Just dropped in to spread the joy- have you seen this? (laughing)

Yes, another 500 words! Yea, me.

Next, piffle! I do not recall anyone complaining about cigarette smoke before smoking started being banned. Not one of my non-smoking lovers, not a friend, not a stranger ever said a thing.

Of course I don't smoke around people who don't, even in my own home. I would never smoke around Mlle. or any opera singer (C&W is another matter). I appreciate one cannot smoke in art museums, that's a real matter of concern re. passive smoking.

Otherwise, sheesh!

Been reading through this lot again, what can I say, Jeez I need an Oily Rag, must go skin up. Even though the PC brigade treat smokers worse than Pedo's in this fucking country.

If you're a smoker you're an evil purveyor of death and discomfort and should be banished for ever.

If you're a Pedo. Oh dear never mind you can get therapy, not your fault mummy tore your Teddy Bear up when you were a baby was it.

load of bollocks.
I don't smoke, don't care if YOU do. Thanks for not blowing it in my face. ....

I'm King Arthur in the Monty Python quizilla thingy thing.
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Re: Hmmmmmm

pop_54 said:
Been reading through this lot again, what can I say, Jeez I need an Oily Rag, must go skin up. Even though the PC brigade treat smokers worse than Pedo's in this fucking country.

If you're a smoker you're an evil purveyor of death and discomfort and should be banished for ever.

If you're a Pedo. Oh dear never mind you can get therapy, not your fault mummy tore your Teddy Bear up when you were a baby was it.
Dunno about 'this fucking country', but I know where my stance are.

Ground rules:
If you're a smoker, then by all means light up. Just look first and see who is standing in your cloud.
It you're a pedo, and do the equivalence of a smoker who is lightling up, then I'll rip your spine out your ass.

See, there IS a difference. ;)

ps. that Python quiz says I'm the French. Got to go back and review my Pythonian collection to see what that means....
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Interesting, just because I admit to being a smoker why is it every fucker has to start telling me where I'm allowed to smoke and assuming I go round blowing smoke in everyone's face.

I don't smoke in the house only my office cos wifey doen't smoke and I don't want the kids taking it up, I never attempt to smoke in anyone elses house if they don't invite me to first. I don't even light up in crowded shopping areas out of consideration for others, and it was relief to me that smokers were banned from cinema's and the like, that was crap to sit through even as a smoker.

Wouldn't try that with the Pedo Ice, you'll get more time in nick for hurting him/her than he/she ever would have for screwing a kid or assisting with same. The law is on their side.

We had a guy over here a while back that was terrorised by burglars for many years unaided by the useless police force he snapped one night and blew a couple away with his shot gun when they threatened him in his own home.

One died one survived, the home owner got life in prison, the buglar who survived wasn't even charged with breaking and entry.

It would have been the same outcome if it had been two pedo's he'd gone for, the law is on the side of the offender, not the aggrieved.
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Oh, don't get defensive, you lot. I have a little more invested in my respiratory health than the rest of you, considering my lungs need to be able to carry me over a seventy-piece orchestra.

Christ on a pop-tart barge. It isn't unreasonable for someone to want to protect their livelihood, or for that matter, even to have the right to be in public places without getting nauseous.

I respect and encourage your smoking. Go forth, respire and expire. Just don't get all bitchy-twitchy the second someone else doesn't want to vicariously enjoy your particular enjoyment.

And come on, secondhand smoke isn't the only issue. If you don't happen to smoke, cigarette smoke is like mainlining the stench of ass. Someone subjecting you to "flavor country" is about as pleasant as watching your roommate fuck a drunk sailor whose hands keep wandering over to grope your crotch.


who needs to hit a high F on Tuesday at noon, and will eviserate anyone who gets in the way with their puny cigaroo...

lol I respect the fact that people don't want to enhale second hand smoke but I do get tired of people getting all rabid about me not smoking. My dear friend is a stage professional singer/stage actress so when I'm around her I never smoke because the truth is my smoking could affect her vocal chords but I find it a bit much that everytime I go to the theatre a very flamboyant stage director demands that I hand over my drug of choice. (Which I do because there's nothing more irritating than a pissy Queen) As if I would get some sort of uncontrolable nicotine induced attack that would make me light up right in the wings.
When I was a lass, smoke didn't bother me. Tobacco was just about everywhere in those days, and although I didn't exactly enjoy the smell, there were no bad effects on me that I could discern. My grandfather smoked a pipe, my father occasionally indulged in a cigar (and my mother complained for days about the scent lingering in the drapes). Secondhand pot smoke in the dorms I hated, but again, no physical effects worth mentioning.

After college, I worked for three years in establishments where everyone smoked except me. One of them was a fancy family-run deli--I think these days they would probably not be allowed to light up while slicing meat or making sandwiches! I worked in small back rooms so thick that the air became hazy near the ceiling--so I breathed a lot of tobacco in toto. I often rode home with a chain-smoking co-worker who puffed away in the car.

After about two and a half years, smoke did begin to bother me. I don't think it was psychological or had anything to do with the rise of no-smoking sections in restaurants. It was overload, perhaps. Now I get a sore throat and watering eyes whenever someone lights up within fifty feet of me, indoors or out. Often I don't even smell it first. I get the soreness all of a sudden, I wonder where it came from, and then the penny drops--there's someone at the other end of the meadow with a lighter. Maybe it's an allergy, but I don't do allergies in general.

I am not a crusader--I don't think I've ever asked someone to put out a cigarette in my presence. (By then, it's too late anyway.) But I have to admit that the now-total lack of smoking in public places in California was a godsend for me. I loved visiting France--but only for the art museums. I nearly choked to death in the restaurants. :)

MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:

who needs to hit a high F on Tuesday at noon, and will eviserate anyone who gets in the way with their puny cigaroo...

Ah, but of course. Mlle *bows* ..

But you're, like, a real singer, as opposed to the hack that I am.

Raph. who wants to sound like Bob Seger and/or Stevie Ray Vaughn and can't do that *without* the aid of whiskey and cigarettes *grins*
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Oh, don't get defensive, you lot. I have a little more invested in my respiratory health than the rest of you, considering my lungs need to be able to carry me over a seventy-piece orchestra.

Christ on a pop-tart barge. It isn't unreasonable for someone to want to protect their livelihood, or for that matter, even to have the right to be in public places without getting nauseous.

I respect and encourage your smoking. Go forth, respire and expire. Just don't get all bitchy-twitchy the second someone else doesn't want to vicariously enjoy your particular enjoyment.

And come on, secondhand smoke isn't the only issue. If you don't happen to smoke, cigarette smoke is like mainlining the stench of ass. Someone subjecting you to "flavor country" is about as pleasant as watching your roommate fuck a drunk sailor whose hands keep wandering over to grope your crotch.

who needs to hit a high F on Tuesday at noon, and will eviserate anyone who gets in the way with their puny cigaroo...

Sorry if I offended...if u look @ my first post I was making a (albeit bad) attempt at being funny.

Like everyone else said, I am a rather considerate smoker (and did in fact, quit when I was pregnant and nursing).... I just think that it is insane the way that some states are making it illegal to smoke almost anywhere.

I agree... if you don't like smoke (or have an even more important reason not to like it...like your livelihood)...then that's fabulous, and I agree you shouldn't be subjected to it.

What I have an issue with is not allowing establishments to be all smoking establishments. As an opera singer...if you saw that an establishment was all smoking...I'm certain you would just choose to dine elsewhere.

Like you said...let us foolish idiots kill ourselves off...

~WOK (who swears she was only being facetious in the beginning)
Re: Hmmmmmmm

pop_54 said:
Interesting, just because I admit to being a smoker why is it every fucker has to start telling me where I'm allowed to smoke and assuming I go round blowing smoke in everyone's face.
Actually, you don't have to do that... I'm truly allergic to the stuff. I can walk twenty steps behind a smoker on a windy day, and feel the urge to cross the street. For other people, the same thing applies to perfume. That's why I don't take an extra dab of aftershave.
I don't smoke in the house only my office cos wifey doen't smoke and I don't want the kids taking it up, I never attempt to smoke in anyone elses house if they don't invite me to first. I don't even light up in crowded shopping areas out of consideration for others, and it was relief to me that smokers were banned from cinema's and the like, that was crap to sit through even as a smoker.
Well, then you are one of those who DO take reasonable care of your cloud. Good for you.
Wouldn't try that with the Pedo Ice, you'll get more time in nick for hurting him/her than he/she ever would have for screwing a kid or assisting with same. The law is on their side.
Yes, but their spine would already be elsewhere.
wornoutkeyboard said:
What I have an issue with is not allowing establishments to be all smoking establishments. As an opera singer...if you saw that an establishment was all smoking...I'm certain you would just choose to dine elsewhere.
Agreed. My mother has a problem with her lungs. They can't really handle too much heat and humidity in the air. Thus, she stays the hell out of the sauna. Problem solved. If dad opens all doors and let the clouds out, she has all the right to complain though.

Re: Hmmmmmmm

pop_54 said:

Wouldn't try that with the Pedo Ice, you'll get more time in nick for hurting him/her than he/she ever would have for screwing a kid or assisting with same. The law is on their side.

We had a guy over here a while back that was terrorised by burglars for many years unaided by the useless police force he snapped one night and blew a couple away with his shot gun when they threatened him in his own home.

One died one survived, the home owner got life in prison, the buglar who survived wasn't even charged with breaking and entry.

It would have been the same outcome if it had been two pedo's he'd gone for, the law is on the side of the offender, not the aggrieved.

I'm not saying I did, and I'm not saying I didn't, but you do realize, Pops, that that only applies if they catch you... Now, killing someone, that's serious shit, and you can't turn a blind eye to that sort of thing.

But breaking the legs of a kiddie-rapist - Oh, I know of more than a few coppers who'd happily look the other way... And have done.
Great, now I'm out on two counts. I wear perfume. I love perfume. I have what everyone calls my scent (Le feu d'Issey by Issey Miyake), but I have a a few other faves (French and Italian). I wear it everyday, and even when alone (usually, harumph) I spray it on before I go to bed.

But I use less when I go to the opera or symphony or know I'll be in a crowd for more than a few minutes.

Such complicated times.

I really have to find someone who is allergic to perfume to see if what I wear bothers them.....I hadn't really thought about it until now. I use natural body washes and shampoos that have scent (*grin* and most have flavours). Never had someone complain, but maybe they were too busy fleeing....

Whisper :rose:
Whisper, even though I've been wearing perfurm for years I've never had anyone complain or seem to move away due to the scent. I know there are people with allergies and what-have-you for anything but I'm not going out of my way for them unless they speak up. Just do what you do and then deal with a complaint when it comes.

I love you guys. Really :) I have no moral issues with smoking, but just like Madame, I immediately experience throat-swelling and burning in all my mucous membranes when it enters my general vicinity. I'm not lambasting considerate smokers; I'm chiding those that have a knee-jerk reaction to my reasonable objections.

It does annoy me when smokers feel besieged and whip out a bunch of weird anecdotal propaganda. I mean, saying "no one's ever proven that secondhand smoke is harmful" is tantamount to a lesser variant of "the holocaust never happened", or "hey, no one's ever proven that molesting kids is damaging to their psyche."

Shit, let's not gild the lily. Smoking is harmful to children, rodeo clowns, opera singers, ocelots, hula boys, marsupials, allotherians, spacemen and other living things- including the smoker. But so long as the smoker confines hat harm to him or herself, hey, great guns- it's a victimless crime, everyone's happy. But smokers shouldn't attempt to invalidate other people's health concerns with hyperbolic rhetoric to assuage bruised vanity.

Blah-de-blah...anyway, virtual smoke never hurt anyone, so feel free to light up in here...

And Raphy, I love the rawk. "Real", my ass. Sang for a rock band myself up until recently. We were on Self-Adhesive Records, had to tour, do stuff, clubs- naturally you can't avoid smoke in those environs, it's part of the rock oeuvre. The problem is that if I'm around it too long, eventually cigarette smoke makes me nauseous.

So I would double-fist the Ricola, and puke between sets...hey, the show must go on...
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
So I would double-fist the Ricola...
You are way too cool, Bella.

Be ready for a bit of bite re. the holocaust analogy ;)

lurv, Trova :kiss:
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:

So I would double-fist the Ricola, and puke between sets...hey, the show must go on...

I know how you feel. Although, I usually just did that because of nerves, which I got every, single time I stepped on stage. But hey, it was worth it!

Whisper :rose:
perdita said:
Whisper, even though I've been wearing perfurm for years I've never had anyone complain or seem to move away due to the scent. I know there are people with allergies and what-have-you for anything but I'm not going out of my way for them unless they speak up. Just do what you do and then deal with a complaint when it comes.
I have a friend with a perfume allergy problem. A dab or two won't bother anyone, and the excess 'stinkers' are very few. I got a complaint from him once when I, after a camping trip too damn far from water, tried to make up for lack of a bath by emptying a can of deodorant spray on me, before sharing a 100 mile drive with him and three other people in a VW Polo with stuck windows.

So I think you have very little to worry about. :)
Okay this is a little off topic well a little of the sub topic anyway. In the past I have been known to sing for my supper (on stage of course) And every week I host a spoken word thing and rant and rave my musings for a bit before listening to other's do the same . In anycase during the winter I'm prepetually hoarse and I have to drink gallons and gallons of hot tea if I want my voice to be anything other than a down below the basement scratchy bass. In any event sometime ago my "friends" introduced me to throat coat tea and Fisherman's warf cough drops. Both of which are quite henious but work wonders . Does anyone know of any throat remedy that is not terrible tasting but really works?
Icingsugar said:
So I think you have very little to worry about. :)
You said it, Cake Hombre, perfume effects is the least of my worries. Awk, my eyes hurt. I tried writing with my shades on but then I squint more to see the tiny little itty bitty letters.

whimpering, Perdita :(
destinie21 said:
Does anyone know of any throat remedy that is not terrible tasting but really works?
Not for a dyke. Ah ha ha, couldn't help myself, Dest.

abjectly, Perdita :p
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
So I would double-fist the Ricola, and puke between sets...hey, the show must go on...
Rock n Roll, baby!
Sounds like my own experiences with stage fright. As a sporadic actor, I have been known to reverse my dinner before going on stage now and then. But damn, it's worth it.

I wear perfume (Obsession) all you need is a dab but I am allergic to Jean Nate although I think they stopped making that some time ago. It used to come in a yellow bottle and I had an aunt who would douse herself in it. Ick. Other than that I'm not overly sensitive to perfume or cologne but it does bother me (not in any physical way) when people over indulge in scents or mix scents.
destinie21 said:
Does anyone know of any throat remedy that is not terrible tasting but really works?

One part Whiskey, one part lemon juice, one part honey....but it is a bit of an aquired taste. That's what I use.

Whisper :rose: