like me, played 'Doctors and Nurses or Mummies and Daddies' at a very early age with our peers. Some children don't have or aren't allowed those outlets and so may seek inappropriate ones. Some of those children may be taken advantage of in those cases.

Secondly some acts of kiddie sex are truly loving acts.

My question here is, At what point do those 'loving acts' become abuse?

Quite often they become abuse when in later years they are deemed by others to be abuse.

I don't condone acts of abuse of any kind, sexual, physical or mental, I only wish to point out that some things are only wrong because someone else says so.