Lands Challenge Thread

Re: Do I have to?

You're a tough taskmistress, Eve. Writing a happy, feel good poem might kill me! (lol) But I'll try, if only for your sake.

Just one question, though. If I do this, will you let me lick your asshole?
You want to lick my husband? :rolleyes:
Shut up and write the damn thing!
I mean, have happy happy thoughts and gently write from your soft, fluffy heart. :)
Sorry, but now that I've answered the challenge I must remove this poem because it's too damn personal and too crappy. :eek:
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Do you think that an artificially imposed structure helped or hindered your poetry?
Never said:
Do you think that an artificially imposed structure helped or hindered your poetry?
I think when you have to use a certain structure, like the one you gave me, it tends to lead the poem in certain directions. I think rhyme is easier in some ways because it gives you a hint about what comes next. There are only so many words that rhyme with any given word. So you have to take that word and create the next line of your poem.
I've used various rhyme schemes for so many years that when I started writing free form, I felt uncomfortable. It was like free falling. The challenge you gave me had a certain comfy feel for me. I was able to focus more easily. I had only a limited amount of syllables and lines, so I wasn't allowed to run amok. lol
Will this do?

This doesn't meet all your conditions, Eve, but it is a happy, "feel good" poem:


Hey, come here, baby, come on over and sniff my butt
And then I'll sniff yours
You been sniffin' my butt
I been sniffin' yours
For a long, long time

Most of the time you're such a lady
And when you're in heat and unable to resist
I always keep you safe and hidden
So the other guys can't gang ya and wear ya out

You always make me feel so happy
When we go rompin' through the fields
And when it comes to butt-sniffin' time
There ain't no butt in the whole wide world
That smells as pretty as yours

That'll have to do. If not, I guess you'll just have to spank me!

Re: Senna Jawwa

Suzi said:
I challenge you to write a poem, or prose, about LOVE, through use of your feelings, not pure "logic" or topography or iambic pentameter alone....:D
Suzi, I wrote many poems about love (LOVE :)). Hundreds of them. I think that about every third or fourth of my poems is about love. Do you want me to write another one?


Never your challenge is this............

write a poem using the colors of your avatar
The poem is to be four five line stanzas
each stanza should contrast the one before it
so if the first stanza is about a scarlet letter, the second would be about how the letter was not scarlett
The third can be independent of the first two but the fourth must contrast the third.

You may not use any color word................... hehehehehe

I cant wait to see the metaphors you use to describe the colors!

IE: lips of warm blood drip with sensuality (poor example)
Thanks Elda, I hope ya' all take advantage of this thread. Sometimes it takes outside inspiration, to make something come alive. This is going to be fun! Please remember one challenge at a time per poet.............. and give some time for responses. Also it is the challengers responsibility to help the challenged if they lack understanding of a certain form or request.......... so be carefull who you challenge ;)

Great response Suzi, to a wonderful challenge ( Never)

Hope this thread grows, cant wait to see the rest of the poets sign in............ I already made a challenge today, but will hope that someone challenges Rybka to a Poem.......... Love to see the stuff Ryb writes. SP where you at when a challenging opportunity comes in? Hope all my good friends here have a great week.................... Ammunition (admiration) and targets (feelings) _Land
Senna Jawa

Senna Jawa said:
Suzi, I wrote many poems about love (LOVE :)). Hundreds of them. I think that about every third or fourth of my poems is about love. Do you want me to write another one?


so I have not read them yet...geeeez...

but...a challenge IS a challenge. Let's see you write one here. OK...I challenge you to write a love poem to ME! :D

Now THAT'S a challenge! :devil:

(PS) I have a MSN link on my profile...go click on it and you can see my pic and some stuff about me, as inspiration, before you start.
Re: Will this do?

This doesn't meet all your conditions, Eve, but it is a happy, "feel good" poem:


Hey, come here, baby, come on over and sniff my butt
And then I'll sniff yours
You been sniffin' my butt
I been sniffin' yours
For a long, long time

Most of the time you're such a lady
And when you're in heat and unable to resist
I always keep you safe and hidden
So the other guys can't gang ya and wear ya out

You always make me feel so happy
When we go rompin' through the fields
And when it comes to butt-sniffin' time
There ain't no butt in the whole wide world
That smells as pretty as yours

That'll have to do. If not, I guess you'll just have to spank me!

Well, it is a happy poem... I guess. It has rompin' and butt-sniffin'. I suppose those are happy activities. Okay, you kind of met the challenge. :)

Elda Furry said:

How did I overlook this delightful thread? I have no idea. I love a challenge. And of course, I won't get any WE assistance. It's not like I don't have a mind of my own...

The real challenge is mountain metaphors. I've never been atop a mighty mountain. Never traced its worn trails with gaze or touch. Never sat upon heavy log to soak in wild, rugged perfection. I have yet to be coated in heat and sweat as I climb up the mountain, back down - rising and falling in the landscape of nature's most solid, upright notion.

Yes, I'll truly love a big, hard mountain the day I see one. You see, I live under the sea. See?

I've never been atop,
a mighty mountain.
Never traced its worn trails
with gaze or touch.
Never sat upon crested peaks
to soak in wild, rugged perfection.

I have yet to be coated,
in heat and sweat
as I climb up the mountain,
tumbling back down -
rising and falling over
raised ridges, lush valleys
in the landscape of nature's
most solid, upright notion.

K-dog your mission should you choose to accept it is this:

Write a sonnett on mans best friend..............
You may not use the following words

canine (k-nine)
mans best friend
or any specific breed of dog

No dog words

dog-gonit I love a good challenge...........I spose i could challenge angeline to write something bad LOL Or judo to write a non-stimulating poem

But who else has a challenge.................... there are three on the board at present........

One each for SJ, Never, and now K-dog
Ouch! You hit me where it hurts. I have never written a sonnet, but I'm willing to try.

No dog words
Not a problem there, I don't speak dog. Fortunately, my bitch is biligual.

I guess Senna is too bloated with self-importance to meet my challenge...*sigh*:eek:
I think when you have to use a certain structure, like the one you gave me, it tends to lead the poem in certain directions. I think rhyme is easier in some ways because it gives you a hint about what comes next.
I wish. For me, Eve, it means that my direction is stunted. I am having a real hard time writing rhyming poetry.

_Land may have killed me.
karmadog said:

I wish. For me, Eve, it means that my direction is stunted. I am having a real hard time writing rhyming poetry.

_Land may have killed me.

Well. I could always give you some litterary freedom by removing the dog restrictions...... that did make it awfully hard.....

Of course you could write about mans second best friend..........................
The pocket pussy :p
karmadog said:

I wish. For me, Eve, it means that my direction is stunted. I am having a real hard time writing rhyming poetry.

_Land may have killed me.
I knew that land was trouble when he arrived. lol
kdog, you should sweet talk Judo the sonnet queen into helping you.
Land is about the only sure investment left in the world, dont go saying its trouble now :p

WickedEve said:

I knew that land was trouble when he arrived. lol
kdog, you should sweet talk Judo the sonnet queen into helping you.
Surely You jest

No one else has a challenge to offer?
I do, but it's not fair for me to challenge someone else without completing mine.

I'm still working.
A challenge an be gien anytime, just not more then one challenge per poet at a time........... that means anyone besides yourself, never, and senna may be challenged............... regardless of finishing not your finishing your poem...... so challenge away
oh challenged one :)

karmadog said:
I do, but it's not fair for me to challenge someone else without completing mine.

I'm still working.

RYB, I challenge you to write a poem, dedicated to SJ, using mathmatics and chess as a metaphor. The metaphor should be descriptive of SJ's talents. Yet not speak directly of his skills as a mathmatician or chess player. ;) Minimum of 5 strophes.

as an added challenge you might include something referencing his US Tour :) ermmmmm biographical thats it LOL
Yes, Rybka is challenged :(

_Land wrote:
RYB, I challenge you to write a poem, dedicated to SJ, using mathematics and chess as a metaphor. The metaphor should be descriptive of SJ's talents. Yet not speak directly of his skills as a mathematician or chess player. Minimum of 5 strophes.

as an added challenge you might include something referencing his US Tour ermmmmm biographical that's it LOL

Statistical Anal-y-sis

i 2 u
u 4 me

R B4 2 B2
please in Tejas

Michigan in May
Polish or polish
shit or Shinola

y r u
y m i
m i what i 8

move n mate
life goes on
i change 2 late

Regards,                       Rybka

PS: This could also be in the "live writing" thread.
WickedEve said:

I knew that land was trouble when he arrived. lol
kdog, you should sweet talk Judo the sonnet queen into helping you.

Sweet talk might work.

- Judo
Rybka, excellent quick poem ! one would almost think you were a senna fan ;)

_Land , when you told me about this thread, i had no idea it would take off like it has, my hats off to you ....