Kinky pool party mixed tape - add your jam


This is going to be my summer song

Barenaked Ladies Alcohol
Thank you, Cookie. I admit, I lurked around the shallow end over the years. But, this year, I figured what the hell...


Jump in! The water's fine. :cool:

I use to. Now-a-days, I avoid crowds.
It was fun, though.

Good memories, it sounds like! I was in New Orleans for New Years Eve (a million years ago). The crowds for that night were insane, so I can't imagine Mardi Gras.

Love this.

Try This.
Amy and Nas.

This is sexy AF.

Her voice!!!!
Personally, I admit I'm a cold-weather animal. Got my own built-in fur coat and everything.

But, there is a certain appeal to those hot summer months gathered around the pool, sipping sangria or mojitos.

This pool party makes me melancholy for a few different reasons.

Mostly good memories, some a little heart achey, but mostly good.

Heavy Hours l Crookoed Fingers

Outside your window
Waited for you
You didn't come
You never do

In the city in the winter time
The snow and the rhyme
Cover the isolation

Yesterday, baby, they told you the news
They meant no harm
They never do
You can take it anyway you want
It comes and it goes
Rising in broken waves and dreams

Heavy hours passing by the way
Heaven knows how I am trying, babe

I hear you breathing
So steady and true
The whole night long
The whole night through
Your lungs soft heaving
Slow drunken time
Falling with mine
Forever here

Heavy hours dragging by the way
Heaven knows how I am trying, baby
Heavy hours passing by the way
Heaven knows how hard I am trying, babe