Justice Alito fliew U.S. flag upside down because Trump lost

I’m surprised any of lit’s loony tunes have hair left on their heads from running around with their hair on fire.
How would you feel if a liberal SCOTUS judge flew Stars and Bars or a BLM flag?
I’m surprised any of lit’s loony tunes have hair left on their heads from running around with their hair on fire.
You keep those grease fires down?

Making sure not to splash the baskets for fires down into the vat with too much force?

But you are a pro, you got this down! Good job!

Fries are up!
He and his Deplorable flock would be screaming about it for the next decade. Minimum.

They won't admit that because they are weak, hypocritical scum. 😎
The lack of self-awareness is just another tentacle of their irrational behavior.
Everything is ok folks! Alito is blaming his wife. The fact that an upside down flag was the symbol of distress and the so called, "stop the steal" movement, had nothing to do with it. Alito says so , so it must be so; musn't it? :(
It kind of says who wears the pants in the family. :whistle: Rumor has it that if the flag is upside down, Alito is rewarded with a little late-night snack when he crawls home at night.
according to the young liberal couple mrs alito was having a beef with, she'd been pretty vocal and vile (and they'd been no angels) about signs in their garden; it doesn't specifically state the actual cuss words on the signs she got so pissed about, but i'm guessing it'd be in the 'F*CK TRUMP' area. After a further back and forth where she chased their car, the guy called her a cunt and she spat at their car.

According to judge alito, it was after that his wife flew the flag but the couple say they were unaware of that. According to the time-line they gave, their run in (which had them calling the cops afterwards) was after the flag was supposedly taken down

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If Biden nominates Mrs. Alito for a federal judiciary spot, the Senate should reject her confirmation.
Justice Alito schools Senator Durbin and Senator “WhitesOnlyHouse.” ⚖️


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If the House flips back to Dems, you may see Impeachment Hearings in February.
Chief Justice John Roberts declines to meet with Democratic lawmakers about ethics flap and Alito’s flags


Nothing to see here folks. Just finding a giant broom to sweep this garbage under the rug with.

I have no agenda, but I do have a commitment. If I am confirmed, I will confront every case with an open mind. I will fully and fairly analyze the legal arguments that are presented. I will be open to the considered views of my colleagues on the bench, and I will decide every case based on the record, according to the rule of law, without fear or favor, to the best of my ability, and I will remember that it’s my job to call balls and strikes, and not to pitch or bat.”

John Roberts
I have no agenda, but I do have a commitment. If I am confirmed, I will confront every case with an open mind. I will fully and fairly analyze the legal arguments that are presented. I will be open to the considered views of my colleagues on the bench, and I will decide every case based on the record, according to the rule of law, without fear or favor, to the best of my ability, and I will remember that it’s my job to call balls and strikes, and not to pitch or bat.”

John Roberts
Another conservative justice perjured themselves to get a job. Shocking. 😱
Thomas, Beer Bash, Alito and now Roberts have all shown excessive cause to be removed.
News Flash... Sam Alito's flag controversy is boiling over. His neighbor finally comes forth and points out he lied about the reason the flag was upside down.

The neighbor appeared on CNN and gave her side of the story, backed up by police reports that show the confrontation over yard signs critical of Trump came weeks before Alito's wife flew the flag and before the J6 event.

[edit: I got that reversed! Alito's flag was upside down and waving BEFORE the sign conflict started! That's worst!]

CNN's meticulous legal analysis, scrutinizing the timelines and police report, has revealed a significant discrepancy. It has been found that Justice Alito's statements do not align with the timeframes or reasons he claims his wife flew both of those flags.

Caught... in a lie. 🫨:oops:
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News Flash... Sam Alito's flag controversy is boiling over. His neighbor finally comes forth and points out he lied about the reason the flag was upside down.

The neighbor appeared on CNN and gave her side of the story, backed up by police reports that show the confrontation over yard signs critical of Trump came weeks before Alito's wife flew the flag and before the J6 event.

CNN's meticulous legal analysis, scrutinizing the timelines and police report, has revealed a significant discrepancy. It has been found that Justice Alito's statements do not align with the timeframes or reasons he claims his wife flew both of those flags.

Caught... in a lie. 🫨:oops:
The incident with Alito’s neighbors happened weeks after the flag had already come down.
The incident with Alito’s neighbors happened weeks after the flag had already come down.
Nope, that's reversed. The neighbor was on TV -twice today. I just made an edit and then saw your post. The neighbor says the flag was up before the incident and has a police report to support that. Thanks, though.