John Roberts put a thumb on the Trump Immunity Ruling scale

^this is literally how far I got before I just couldn't stomach more of your bullshit.

I stand for the law. I DO NOT CARE about how your politics and political bigotry infest your thinking, I stand for THE LAW. And the law is that sovereign immunity grants immunity to the leaders of every nation for the acts they take while in office. Period!

Or do you really think Bush is going to be prosecuted for invading Iraq? Or Obama for using a drone on a US citizen? Or any of the "proportional response" bombings?

Just stop being ridiculous.
Oh dopey derpy, no one here will believe you

Samuel Alito's Role in Jan 6 Ruling Questioned after John Roberts Memo Leak​

Questions have been raised regarding U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's involvement in a ruling related to January 6 defendants in the wake of details around Chief Justice John Roberts' alleged strong-arming of cases linked to former President Donald Trump.

While the reason for the majority opinion switch is unclear, The Times said it is "suggestive" to note that it occurred shortly after the paper reported in May that Alito had an upside-down flag associated with the 2020 election "Stop the Steal" movement flying outside his Virginia home just days after the January 6 attack.

There have now been questions from experts as to why Roberts originally allowed Alito to write the Fischer opinion despite allegedly being aware of the January 6-linked flag—with The Washington Post declining to run a story on its appearance at Alito's home in 2021—or why Alito did not recuse himself from the case.

Alex Aronson, executive director and founder of Court Accountability, posted on X, formerly Twitter: "Roberts knew in 2021 that Alito was waving the insurrectionist flag and *still* assigned the Jan 6 opinion to him in 2024, only taking it away after the flag became a huge scandal.

"And how about Alito's recusal argument that no reasonable person could question his impartiality?"

Leaked Supreme Court memos reveal John Roberts' role in shielding Trump from prosecution​

One memo previewed the Supreme Court's decision to grant Trump broad official immunity, overruling a lower court

The document, along with other justices' memos, accounts of the proceedings and testimony from sources the Times interviewed, offers a window into Roberts' high level of involvement in several cases that benefited Trump and ultimately helped him climb out of a mire of legal troubles that threatened to upend his 2024 presidential campaign. According to the Times, his handling of the cases surprised other justices in a court where six of the nine members have been appointed by Republican presidents. Three of them were appointed by Trump.

Roberts exerted his influence in March this year, when he persuaded the other judges to rule that states could not unilaterally kick federal candidates from a ballot. While the judges agreed unanimously on the matter, the court's liberals dissented to an additional proposition that anyone seeking to enforce the Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment against insurrectionist candidates running for office would need to first obtain congressional approval. In June, the chief justice took charge of the case that ended with the court declaring that the government was too zealous in its prosecution of January 6 insurrectionists. The case was originally assigned to Justice Samuel Alito, who surrendered it to Roberts shortly after the storm broke over his wife hanging an upside-down American flag -- an emblem of the "Stop the Steal" movement -- though it's unconfirmed that the flag controversy was the reason for the switch.

John Roberts’ Secret Trump Memo Revealed in Huge SCOTUS Leak​

The Supreme Court was hit by a flurry of damaging new leaks Sunday as a series of confidential memos written by the chief justice were revealed by The New York Times.

The court’s Chief Justice John Roberts was clear to his fellow justices in February: He wanted the court to take up a case weighing Donald Trump’s right to presidential immunity—and he seemed inclined to protect the former president.

“I think it likely that we will view the separation of powers analysis differently,” Roberts wrote to his Supreme Court peers, according to a private memo obtained by the Times. He was referencing the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision to allow the case to move forward.

Roberts took an unusual level of involvement in this and other cases that ultimately benefited Trump, according to the Times—his handling of the cases surprised even some other justices on the high court, across ideological lines. As president, Trump appointed three of the members of its current conservative supermajority.

How Roberts Shaped Trump’s Supreme Court Winning Streak​

Behind the scenes, the chief justice molded three momentous Jan. 6 and election cases that helped determine the former president’s fate.

The chief justice’s Feb. 22 memo, jump-starting the justices’ formal discussion on whether to hear the case, offered a scathing critique of a lower-court decision and a startling preview of how the high court would later rule, according to several people from the court who saw the document.

The chief justice tore into the appellate court opinion greenlighting Mr. Trump’s trial, calling it inadequate and poorly reasoned. On one key point, he complained, the lower court judges “failed to grapple with the most difficult questions altogether.” He wrote not only that the Supreme Court should take the case — which would stall the trial — but also how the justices should decide it.

“I think it likely that we will view the separation of powers analysis differently” from the appeals court, he wrote. In other words: grant Mr. Trump greater protection from prosecution.

What Roberts did is what fucking justices do, they discuss, deliberate, try to change minds and formulate opinions, IT'S WHAT THEY DO!!
What Roberts did is what fucking justices do, they discuss, deliberate, try to change minds and formulate opinions, IT'S WHAT THEY DO!!

No. Justices of the United States of America do not disrespect the law and constitution. Charlatans do.

But being a traitor is what you do so no surprise you agree with it and defend. What's a little behind the scenes maneuvering to restructure the constitution for his ideologies. But then this court has done it a few times, so no biggie, right traitor?
No. Justices of the United States of America do not disrespect the law and constitution. Charlatans do.

But being a traitor is what you do so no surprise you agree with it and defend. What's a little behind the scenes maneuvering to restructure the constitution for his ideologies. But then this court has done it a few times, so no biggie, right traitor?
