Just dropped in to spread the joy- have you seen this? (laughing)

Black Tulip said:
Destinie, do you mind my butting in?
I'd like to take care of the cutting off.
Ah, to cut. Hand me my axe!

*points to his earlier post about his nail-studded baseball bat*... I'm first in line, thanks ;)
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Black Tulip-

Kudos. You're right on the money on all points; mainly that by entering a kid's chatroom you have already made an ACTION.

People seem to forget, in their ever-righteous quest for personal freedom, that their "freedom" sometimes compromises the freedom of others. It's the cigarette smokers' method.


P.S. I couldn't help but note the color/flori-fauna aspect of your name.

Man....why do all conversations have to turn to the inevitable "We hate smokers"?;)

Smokers are people too.....*sniff sniff*

Of course that statement may be followed up by pure spending 45 minutes dissecting and quoting my statement and following it up with a barrage of almost completely unrelated articles from the most authoritative resource of all...the internet.

And then Sancho will have a completely college-forensics monitored debate on the freedom to smoke or not smoke (or whatever) whereby the only people in the world who are allowed to express an opinion cannot actually have an opinion because only completely rational thought as allowed by Socrates is permissible in his little debate world. (*makes the little vulcan gesture with her hand*)

Ahhh damn....just forget I said anything.

~WOK (Gettin some cancer as she types) :D
Quasimodem said:

-------------[ dum spiro, spero ]-----------------

:rolleyes: Mostly that no one smokes ;)

Oh, I won't be doing it anywhere near any non-smokers, sheesh.

I'm more than happy to go poison my lungs in the company of other like-minded individuals.

Raph, whose dad smoked for 50 years and still does, but who's mom avoided carcinogenic foods all her life, and then died of breast cancer (not smoking related) before she was 55.
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raphy said:
*points to his earlier post about his nail-studded baseball bat*... I'm first in line, thanks ;)

What ever happened to ladies first? :(

And WOK, please don't mention smoking! ;)
I'm off the hook for a year now, but man do I miss it sometimes.
Smoker here (one of the three in California I tell everyone). I do not see how the effects of passive smoking can be measured accurately when the rest of the air is not taken into account, e.g., car and public transit vehicle emissions, any other industrial carcinogenic emissions, indoor emissions from television sets, microwaves, etc. Methinks the automakers and other big industrialists simply have better lobbyists than the tobacco growers. This is not an arguement, just an observation.

puff, puff...

Hey BT the more the merrier right. Although I must say my youth (well as I'm newly 21 my previous years) Were filled with knee jerk reactions and fista cuffs these days I go more for the verbal type of conflicts that make people tired and exasperated with me and my veiws. Borrowing from another thread I will say this it doesn't take any skill at all to argue just opion backed by righteous indignation and the belief that your opinion is more right than anyone else'. However it does take skill to debate and look at the pros and cons of an issue. To debate you need to be well versed and not pretend knowledge googled up on the internet with few easy keystrokes, I mean really and truely knowledgeable to argue you only need to be mad or alternatly you need to be an argumentative asshole who's always up in arms about something . Anyway I said that only to say on this issue I would gladly return to the habits of my earlier years and throw knees punches and elbows at pedophiles if I had the chance. Generally I would say violence is not an answer and what not but like I said this issue gets me in my gut and makes me ready to show what a girl from Harlem can do when she's had enough. I may be a Manhatten woman now but my roots come out every now and then.:devil:

BTW smoker's unite or ignite
I'm a newport junkie myself.

Puff puff pass (oh wait that's something else enitirely :devil: )
I meant puff puff puff.... :D
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destinie21 said:

Puff puff pass (oh wait that's something else enitirely :devil: )
I meant puff puff puff.... :D

I'll have some of that, Mrs D.
This thread is as good as any to say, Raff, that is a gorgeous AV. Gorgeous photo, gorgeous you.

'dita :heart:
raphy said:
I'll have some of that, Mrs D.

LMFAO.... it's puff puff pass Raphy.... hand it over.

Perditia.... my favorite arguement about passive smoke is the one where they say it is actually worse than smoking itself.


Last time I checked... I am getting both a direct lung full of smoke as well as some of the "second hand" smoke I have just blown out (not to mention the highest concentration of it...since it is most dense nearest me. (Ohhh...that is some heinous grammar right there).

I live in a state like California where smoking is illegal statewide. So I am one of the horrible fiends who ask for patio seating at a restaurant in the middle of winter just so I can have my post-meal smoke.

What kills me about the state where I live is that unlike Arizona (where I lived in a city where you could not smoke...but you could still smoke if you just drove one city over)...it is illegal even if the establishment wants to be all smoking. In AZ you can choose to just be all-smoking (in certain areas) and then post a sign out front. Here (not in AZ) you cannot allow smoking if you do more than 10% of your sales in food unless it is on a patio area. Just lame, if you ask me (and no one does). If an establishment chooses to be all-smoking then the non-smokers should just dine elsewhere. But what do I know?

Raphy.... I'm still waiting, man.

Wornout, when I was in D.C. recently I went to dinner at a restaurant that had a large outdoor seating area, uncovered, totally outside. I chose to eat inside but when I was told there was no 'smoking' section I said, OK I'll sit outside then. Was told there was no smoking outside! There were only a couple tables being used and I said I'd sit at the far end from them but was still not allowed to smoke.

Can't wait to go to Europe again.

At least you guys live in warm climates (at least Dita does) In Nyc it's nipple hardening cold in like october so that that I'm out on the street like some bum bundled up in full winter regala to take a few puffs of the nicotine that I crave. I tried to quit smoking but it never works plus I always want to french kiss anyone I see smoking just to inhale the flavor if I'm off the stick for more that a day or two. Anyway I don't see why everyone is so down on the smoker idiocy kills people more than cancer what about a war on stupidity?

Hey raph pass the dutch lol

BTW if you two are going to partake in my cyber "dro" you need to fork over some cyber cash lol. Thak god I'm an artist of sorts or else my partaking might be considered irresponsible instead of typical.

The Mrs who one time shared a nickle bag of funk with two college professors. :D
perdita said:
This thread is as good as any to say, Raff, that is a gorgeous AV. Gorgeous photo, gorgeous you.

'dita :heart:

Awww.... grazie, cara!!
Smoking- now there's something I can get passionate about and not bother with looking up, detailed studies on mice and beagles (there's an idea Maths)

Arguements about other people passively smoking my cigarettes: Fuck off. Go buy your own.


PS Just to add at least a little quotary: A noted poitician (Boris Johnson) who is a non-smoker, stated the other night that according to research; barbecuing a piece of meat for 10 minutes is approximately equal in effect to constant passive smoking for 10 weeks.
gauchecritic said:

Arguements about other people passively smoking my cigarettes: Fuck off. Go buy your own.

I gotta say, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day.
Ha, ha! I wonder what quandary PETA tackles when faced with innocent mice used to prove passive smoking stats.

puffing in pleasure, Perdita
destinie21 said:

Hey raph pass the dutch lol

Will you please, please, please pass me around? :D

Oh, all right. I'll skip to the coffeeshop around the corner. :p
Oh, don't get defensive, you lot. I have a little more invested in my respiratory health than the rest of you, considering my lungs need to be able to carry me over a seventy-piece orchestra.

Christ on a pop-tart barge. It isn't unreasonable for someone to want to protect their livelihood, or for that matter, even to have the right to be in public places without getting nauseous.

I respect and encourage your smoking. Go forth, respire and expire. Just don't get all bitchy-twitchy the second someone else doesn't want to vicariously enjoy your particular enjoyment.

And come on, secondhand smoke isn't the only issue. If you don't happen to smoke, cigarette smoke is like mainlining the stench of ass. Someone subjecting you to "flavor country" is about as pleasant as watching your roommate fuck a drunk sailor whose hands keep wandering over to grope your crotch.

who needs to hit a high F on Tuesday at noon, and will eviserate anyone who gets in the way with their puny cigaroo...
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Christ on a pop-tart barge. It isn't unreasonable for someone to want to protect their livelihood, or for that matter, even to have the right to be in public places without getting nauseous.
I missed most of this last turn of thread, but I'll have to glide in and side with the Mlle. Cigarettes smells and annoys, dangerous or not. It is not my god-given right to fart in anyone elses face (unless they ask me to), or to burn tires in my back yard and let the (dangerous or harmless) fumes drift over the neighborhood. Why should smokers be excepted? Becuse they're cool?
Someone subjecting you to "flavor country" is about as pleasant as watching your roommate fuck a drunk sailor whose hands keep wandering over to grope your crotch.
As someone who have experienced both (or something very similar), I can without a doubt say that the latter was more unpleasant.

But not by that much.

/Ice - groped
Black Tulip said:
Will you please, please, please pass me around? :D

Oh, all right. I'll skip to the coffeeshop around the corner. :p
Will you be passed around there!?
Wot's the adress?
