January 2016 Challenge: See, Say, Read, Write

Wonderful readings all around. It's great to hear more from Tods. He is missed.
Between bottle feeding an ailing kitty, laptop malfunctions and splitting wood to heat the sister-in-laws house - I'm falling behind on listening to the latest additions. Hope to hear them soon.
#31 The Silent Mind Still Wants to Sing: I had not seen that one. Really well done. Still thinking.
Added another reading of "Temporal Embrace," by gypsyTX.

I'll be adding author's names to poems over the next day or two and post a note when they are complete. You can still send me new poems through the end of the month, but please either record it yourself or ask someone to record it directly and send me the link. I think I'm pretty much through asking people to record.

Thanks to everyone who has participated, be it as author, reader, or commenter. It's been a very interesting exercise, I think, particularly with those poems read by multiple readers. You (well, I) get a very different take hearing the poem over simply reading it to myself.
Thanks Tzara for a wonderful challenge, I don't know how you kept on top of it. It was even more fun than letting loose a headless chicken in the girls locker room when the cheerleaders are changing.
I love today's entry, #42, both the poem and the reading. Its theme put me in mind of one of my favorite Billy Collins poems, Introduction to Poetry.

Oh and Piscator, that is quite an image what with the chicken and cheerleaders!
Thanks Tzara for a wonderful challenge, I don't know how you kept on top of it. It was even more fun than letting loose a headless chicken in the girls locker room when the cheerleaders are changing.

Ditto! My hat off to Tzara - extremely ambitious and often thought provoking.

Piscator's image made me smile as well, though the cheerleaders did leave me cold. I substituted the men's Olympic swim and speed skating teams, in my mind. :)rolleyes: not really, but a little wishful thinking never hurt no one)
Regarding #42 - let's see: at first, I thought JBJ was poking us, given the word salad reference. Then I thought Magnetron may have done that one, given his exchanges with JBJ. And now, reading it again and more carefully, I wonder if AMoveableBeast didn't sneak one in. But no.... SO off I go, scratching my head...
Lovely readings, gypsyTX. I'm so glad you decided to come play with us. :)

Thank you, Calli :) :rose:
I really enjoy reading and listening to all the poems posted. I keep coming back to re-read some of my favorites.
I hate that I haven't had time to listen to all of them though. :(


Thank you so much for all the work you put into coordinating this challenge!
OK. All the poems now should have author's names attached. Please let me know if I screwed any of those up--it was kind of a long, repetitive process and I might have misread something from the spreadsheet.

Again, thanks to everyone who participated. Well done, all. :heart:
Fantastic challenge, Tzara. It has opened up a whole new aspect. There are some real gems. I had a strange feeling of familiarity with that the one you read for us written by eagleyez, now I know why, it has his spirit. Thanks, Ange, for sharing it.
absolutely wonderful challenge ...and way great writings / readings !!! hehe lol I got all my guesses wrong though! :p blasted newbies hehe ...you guys did an awesome job on these poems! way impressive!
Fantastic challenge, Tzara. It has opened up a whole new aspect. There are some real gems. I had a strange feeling of familiarity with that the one you read for us written by eagleyez, now I know why, it has his spirit. Thanks, Ange, for sharing it.

Thanks goes to Tzara for being so kind when I asked him to read it. Like you said there are some real gems in this challenge and every poem has something in it to grab the listener and make make her rethink hearing versus just reading. That poem really does convey ee's spirit and he wrote it here. It was one of my birthday presents one year. I thought if anyone recognized it it would be you and/or Champ. :)

Tzara you rock and your challenge is another winner, a win for everyone who wrote, read and listened. :heart:

I asked Trix if we could move the Let's Hear It thread over to this forum to maybe get more eyes on it and keep the momentum going. She (graciously) agreed and I'll bring it over on 2/1. Keep recording, poets!
Three thank yous ...... First to Tzara for not only setting the challenge and working so hard to set it up and see it through but also for helping me initially to figure out how to join in!
Secondly to Butters for your scrumptious poem, it was a joy to read :rose:
Last but by no means least to Legerdemer for reading my Remembering so well, I couldn't ask for better :)
First, my own thanks to Tzara for running this challenge - it was so complex, and he did a terrific job. But he made all the hard work seem fluidly seamless - very impressive.

In no particular order - I've been surprised by some of these, and gratified that I didn't miss in all my guesses. I found quite a number of gems and won't list them here, but I really enjoyed Black Cherry Heaven and had no clue whose it was. Magnetron really opened my eyes to his range... may I say I truly enjoyed your ode to JBJ, well done.

I also thank greenmountaineer, AH, and gypsyTX for reading Farewell... - gypsy, do I detect the barest whiff of Eastern Europe in your accent?

It was a pleasure to read all the poems I did; UYS, thanks much, glad you approved - Remembering was another surprise: I was convinced it was Tzara's. It was really, really lovely.

(And I confess I had a special wicked pleasure reading Mr Mousse.)

I'll be going back and studying these more carefully, particularly those where the poets read their own - a good way to learn your voices.
very successful challenge, tzara. props for all the work you put into it - great results all round. :cool:

been listening to a few this morning and it was a real pleasure. reading the others was another joy for a sunday morning.

2 of my favourites turned out to be eagleeyes' whispery lips piece and angie's 3-parter, though i could listen to des narrate absolutely ANYTHING.

so much good stuff in this challenge, but i have to give a special maggotty-mention as he's showing he has more scope than he generally reveals, and there's one line in a piece of his that struck me for its originality which used the phrase 'woollen air'. how evocative is that?

still so many i've not listened to yet (soundclouds, mainly) but the whole thread has still been a great treat for me. thankyou, everyone. :kiss::cattail:
Thanks for facilitating this, Tzara. It was a wonderful challenge.

When you recite someone else's poem, you gain a different perspective IMO. Perhaps it's because I studied the poem more than I would have otherwise.

The poems are also a great addition to PF&D.
I hope to get caught up on listening on Monday morning. Last I heard was Tzara's take on Gollum. What a brave soul. Not just for that, but for wading through ALL of the entries I sent him.

Butters and Legs mentioned me having range.

I think of it more as schizophrenia.
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First, my own thanks to Tzara for running this challenge - it was so complex, and he did a terrific job. But he made all the hard work seem fluidly seamless - very impressive.

In no particular order - I've been surprised by some of these, and gratified that I didn't miss in all my guesses. I found quite a number of gems and won't list them here, but I really enjoyed Black Cherry Heaven and had no clue whose it was. Magnetron really opened my eyes to his range... may I say I truly enjoyed your ode to JBJ, well done.

The only differences is that the JBJ in my poem knows what the fuck he's talking about.

That and he looks like Mads Mikkelsen, not Wilford Brimley.