Lands Challenge Thread

Re: Xtaabay Challenges...

Xtaabay said:
Thankyou, I'm flattered ;)

Here's my challenge: Write a poem about "the middle of nowhere" (however it is that you perceive it--doesn't matter). I chose this topic because I thought it would be an interesting cognitive experiment ;) This challenge is open to the first who receives and responds.

I'll take that, if you don't mind


Know no principle or silence--
every morning erosion robs you
of the first sun, acid light inlaid
in the metal of time -- every morning
dogs hesitate, obscure eros
before dust's speech, and bark, limpid, in the slow
economy of the clay, they bark, transfigure
the scale, the rigor of the tired
fountain -- every morning a body
unfreezes and climbs undulating the rope
of muscles (minute instruments
of commerce) -- every morning
a body among others spills upon other
sculptures of solitude --
Re: Re: Xtaabay Challenges...

Lauren.Hynde said:
I'll take that, if you don't mind


Know no principle or silence--
every morning erosion robs you
of the first sun, acid light inlaid
in the metal of time -- every morning
dogs hesitate, obscure eros
before dust's speech, and bark, limpid, in the slow
economy of the clay, they bark, transfigure
the scale, the rigor of the tired
fountain -- every morning a body
unfreezes and climbs undulating the rope
of muscles (minute instruments
of commerce) -- every morning
a body among others spills upon other
sculptures of solitude --

Niiiiiiiiiiiice :) Now that is a satisfying poem. Thanks for responding.
Re: Re: Xtaabay Challenges...

LH, a very good answer to the challenge indeed, Dont forget to pass a challenge along ;)


Lauren.Hynde said:
I'll take that, if you don't mind
Re: Re: Re: Xtaabay Challenges...

_Land said:
LH, a very good answer to the challenge indeed, Dont forget to pass a challenge along ;)

OK, I challenge the Wicked Eve to write a sonnet.
No, wait. A hypersonnet. Still remember the rules?
You don't need to worry about metre and iambic and such, unless you want to.
And the title should be a phrase or expression found somewhere in HERE.

How's that? :D

that is a fantastic challenge............. I have been missing the wickedness of eve lately...... been wondering if she is ok....I sure hope so........... Hopin to catch a better glimpse of her naughty tail........ I think I have caught one post all week. It is amazing how attached you become to your online friends...........

I challenge you to write a Sonnett to not a person, but one of your hobbies. :p then pass a challenge on!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Xtaabay Challenges...

Lauren.Hynde said:
OK, I challenge the Wicked Eve to write a sonnet.
No, wait. A hypersonnet. Still remember the rules?
You don't need to worry about metre and iambic and such, unless you want to.
And the title should be a phrase or expression found somewhere in HERE.

How's that? :D
*Yawn* Is that it? Oh well, if that's the best you can do...
I'll start the sonnet tonight or in the morning. But of course, you know I will have to return with an interesting challenge for you. *evil, wicked, really scary laughter!*
Re: LH

_Land said:
that is a fantastic challenge............. I have been missing the wickedness of eve lately...... been wondering if she is ok....I sure hope so........... Hopin to catch a better glimpse of her naughty tail........ I think I have caught one post all week. It is amazing how attached you become to your online friends...........
I've been busy doing things. Wicked has 13 *things to keep her busy. I don't know why some find the number 13 to be unlucky. Hmmm... I find it to be a quite satisfying number.

Things= dildos, lovers and poetry
Have I ever told you, you have an uncanny ability-
I have missed you too-
Good luck with the challenge!
smithpeter said:
Have I ever told you, you have an uncanny ability-
I have missed you too-
Good luck with the challenge!
Thank you, smithpeterpeterpeter... I really like your name.
Re: Hey Judo, Catch this wave ;)

_Land said:
*wink* hiyas Judo *wave*

golly I would think that coming up with a challenge for you was easy, but cant seem to think of anything hard enough........ I spose that this will have to do.......

Write a Three part play, in poetic form using the characters from the poetry board for inspiration.......not using there board names........ so we can guess who is who...............

The play need not be Long.....I dont want you to spend months on it, then I would miss all the great erotica you post here.....

This should be a fun one............hehehehehehe

Muah _Land

Okay, no more like this one. Sheesh! But here's the tale. Now just guess, who is who?

- Judo


One day, back some time in Aeortal City,
Not a penis was showing nor a tantilized titty.
But soon this would change
'Cause they were in range
Of a plan that would spare them no pity.

Dr. X.Ray hates the town below.
"They've humiliated me twice, you know!"
He laughed as he lurked.
Then he pulled and he jerked
And his Sex Ray just started to glow.

An evil genius he is, there's no doubts.
"This new machine will start the sex bouts!
Their crotches will tremble,
And then, they'll resemble
An orgy of lust-crazed louts!"

Naughty Sally was getting quite pithy
As her horse was re-shoed by the smithy
But the ray came down.
Those two went to town --
He was in her like jelly on Jiffy.

Sister Bette was looking for Sally
And she peeked in "hello" from the alley.
But the act she saw,
Made her feel quite raw.
From behind, Pedro plowed Sally's valley.

The poor Sister's mind was a-reeling.
She didn't understand what she's feeling.
Her pussy was gushing.
Her nipples were flushing.
She was in need of some sexual healing.

These thoughts had never been inside 'er.
Her head spun like she was riding a glider.
So, she ran like the wind.
Before she could sin,
Bette really needed someone to guide 'er.

Father Dirt was a man of the cloth.
He was the Righteous' best flame-eating moth.
"You should never have sex!
Every home it shall vex!
It's a sin that's right up there with sloth!"

But Dr. X.Ray had his mighty plan.
He'd drill a hole through this Holy man.
All the town would burn
For a passionate turn
With the cock who crowed, "All sex ban!"

Just as Bette flew inside Father's door,
The sex ray shined quite bright like before,
And just like some whores,
She fell on all fours
And Dirt's cock swelled up, more and more.

Sister Bette watched his penis get bigger.
And she frigged her quim with hot vigor.
Inside her, he thrust
As she said in her lust,
"'Have time for my ass, do you figure?"

Chinga Ling, the Sunday school teacher.
Had a thing for the repentant preacher.
When she opened his door,
Her jaw hit the floor.
He was fucking a nun like a creature.

Dirt grabbed her and bared Ms. Ling's boobies
Then he bit them like eating at Luby's
She smiled as he did.
"Why, who needs a kid?
With hot lips like these red as rubies!"


Meanwhile, our X.Ray ran fast down the mountain
With a camera, he loaded and primed near the fountain.
He'd catch them and huck them
He'd blackmail and fuck them
Soon there'd be millions he'd spend his time countin'.

But just as he started to rolling the tape
Lila Bow, the great huntress, just slipped on a grape
She bumped into X.Ray.
And thus, he went that way.
They fell in the water like folded French crepe.

A Lifeguard pulled both of them out with a "Whew!"
As Lila and X.Ray both yelled, "Hey, I'll sue!"
But then, all eyes met.
As the ray glowed on yet.
And the girls jumped on Ray, one-by-two.

One-by-one, all of the couples came yelling.
And many a story grew bold with the telling.
Of the time, way back when
Like the fox gets the hen,
The Sex Ray from X.Ray was hot before selling.
Re: Dr4ke

_Land said:
I challenge you to write a Sonnett to not a person, but one of your hobbies. :p then pass a challenge on!

Hmmmm ... I wrote one a while back on something which I could definitely call a hobby of mine. Or maybe more an obsession. Know anyone else who asks how people do it before agreeing to indulge? :)

But I'll do something else for the challenge. Give me a couple of days though to get back into (the) form :)


the D
Re: Re: LH

Its good ta see ya, I was going through withdrawls ;)
I was concerned that perhaps you wernt feeling well :(
Boy what a relief to find out its just the dildo's taking up so much of your precious time :p


WickedEve said:
I've been busy doing things. Wicked has 13 *things to keep her busy. I don't know why some find the number 13 to be unlucky. Hmmm... I find it to be a quite satisfying number.

Things= dildos, lovers and poetry

My hats off to you and my smock ;)That is fantastic................... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

heheheh, Ive always had a thing for nuns!

Now to see if the others can figure out who they are :)
ZHUK Challenged

Zhuk, you have given us a brief view of yourself and your country,
Your challenge is this write a poem about your typical day, a typical day in your country........In turn i will write a poem about a typical day in america as I see it ;) The poem should be a full day from waking up in the morning to the dream at night. Minimum of 6 stanzas, I am In the USA, if any of our other writers would like to do a typical day in their country it would be great. I am interested in the contrast. Have fun with it

Ok Mojo Jojo

C'mere you sick little monkey. Let's paint the townsville green!

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

Re: Ok Mojo Jojo

Angeline said:
C'mere you sick little monkey. Let's paint the townsville green!

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

I will crush you! CRUSH! CRUSH! Now give me a banana!

Lauren... I swear I'll write that hypersonnet soon! I need more time!!! I've got a monkey on my back!
Re: ZHUK Challenged


Why would anyone be interested in a lazy day in the life of a lazy man? It would be boring to say the least.

OK I will wait to see what you post here and that will tell me how and what to write.


_Land said:
Zhuk, you have given us a brief view of yourself and your country,
Your challenge is this write a poem about your typical day, a typical day in your country........In turn i will write a poem about a typical day in america as I see it ;) The poem should be a full day from waking up in the morning to the dream at night. Minimum of 6 stanzas, I am In the USA, if any of our other writers would like to do a typical day in their country it would be great. I am interested in the contrast. Have fun with it

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Naked In Bed (or Raw and Primitive)

Lauren.Hynde said:
OK, I challenge the Wicked Eve to write a sonnet.
No, wait. A hypersonnet. Still remember the rules?
You don't need to worry about metre and iambic and such, unless you want to.
And the title should be a phrase or expression found somewhere in HERE.

How's that? :D

Okay, I got the rhyme scheme and I even did 10 syllables each line but I didn't even try iambic pentemeter. This hasn't been polished yet, but here's what I came up with:

I wake mornings, soft warm with thoughts of them
Upside down words and his gentlest way
Will cling to me in the torrent of day
As I'm washed away by another him

I stretch my length to the bounds of pleasure
Skin sliding over the waves of cool heat
Until toes reach from the ends of my feet
To feel ropes and board with soles pressure

I will not caress at dreamy leisure
Till twist and tumble are at last complete
Leaving me entwined in me alone

But hands beating path on flesh will assure
That fingers find their way to desire's retreat
To sink to depths where rushing breath is known

I roll in the roar of nude limbs that swim
Images drown me as I scream and sway
Then in a drench of sweat I come to lay
And through window day lights my morning whim

Though urgency for now has swiftly flown
These moments are deeply into me sown
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A Challenge for Lauren

Lauren, I challenge you to a free form poem that consists of 5 strophes 3-6 lines each. This poems must have at least one internal rhyme, alliteration in 3 lines, a BDSM metaphor for work, life, or love. The title must be "Microscopic Men In My Mind."

(And you have 30 seconds to write it! :D)
Re: A Challenge for Lauren

WickedEve said:
Lauren, I challenge you to a free form poem that consists of 5 strophes 3-6 lines each. This poems must have at least one internal rhyme, alliteration in 3 lines, a BDSM metaphor for work, life, or love. The title must be "Microscopic Men In My Mind."

(And you have 30 seconds to write it! :D)
In 30 seconds, all I could write concerning your challenge was:
You're one evil poet, Eve! I'll do the best I can, but I need some time...

And by the way, that's one wicked hypersonnet, girl! Polish it all you want, but make sure you post it! (I love the title :D)
Re: Re: A Challenge for Lauren

Lauren.Hynde said:
In 30 seconds, all I could write concerning your challenge was:
You're one evil poet, Eve! I'll do the best I can, but I need some time...

And by the way, that's one wicked hypersonnet, girl! Polish it all you want, but make sure you post it! (I love the title :D)
Poem by Lauren.Hynde

Title: Fuck

Poem: Fuck

I give it a 4!
I like this poem of yours.
I read it and then fell back an struck my head on a pipe that juts suddenly up.
I may remove it from my life and floor someday.
But, for now, I find it's southern accent very appealing.