Just another erotic woowoo challenge

I don't understand why she
Lets him call all the shots

Oh girl, they playin' horse
Don't you worry she can match him
Shot for shot

What, you've seen them play?

Mmm hmm, I saw out the back window
They were doing lay ups
And some trick shots too

Oh my. Why weren't they playing indoors.

Well, from what I saw
He's part equestrian
And you know that kind of riding
You take where you can get.
In Which Proper Pamela Purrs

Unsure, at first, at why watching
his fingers plucking at the loose
flesh, as he rolled it over the firm
structure of skeleton and let it
fall, ahead of his hand landing
splayed over her fur to pet

and sweep lower, to cup the curve
of her hip, massage along thigh,
tease the inside of her knee,
then repeat it over again, aroused
a sigh from my breast as if his hand
strummed music from my throat.

Quivers of reaction weakened
my knees, trembled my shaky hold,
chiming delicate vibrations
through my own fingers, tightened
on the lip of translucent porcelain
against dropping my tea on my lap.
Oh, how I envied the vicar's cat.
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