Judo's Gunfight Thread Revisited

Sorry I've been absent. I've been recovering from the removal of my gall bladder which took place on Monday. I can be up for it today, tomorrow, or next week prior to Thursday.

Thanks, guys.
:rose: Hope it went well and uneventfully, E.

I'm going away on vacation Saturday morning for a week, and I really need these two days until then to work out some other stuff, so I don't know if I can be available to oversee any duel before August 16th... :(
Eumenides said:
Sorry I've been absent. I've been recovering from the removal of my gall bladder which took place on Monday. I can be up for it today, tomorrow, or next week prior to Thursday.

Thanks, guys.
Recovering from surgery is the hardest part. I hope you feel all better soon. :)