Supreme Court Takes Trump's Immunity Claims

That's your opinion. 🤣
That is not an OPINION. You are old enough and smart enough to know the difference between fact and opinion- even if the facts make you uncomfortable.

It's like saying "My opinion is the 49ers lost the Super Bowl a few weeks ago." It's not an opinion, it's what happened (or didn't happen.)

And I repeat, for the (10^303+1)th time:

Repeat after me:


If you cannot accept this, then I am sorry for you. But believing in the tooth fairy does not prove that the tooth fairy exists. At some point you need to face reality. That is what adults do. This is an adult site, after all.
Then, what is YOUR opinion? And do you have the FACTS to back it up?

Because, if you do not, then your opinion is just as valid as my "opinion" that the Vladimir Putin is actually the Tooth Fairy.
(because it's true! Have you ever seen the Tooth Fairy and Putin together? Bet you haven't have you. That's because they are the same person...)
At best, this will be like US v McDonnell. Issued on the last day as the justices slink out of town to their billionaire-financed luxury vacations
Whether it comes on the last day of the term or earlier, it won’t make much difference. Whenever the decision comes down, there will be pre-trial motions, discovery and other procedural activities which can take months, followed by a trial. Because of longstanding DOJ policy, it’s doubtful the trial will happen until after the November election.
Whether it comes on the last day of the term or earlier, it won’t make much difference. Whenever the decision comes down, there will be pre-trial motions, discovery and other procedural activities which can take months, followed by a trial. Because of longstanding DOJ policy, it’s doubtful the trial will happen until after the November election.

Wanna bet?
One important note is what the President does is also evaluated on the basis of whether it's done within the purview of the duties of office. The President just up and personally shooting someone is not within the confines of what is understood as Presidential duties.

Ordering a drone strike that kills innocent people is more up for debate, depending on the justification on why that action was taken.
The fact remains that no president has ever been prosecuted for actions occurring while he was President. That is until corrupt Democrats realized that the only way to stop their political opponent and interfere in the next presidential election was to open a campaign of unprecedented lawfare never seen in American history.
The fact remains that no president has ever been prosecuted for actions occurring while he was President. That is until corrupt Democrats realized that the only way to stop their political opponent and interfere in the next presidential election was to open a campaign of unprecedented lawfare never seen in American history.
Do you want to give President Biden immunity?
The fact remains that no president has ever been prosecuted for actions occurring while he was President. That is until corrupt Democrats realized that the only way to stop their political opponent and interfere in the next presidential election was to open a campaign of unprecedented lawfare never seen in American history.
Yup, that's why Nixon accepted a pardon for acts committed while he was President. Because he knew he could be prosecuted.
The fact remains that no president has ever been prosecuted for actions occurring while he was President. That is until corrupt Democrats realized that the only way to stop their political opponent and interfere in the next presidential election was to open a campaign of unprecedented lawfare never seen in American history.
Trump being such a impressively squeaky clean President and candidate that his opponents can only grossly lie and promote massive misinformation about him to try and stop him as well.

Ironically, I didn't know Trump at all prior to his first election campaign (aside from a vague uninterested name recognition), and only after I paid a bit more attention to him seeing what he said and how the media lied and smeared him, then I became am enthusiastic supporter.
His actions smeared himself. The media simply called him out on it. It wasn't "Misinformation." He did what he did, and it was blatantly unethical and yes, illegal. Why you fail to understand this, is really beyond me.

You say, without any trace of irony that he is "Squeaky clean-" heck, he is the most brazenly and openly corrupt president IN AMERICAN HISTORY. More so than Bill Clinton, who admittedly was pretty corrupt. If you cannot see this, then it is likely because you, too, have zero morals, zero ethics, no sense of right and wrong, and refuse to see him for what he is and blame the media "Shoot the messenger!" because you don't WANT to believe it.
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Trump being such a impressively squeaky clean President and candidate that his opponents can only grossly lie and promote massive misinformation about him to try and stop him as well.

Ironically, I didn't know Trump at all prior to his first election campaign (aside from a vague uninterested name recognition), and only after I paid a bit more attention to him seeing what he said and how the media lied and smeared him, then I became am enthusiastic supporter.
I knew he was a billionaire and a TV personality but was ambivalent about him as a political figure until he came down that escalator and started speaking to the press. I knew then that he would be a game-changer in Washington DC and supported him fully and still do. Today he leads a movement in America comprised of millions of supporters that grow in number daily. He draws more people when he shows up for court than Biden does when he holds a rally. He is America's last hope of retaining the constitutional order the country was founded upon. The Administrative State hates him and will stop at nothing to take him off the board.
I knew he was a billionaire and a TV personality but was ambivalent about him as a political figure until he came down that escalator and started speaking to the press. I knew then that he would be a game-changer in Washington DC and supported him fully and still do. Today he leads a movement in America comprised of millions of supporters that grow in number daily. He draws more people when he shows up for court than Biden does when he holds a rally. He is America's last hope of retaining the constitutional order the country was founded upon. The Administrative State hates him and will stop at nothing to take him off the board.
If he wins this upcoming election (fingers crossed), we hopefully get four more years of hus needed leadership.

Who comes after him will be an interesting question.
I knew he was a billionaire and a TV personality but was ambivalent about him as a political figure until he came down that escalator and started speaking to the press. I knew then that he would be a game-changer in Washington DC and supported him fully and still do. Today he leads a movement in America comprised of millions of supporters that grow in number daily. He draws more people when he shows up for court than Biden does when he holds a rally. He is America's last hope of retaining the constitutional order the country was founded upon. The Administrative State hates him and will stop at nothing to take him off the board.

If you're gonna go all in like that, put some tabasco sauce on his shoes at least, damn. :ROFLMAO:
If he wins this upcoming election (fingers crossed), we hopefully get four more years of hus needed leadership.

Who comes after him will be an interesting question.
It must be somebody as fearless and steadfast as him. I like Rep. Byron Donalds, Sen. Rand Paul, Tim Scott, but it might have to be Ron Desantis. It's a tough choice.
I knew he was a billionaire and a TV personality but was ambivalent about him as a political figure until he came down that escalator and started speaking to the press. I knew then that he would be a game-changer in Washington DC and supported him fully and still do. Today he leads a movement in America comprised of millions of supporters that grow in number daily. He draws more people when he shows up for court than Biden does when he holds a rally. He is America's last hope of retaining the constitutional order the country was founded upon. The Administrative State hates him and will stop at nothing to take him off the board.
Holy shit.