Kinky pool party mixed tape - add your jam

I love you for keeping this going.
Let me post a song that’s been going through my brain radio all day.

The DeeGees!

Let's just say that I had rather more in common with John from Heatstroked than most might guess despite it being pure fiction. Many was the day knee-high on a grasshopper that I was the only one at the old concrete swimming hole for the entirety of a sweltering afternoon.

And, yeah, I've kind of hung around the shallow end of our Lit version for years before I cannonballed right in the middle of it.

Filter - Take A Picture

What a delight to wander back in to Lit and see the pool party is on!


How can you not love a song actually called "Summertime" -- something local from the Suburbs :cattail:
Bigfoot - Good Fuckin Day

Someone told me it's going to be a good fuckin' day. To think positive.

Well, I'm absolutely positive every day is a good day for fuckin'! :rose::cool:

going to see this guy 9/25

Bob Mould - See A Little Light

turn it up loud!

Listen, there's music in the air
I heard your voice, coming from somewhere
But look how much we've grown
I guess I should have known
As the years go by, they take their toll on you
Think of all the things we wanted to do
And all the words we said yesterday
That's a long time ago
You didn't think I'd really go, now
Are you waiting? (I know why)
You're already saying goodbye
Are you ready? (I know why)
I see a little light, I know you will
I can see it in your eyes, I know you still care
But if you want me to go
You should just say so