Judo's Gunfight Thread Revisited

what? no challenge yet? anyone here could shoot my writing ass into the next life.
or doesn't anyone want to destroy skrawny fawnie!:D
i'm tough i can handle getting shot! i heal quickly!

fawnie said:
what? no challenge yet? anyone here could shoot my writing ass into the next life.
or doesn't anyone want to destroy skrawny fawnie!:D
i'm tough i can handle getting shot! i heal quickly!

:evil grin: setting my cowgurl hat back from low on my forehead
We could do it now but thar aint no townspeople around to duck behind the rails along the boardwalk and gasp in awe at my deadly aim.
champagne1982 said:
:evil grin: setting my cowgurl hat back from low on my forehead
We could do it now but thar aint no townspeople around to duck behind the rails along the boardwalk and gasp in awe at my deadly aim.

its so hard not to be naughty now at that comment..:p
i'm closing the shop and heading home, so would have to be later anyhow..or tomorrow..but i'll be putting my spurrs on my boots and practising my draw!!:kiss: :kiss:
OK, girlies. No jumpin' the gun yet.

Unless one of you tell me it's a no go at that time and need to postpone, the gunfight is to take place 24 hours from now on Friday, June 18 at Midnight GMT* right here in this thread.

POET 1: fawnie
POET 2: champagne1982

* Click here to see what time that will be on your part of the world.

We will need 3 volunteered judges ASAP. Post here or PM me if you're up to it. At the stoke of midnight, I will post the poetic inspiration that will preside to this gunfight. There will be no length or form requirements, though; only that it will have to be done in 1 hour from time and posted here.

Any questions? :devil:
Is the judging also live? I am willing but cannot guarantee live attendance.
fawnie said:
its so hard not to be naughty now at that comment..:p
i'm closing the shop and heading home, so would have to be later anyhow..or tomorrow..but i'll be putting my spurrs on my boots and practising my draw!!:kiss: :kiss:

that time works just fine for me..and i have no questions!:D
now where are we getting the judges from?
must i beg??:devil:
pistol's loaded..spurrs on..ass sore from sitting in this here saddle,
on with the show!
and a :kiss: champagne before i put a hole in your heart!!:devil:
Tristesse said:

Would you feel better if I shot you with a sonnet? I'm terrible with sonnets and I bet I'd miss you by a mile. ;)
Fawnie, Champ, whoever gets shot deader than a skunk, I'm taking her boots! And her poem!
double post...

but while I'm here... what size boots do you gals wear?
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If ya'll ain't picky about qualifications*, I can fill in a judge's seat.


* My qualifications being this: I can't define poetry, but I know it when I see it. I think... :D
fawnie said:
that time works just fine for me..and i have no questions!:D
now where are we getting the judges from?
must i beg??:devil:
pistol's loaded..spurrs on..ass sore from sitting in this here saddle,
on with the show!
and a :kiss: champagne before i put a hole in your heart!!:devil:

The Good The Bad and The Ugly theme music playing in the background.
Camera panning around the weathered rails of the 'Just Alright Corral'
Zoom in; a pair of painted lips and a cherry stem end emerges from between their glistening red ripeness, a knot, a flash of pink tongue, the sun in the sky shining in the brown eyes gazing slowly around the muddy forum.

"Ah shor' wish POETZILLA would drool over neo's ass avatah somewheres else, yeayup. Though it do be a fine ass."

tipping my hat, turning to stroll away, hips swaying, spurs jingling, the effect ruined by my jacket getting caught on the danged hitching rail. With feigned nonchalance I rip the seam free, bravely saying,

"Ah'll be seein' y'all at 5:OO pm (MST). Ah hope y'all got yer mournin' clothes. Ole Doc JC's been sizin' ya for a purty box thar, OneArm and the poet posse's been hankerin' ta write derty limericks about this heyah match up over tuh the graf .. graf .. wahl sheet! That there funny poem thread. So, Friday night booze willin', Ah'll be heyah with mah spurs on."
WickedEve said:
double post...

but while I'm here... what size boots do you gals wear?
mine will never fit..but if i die..take the spurrs..only if you promise to make good use of them :devil:
champagne1982 said:
The Good The Bad and The Ugly theme music playing in the background.
Camera panning around the weathered rails of the 'Just Alright Corral'
Zoom in; a pair of painted lips and a cherry stem end emerges from between their glistening red ripeness, a knot, a flash of pink tongue, the sun in the sky shining in the brown eyes gazing slowly around the muddy forum.

"Ah shor' wish POETZILLA would drool over neo's ass avatah somewheres else, yeayup. Though it do be a fine ass."

tipping my hat, turning to stroll away, hips swaying, spurs jingling, the effect ruined by my jacket getting caught on the danged hitching rail. With feigned nonchalance I rip the seam free, bravely saying,

"Ah'll be seein' y'all at 5:OO pm (MST). Ah hope y'all got yer mournin' clothes. Ole Doc JC's been sizin' ya for a purty box thar, OneArm and the poet posse's been hankerin' ta write derty limericks about this heyah match up over tuh the graf .. graf .. wahl sheet! That there funny poem thread. So, Friday night booze willin', Ah'll be heyah with mah spurs on."

Hey, Tess ----- that AV beats the living tar out of Audrey Hepburn!!:D

.....I know that's off topic...I couldn't help myself. :devil:

I'll go away now. :(

even now - new poem......please read.

talking to pirates - new poem......please read.
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The gunfight is to take place only 2 hours from now on Friday, June 18 at Midnight GMT* right here in this thread, when I post the poetic inspiration for the poems. There will be no length or form requirements; only that it will have to be done in 1 hour.

POET 1: fawnie
POET 2: champagne1982

* Click here to see what time that will be on your part of the world.

The judges of the event, scheduled to last one hour, will be:

- thenry
- minsue
- ???

We need another volunteer FAST!
fawnie said:
if it was mud wrestling could we get another judge???:D
LOL! :rolleyes: You're in no shape to fight a 420 pound 4'5" midget and write poetry in a shoot out, too, there OneArm. Hell, if you are, I wanna be an amputee!

What about jello? Can we go a coupla rounds in lime?