JD Vance Fired by Trump Watch Thread

Next thing to come from you is it started in the wet market..!!...LOL...Just keep showing how little you know...Painfully obvious now..!
Where the fuck did Trump find out it was airborn?


He’s on tape

Shit for brains !!
Just keep talkin'...Your clueless...!!...Who cut international travel off first ...?..
Chinese travel was cut off.
We got hit by Italy
Again ? What was Trumps excuse ?? How did he know?? Why did the Chinese build a hospital in what.. a week ?? They knew! They told Trump
He didn’t want us to panic. So, a million plus died. Fact
Disprove it
Thats you..!!..As the world is a dumpster fire.... America is in total decline headed torward Marxist Socialaism...The greatest country in history is slipping away right in front of our eyes....Don't worry....The country in a short 20-30 more years will look like any of our major cities...The national debt will be $50T plus...Paying more to debt service than all the social programs put together....Your in the heard alright...!!
They're gonna come for Deplorables like you first.

Got your bunker ready? 🙂
Can't handle all the realities huh...?...Gotta throw out the deplorable tag...Not to divisive....LOL....I am always ready...Thats why we are free....
YUP... if you let your boy give more tax breaks to the ultra rich we are ultra screwed.
But note... the Defense Department will bankrupt us long before anything else.

Good thing you know your sheep lingo. Herd man.
YUP... if you let your boy give more tax breaks to the ultra rich we are ultra screwed.
But note... the Defense Department will bankrupt us long before anything else.

Good thing you know your sheep lingo. Herd man.
So your a talking points nimwit...You really have no idea how shit really works...!!...Sure we will tax the country right into prosperity....Never made a 941 deposit in your life have you...??
Back to...Is that the best you have...??...A talking points nimwit...??....Vance is going to destroy Walz in front of the whole country this week...
So your a talking points nimwit...You really have no idea how shit really works...!!...Sure we will tax the country right into prosperity....Never made a 941 deposit in your life have you...??
Nope. Never did a 941 deposit

So please explain who pays tariffs ? Is that a talking point ? Or do we just have to believe the Orange Bafoon?

And… Trickle down “Voodoo” economics has never worked. Sheep !
You are a text book example of a talking points nimwit...You have no idea what your talking about...!!
Why don’t you want to answer his questions, nimwit? Maybe it’s you that don’t know what you’re talking about, hmm?
Don't know what a 941 deposit is..?...How tarriffs work in a market flooding, currency manipulative marketplace..?..Supply side economies...?....Talking point "NIMWIT's"....!!...Can't wait for the country to look like the big cities...!!
Don't know what a 941 deposit is..?...How tarriffs work in a market flooding, currency manipulative marketplace..?..Supply side economies...?....Talking point "NIMWIT's"....!!...Can't wait for the country to look like the big cities...!!
You are a true "MINWIT"...Have you ever made one was the question...??...Obviously not cause you had to look it up...!!...I have made hundreds of them...Created thousands of jobs...!!...Go back to pounding on your keyboard "NIMWIT"...!!..LOL..!!...
Hey great that you employed people! Congrats. Thank you for your sacrifice

Now? Who pays tariffs??

Did the last Voodoo Tax cut mean more income for the govenment or did it just help you out?? Are you a socialist? Expecting government handouts ? Granted corporations are supposedly people, but they seem to wield far larger “rights” than real people do.

$$$ out of government!! And!? Government officials out of business and investments! If Pelosi took money out of VISA it want illegal. Let’s make it illegal! Go into Goverment? All you money goes into T Bills or the like! If America does well? So do you? Can’t afford that for long? Good!!

SCrOTUS legalized bribery! Impeach some of them! Talk about “Legislating from the bench“!! They are pulling ideas out of their butt!

Waiting ?? Tariffs??
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