Knife play

Thank you James,.. I'll go and read that very soon.

Personally I think both you and JM should post some pictures of your beauty's here. I'd love to see them.

The knife you're describing JM is one I believe I've been hunting for for quite sometime. I'd love to see a picture of it, and like to know where you got it from if I can ask. There's another one I'm looking for also, but all of them that I find to replace the one I had that got lost are badly made.
WynEternal said:
Yup with knives, size does matter. :D

And yes, knowing how to use them is even more important. :p

I got it goin' on both ways baby doll ;)
Size AND skill ;)
Zaudika said:
Thank you James,.. I'll go and read that very soon.

Personally I think both you and JM should post some pictures of your beauty's here. I'd love to see them.


There're some up in the threads linked in my sigs
I might edit some of my babies, or shoot better ones of them this weekend :D
James G 5 said:
I got it goin' on both ways baby doll ;)
Size AND skill ;)


Don't you still owe me a game of stretch? :p


If I can get my camera working, I'll post some of my and hub's babys.
WynEternal said:
Oh, and about the size.... (taps foot)

And the skill... (sigh) :)

Sorry poppet
start preaching open marriage to the hubbie LOL
James G 5 said:
It was only a matter of time :D
Of course it was! How could anybody not fall for someone as sweet, loving, intelligent... um... interesting... uhh.... *trying to think* ornery... cussed... yeah...

Well shitty. It doesn't matter so long as somebody loves Ya.
entitled said:
Of course it was! How could anybody not fall for someone as sweet, loving, intelligent... um... interesting... uhh.... *trying to think* ornery... cussed... yeah...

Well shitty. It doesn't matter so long as somebody loves Ya.


Yeah he still knows we love him.

Love to tease him too.
WynEternal said:

Yeah he still knows we love him.

Love to tease him too.
If He doesn't we're all in trouble. *laughs* And if i'm not allowed to tease anymore... well... that would just suck. Might have to resort to naughtier things that the Other Half wouldn't like. :eek::devil:
entitled said:
At knifepoint, of course. :rolleyes:

lol, of *course*!.. Not that I mind, I've done plenty of highjacking before also.. just had to tease a little. :D
Zaudika said:
lol, of *course*!.. Not that I mind, I've done plenty of highjacking before also.. just had to tease a little. :D
Hot damn! The butterknife actually worked? :eek:
entitled said:
Hot damn! The butterknife actually worked? :eek:

What can I say,.. if its cold, and its steel... I'll do about anything.
Ahh.. weaknesses. <sp>
entitled said:
Hot damn! The butterknife actually worked? :eek:

ooh! i have a few words on butterfly knives!

my ex used to be the most INCREDIBLE butterfly-knife-twirling-guy. whatever the hell the term for that is. he could do two at once when he was showing off, but for our non-consent scenes, he'd just use one. i'd know i was in for a "rough" night when he'd appear from the bedroom twirling the butterfly knife around, opening and closing it, the metal clinking as it spun around too quickly for my eyes to follow. it was never too long, however, before the motion was stopped and the blade was pressed into my throat. this was LOTS of fun for us, and when we broke up, he even gave me one of the knives to keep.
Butterfly knives are definitely awesome...have had a couple of my own before. The ex has all of the knives now though.......
However dear... she said butterknife.. ya know, the dull, no point kind of one. :D
i saw a butterfly knife used in a demonstration once by somebody that was trained to use them in combat. They stuck a pumpkin on the end of a broomstick and set it up. It took this guy all of about 2 seconds to walk in, scar up the broomstick where a person's throat would be, and hide that knife like it had never been there. :eek: