Knife play

Speaking as a person with a fair amount of medical knowledge (I'm an operating room RN), just because you are cutting into adipose tissue ("the fat") does NOT mean there are an absence of significant arteries and veins that can cause a fair amount of blood or fluid loss.

I'd like to see a LITTLE more caution displayed in this thread. I, as much as the next person, am understanding of the fact that each person has the right to their kink. However, I'd like to breathe a few cautionary words into this thread, for the un-informed.

When doing plastic surgery on adipose tissue such as the abdomen, the breasts, etc (all areas of mostly "fat"), patients lose an incredible amount of FLUID, sometimes up to 6 or 7 liters, or more, not necessarily from bleeding from arteries and veins; but from the continuous oozing of blood and fluid from the tiny capillaries that run throughout the tissue.

I understand that we are not talking major surgery here. However, the risk of infection, bleeding, and accidental trauma to nerves, and great vessels (arteries/veins) seem to be a bit much for me personally. Unless I were playing with a surgeon, I doubt very seriously I would be letting someone cut into MY adipose tissue with anything, IMHO.

Again, I'd like to reiterate, I'm just addressing the cutting into "fat" discussion. As to the other, everyone has their own kink, and what's yours is yours. I try not to make judgements. I'm really not trying to make a judgement here. Just trying to bring some safety issues to light.

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Thank you Anelize.. I really appreciate the post. While I work in the medical field, I'm not a nurse.
I had been a bit concerned about the thread also. I personally have no desire for deep cutting,.. but in bringing up the subject, I wanted to make sure that people knew the severity of what they might be doing if they chose to participate in that. You've helped with that a 'huge' amount.
Thanks.. :)
Welcome. I'd also like to add what I meant to say in the above post.

Abdominal tummy tucks, liposuction, and the like are some of the riskiest surgeries we do, because of the fluid shifts, and fluid loss. Interesting isn't it that some of the most risky surgery is done on "the fat" an area with the "supposedly" the LEAST arteries and veins?

Something to think about.

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Welcome. I'd also like to add what I meant to say in the above post.

Abdominal tummy tucks, liposuction, and the like are some of the riskiest surgeries we do, because of the fluid shifts, and fluid loss. Interesting isn't it that some of the most risky surgery is done on "the fat" an area with the "supposedly" the LEAST arteries and veins?

Something to think about.


Hey, James Brown's last wife died 'cause she was having multiple tucks done at once & she suffered severe internal fluid loss
Bad scene, so to speak
AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Welcome. I'd also like to add what I meant to say in the above post.

Abdominal tummy tucks, liposuction, and the like are some of the riskiest surgeries we do, because of the fluid shifts, and fluid loss. Interesting isn't it that some of the most risky surgery is done on "the fat" an area with the "supposedly" the LEAST arteries and veins?

Something to think about.


ok, i'd just like to clarify that i was not talking about deep cutting, but light cutting on these fatty areas. i was not at all refering to actually cutting INTO the fat.
Re: Re: yes... I did mean fat..

bunny bondage said:
i have also never participated in deep cutting, but have extensive experience with light knife play. some of the safest places to cut are in the fatty areas of the body, like the thighs and ass - places that would require a lot of work before you found an artery. i have been cut there, and also a great deal along the triangular muscle that connects the neck to the shoulders. (i think it's called a trapazius) VERY light cuts have been adminisitered to my throat and chest, and i do emphasize LIGHT. this was with the guy i dated for almost five years, so there were no trust issues even though i was placing my life in his hands. i have also recieved light cuts along my stomach and legs. so basically, all over. except for on my palms and the soles of my feet. EUWKY! those cuts that open and close every time you move the flexible skin just ugh! i can't stand those! like a goddamned paper cut! a guy i dated a long time ago wanted to slice open my palm, do the same to his hand, then join hands and then let the blood fall into a goblet in some sort of ritual, but i flatly said NO. no no no. no. that's just WAY too gross! and what's more, the hand bleeds a lot, and i really didn't think he'd know what to do if i started suffering from serious lack of blood.

sorry for the rambling and disjointed post!

i dont think you rambled at all bunny.. you bring up alot of good ponts in fact. Espically about the cutting of areas that move alot, i really HATE paper cuts there worse then regular cuts so i can totally agree there ~L~ but alot of people that are willing to do knife play and haven;t had ANY experience in it probably don't know what to do in case of something happening, ie. deep cuts or actually hitting an artery like the close ones in your wrists.

Guess the best thing to say is cutting can be dangerous.. myself i dont do more then light knife play as i can't stand the site of blood espically my own ~laugh~ if you want to get more into the deep stuff read up on it and do it safely.
this is why I ask...

.... I doubt very seriously I would be letting someone cut into MY adipose tissue with anything, IMHO.

Again, I'd like to reiterate, I'm just addressing the cutting into "fat" discussion. As to the other, everyone has their own kink, and what's yours is yours. I try not to make judgements. I'm really not trying to make a judgement here. Just trying to bring some safety issues to light.

Anelize [/B]

Thank you Anelize, and all of you for your comments. This is why I asked. I want to be informed. I'm not one to "jump."
BTW, this thread seems to have gone so far off in to cutting & safety I would just like to mention that I am an afficianado of knife play who DOESN'T cut & who has found that knives can STILL be wonderfully erotic, sensual, fantastic for headgames, and all around a good time ;)
You have to be careful not to hurt of course, but no more so than you have to be careful with a lot of other things that you do in D/s play :D
James G 5 said:
BTW, this thread seems to have gone so far off in to cutting & safety I would just like to mention that I am an afficianado of knife play who DOESN'T cut & who has found that knives can STILL be wonderfully erotic, sensual, fantastic for headgames, and all around a good time ;)
You have to be careful not to hurt of course, but no more so than you have to be careful with a lot of other things that you do in D/s play :D

Thanks James :) for bringing us back to the original topic. I was sitting here thinking the same thing. Believe it or not, I like the erotic thrill I get from thinking of my clothing being cut from me, or the flash of a blade in the corner of my eye before the blindfold goes on, or the cold chill of the flat of the blade laid flat against my thigh. Like you, I am not interested in cutting at all, I think I made that fairly clear in my prior posts *wry smile*.

I haven't experienced any knife play at all. I'd like to. I may never experience it. Takes quite a bit of trust, and finding the right person to place that trust in isn't the most simple task. Either way, it makes for a great fantasy *grin*

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Thanks James :) for bringing us back to the original topic. I was sitting here thinking the same thing. Believe it or not, I like the erotic thrill I get from thinking of my clothing being cut from me, or the flash of a blade in the corner of my eye before the blindfold goes on, or the cold chill of the flat of the blade laid flat against my thigh. Like you, I am not interested in cutting at all, I think I made that fairly clear in my prior posts *wry smile*.

I haven't experienced any knife play at all. I'd like to. I may never experience it. Takes quite a bit of trust, and finding the right person to place that trust in isn't the most simple task. Either way, it makes for a great fantasy *grin*


I put a lady who'd been in the scene for 3 years without ever hitting subspace in to it one time with just a single blade
It can be amazing & beautiful
I was thinking about writing a story about it one of these days :D
well... at the risk... of

WOW. I have to say this... I am usually amazed at the open thinking and respect given at people posting but I seem to have hit a nerve... so I want to clarify. I wasn't aware that it wasn't okay to ask about fat or deep cutting or that there was a limit to this topic, which I might add just said this...

I've noticed a few people mention knives in descriptions of their playing before, so I wanted to start this thread for discussion of such.

Further, I asked with what I thought was respect, and really, I do respect the posters in this forum. I am trying to learn as much as I can before I venture into playing in certain areas myself. I truly am interested in knowing where to draw the line - and frankly there ARE people who do deep cut. I must have missed the rules that said I can't ask about this in this string... if the comments below are anything to go by.

BTW, this thread seems to have gone so far off ...D/s play :D

"Thanks James for bringing us back to the original topic..."

I am not interested in cutting at all, I think I made that fairly clear in my prior posts *wry smile*

Thank you for those that have shared their experience. My intent was not to "gross" anyone out. When I saw knife play, I didn't realize I had to stick to the D/s light side of the topic. Then again I could be overly sensitive tonight.

I guess the one thing I've learned is that the level of play I have discussed with another is perhaps extreme for most on these boards.

Be well. I'm sure I'll regret this post in the morning.
Impish, don't sweat it, you hit on a touchy topic that made people a little uncomfortable, but no one jumped down your throat
you were given some good info on the dangers & saftey precautions needed and we were going on to talk about other aspects of play
Certainly we are here to talk about all aspects of D/s, not just "D/s light"
You have to remeber that people are people, and if someone hears something that upsets them or makes them uncomfortable, they're liable to respond with a great deal of vehemence regarding their own feelings on the matter.......I know I've done that! And sometimes that vehemence can be expressed as an attack or framed in a way that can make it seem like one, even if it's not intended as such.
By the same token, you can't hear or see vocal inflections or body language online and it can be VERY easy to read alternate points of view or ones that disagree with your AS attacks, even if they're not intended that way. I see a lot of that around here.
No one flamed you, or called you names, they just tried to respond to you the best way they knew how.
Deep cutting is certainly an extreme of D/s (my Mentor and leather Big Sis does it....but she's a medical professional & has been in the scene for 17 years....she'd KILL me if I did it without her around to supervise!) and it will push people's hot buttons (like our talks on Bestiality or breath play) but it's certainly ok for us to talk about it and MORE than right for you to ASK. There's nothing better in the world than the fact that you're trying to learn instead of doing it & hurting someone or getting hurt.

So please, stick around & stay a part of the conversation :D
And if anyone wants to flame you for asking, they can try to step over me first ;)
sigh... deep breath... ;) ... thanks.

James G 5 said:
Impish, don't sweat were given some good info on the dangers & saftey precautions needed and we were going on to talk about other aspects of play... Deep cutting is certainly an extreme of D/s (my Mentor and leather Big Sis does it....but she's a medical professional & has been in the scene for 17 years....she'd KILL me if I did it without her around to supervise!) and it will push people's hot buttons (like our talks on Bestiality or breath play) but it's certainly ok for us to talk about it and MORE than right for you to ASK. There's nothing better in the world than the fact that you're trying to learn instead of doing it & hurting someone or getting hurt. So please, stick around...

Thank you James. You are right, I was not bashed, I just got defensive. Thank you all again for sharing your good advice. I'm so new to this... and I guess it makes me a little jumpy too. (And just for the curious, I don't own a single knife.) :)
Knife play is a natural for me. I have knives ranging from a folding knife with an inch and a half long blade, all the way up to a 'fighting' knife with an 8" blade. I'm sharpening them up tonight...;)
James G 5 said:
I put a lady who'd been in the scene for 3 years without ever hitting subspace in to it one time with just a single blade
It can be amazing & beautiful
I was thinking about writing a story about it one of these days :D

Sounds like a fantastic idea.. (writing the story) .. If you ever do write one with that kind of play involved, make a post or send me a PM and let me know. Would love to read it. :)
Johnny Mayberry said:
Knife play is a natural for me. I have knives ranging from a folding knife with an inch and a half long blade, all the way up to a 'fighting' knife with an 8" blade. I'm sharpening them up tonight...;)

I love the sound of a knife being sharpened.. the grinding, the smoothing.. lovely sounds.
Johnny Mayberry said:
Knife play is a natural for me. I have knives ranging from a folding knife with an inch and a half long blade, all the way up to a 'fighting' knife with an 8" blade. I'm sharpening them up tonight...;)

Only 8"?


My biggest one (pics in the Toy Talk & BDSM organization threads that're linked in my sig) is over 2' long
Sometimes, size does matter ;)
Zaudika said:
Sounds like a fantastic idea.. (writing the story) .. If you ever do write one with that kind of play involved, make a post or send me a PM and let me know. Would love to read it. :)

Watch my sig line
I ALWAYS update my link when something new goes up
I submitted a new D/s story with razor blades in it this weekend, hopefully it'll be up some time this week :D
Re: sigh... deep breath... ;) ... thanks.

Impish said:
Thank you James. You are right, I was not bashed, I just got defensive. Thank you all again for sharing your good advice. I'm so new to this... and I guess it makes me a little jumpy too. (And just for the curious, I don't own a single knife.) :)

Welcome ;)
James G 5 said:
Only 8"?


My biggest one (pics in the Toy Talk & BDSM organization threads that're linked in my sig) is over 2' long
Sometimes, size does matter ;)

And sometimes, size is to compensate for other areas in which you may be...lacking? lol;)
Johnny Mayberry said:
And sometimes, size is to compensate for other areas in which you may be...lacking? lol;)

How many times have I posted here that I got a small weenie???
(Answer: Enough times to piss Moon, Pouty, and Wyn off LOL)

But I got big knives & can bench-press Buicks with my tongue, so it works out ok ;)
Actually, my current favorite is a Smith and Wesson automatic knife with the tanto-style blade. Very sharp, cuts through cloth and rope like butter, and the push-button opening makes it very handy in a pinch.
Johnny Mayberry said:
Actually, my current favorite is a Smith and Wesson automatic knife with the tanto-style blade. Very sharp, cuts through cloth and rope like butter, and the push-button opening makes it very handy in a pinch.

I ought to post a few of my babies here.....
James G 5 said:
Only 8"?


My biggest one (pics in the Toy Talk & BDSM organization threads that're linked in my sig) is over 2' long
Sometimes, size does matter ;)

Yup with knives, size does matter. :D

And yes, knowing how to use them is even more important. :p