Lands Challenge Thread

Re: Yes, Rybka is challenged :(

That is great Ryb, I think the next time you get challenged you will have to be challenged harder, obviously that was way to easy ;)

Wonder what SJ will think ......

Rybka said:
_Land wrote:

Statistical Anal-y-sis

i 2 u
u 4 me

R B4 2 B2
please in Tejas

Michigan in May
Polish or polish
shit or Shinola

y r u
y m i
m i what i 8

move n mate
life goes on
i change 2 late

Regards,                       Rybka

PS: This could also be in the "live writing" thread.
Hey Judo, Catch this wave ;)

*wink* hiyas Judo *wave*

golly I would think that coming up with a challenge for you was easy, but cant seem to think of anything hard enough........ I spose that this will have to do.......

Write a Three part play, in poetic form using the characters from the poetry board for inspiration.......not using there board names........ so we can guess who is who...............

The play need not be Long.....I dont want you to spend months on it, then I would miss all the great erotica you post here.....

This should be a fun one............hehehehehehe

Muah _Land

JUDO said:

Sweet talk might work.

- Judo
Re: Hey Judo, Catch this wave ;)

_Land said:
*wink* hiyas Judo *wave*

golly I would think that coming up with a challenge for you was easy, but cant seem to think of anything hard enough........ I spose that this will have to do.......

Write a Three part play, in poetic form using the characters from the poetry board for inspiration.......not using there board names........ so we can guess who is who...............

The play need not be Long.....I dont want you to spend months on it, then I would miss all the great erotica you post here.....

This should be a fun one............hehehehehehe

Muah _Land

Gah! This is much too much like work! But... On the other hand, it does intrigue me. I'll use my usual methods and sleep on it, _L.

That usually makes something interesting come up.

- Judo
Re: Re: Hey Judo, Catch this wave ;)

I thought about this for a long time, and felt the play format would work best.......but feel free to use what ever form you want........... I thought it would be fun ;)

JUDO said:

Gah! This is much too much like work! But... On the other hand, it does intrigue me. I'll use my usual methods and sleep on it, _L.

That usually makes something interesting come up.

- Judo
Challenge for anyone

Write a lament, a poem of loss using earth dirt or land as the metaphor :) have sad fun

Waters receed,
leave behind cracked moisture loss
patterns in hardened silt
Fingers reaching out from
claiche poisoned earth
tree trunks, bare of bark ,
like bones of some elemental fingers
belonging to unknown entities

waters emotional symbol , gone,
parched barren earth
dead trees stand where
living fragrant boughs
touched the surface of still ponds

water has sunken down ,
and mineral salts hardened deadpan
pond bed holds lifeless dreams of former beauty
perhaps never to surface vibrant again
softly smile to myself,
as holding out hand
catch the first drops .
Re: Drought

That is excellent BV, very vivid imagery


beths-virtue said:
Waters receed,
leave behind cracked moisture loss
patterns in hardened silt
Fingers reaching out from
claiche poisoned earth
tree trunks, bare of bark ,
like bones of some elemental fingers
belonging to unknown entities

waters emotional symbol , gone,
parched barren earth
dead trees stand where
living fragrant boughs
touched the surface of still ponds

water has sunken down ,
and mineral salts hardened deadpan
pond bed holds lifeless dreams of former beauty
perhaps never to surface vibrant again
softly smile to myself,
as holding out hand
catch the first drops .

I know of your fondness of jazz and the blues....I share it too.....
so this is your challenge HEHEHEHEHE :p~

I want you to write a poem about the color blue and all that the color invokes or entails. The Poem should be in the form of Saxaphone or trumpet, may have to ask rybka for help on spacing

LOL, I love this thread

I can see the smile on your face already ;)

I was waiting for comment on this Ang, LOL i wasnt really serious about the shape part ;) just was being fesicious P

_Land said:
I know of your fondness of jazz and the blues....I share it too.....
so this is your challenge HEHEHEHEHE :p~

I want you to write a poem about the color blue and all that the color invokes or entails. The Poem should be in the form of Saxaphone or trumpet, may have to ask rybka for help on spacing

LOL, I love this thread

I can see the smile on your face already ;)
Thank God You Weren't Serious about the Shape!!!

but let me see....

Am I Blue?

What is blue for me
is not blue for you.

When Shara gets
blue the world that
she sees is long ago
far away not the sky
or an eye or cerulean
blue in a box 82 or
whatever it is or the
sea in Tulum from the
top of the hill in the
heat on that day well
that was far away too
but then it was good.

Not the blue of a berry
nor even the jeans with
the rips that my angel
girl giggled merry when
busted by me tried to
sneak wear to school.

Tried to be cool.

Or the blue exam books
oh worlds of sadness
there to fill them up in an
hour or two like I care what
you think I knew about
western civ like you told the
whole story and not just a
cut out a paper doll of the
truth that conveniently fails
to acknowledge the views
that made the blues the bad
dream that they are.

Let the blues float like a
note in a minor scale drifting
through smoke that curls in
the spotlight that shines on
a face turned away on a face
that eventually stays in a room
looking down on Birdland lost
in the past and the bottles
of booze oh my poor Prez
had them bad listen to him
laughin to keep from cryin
listen to East of Eden float
out of his horn so low full
of languor and sighing and
baby then you know the

If you have been challenged

please consider challenging someone else!

This is not just for my challenges, but for you to challenge others too:) K-dog hows the sonnet comming? LOL

I think I scared Never off too..... :(

Angeling great "blue" poem thanks for playing ;)

You're Welcome

and i have a challenge for you...

take my poem and put it in the shape of a saxophone.

Re: You're Welcome

Angeline said:
and i have a challenge for you...

take my poem and put it in the shape of a saxophone.



Not really _Land! Just teasing. But here is a real challenge for you.

Write about a type of music you like using both imagery and rhythm to convey the sound of the music in the poem.

oh man the saxaphone one is easier :p LOL

Now this is a challenge!

time to pull up some old tunes :)

Angeline said:
Not really _Land! Just teasing. But here is a real challenge for you.

Write about a type of music you like using both imagery and rhythm to convey the sound of the music in the poem.
ANGELINE(How did I do?)

Kentucky Blue Grass

the tone waves back and forth
like sheaves in the wind
her infliction follows the plot
reaching high notes
when lyrics sink your soul

becoming more melodic
as the tides turn
favoring the faithful
lifting your spirits
just before tears

finishing with vibrato
flourishing, playing her
strings and yours
as the harmonica echos
your thoughts.

Angeline said:
Not really _Land! Just teasing. But here is a real challenge for you.

Write about a type of music you like using both imagery and rhythm to convey the sound of the music in the poem.
I hear it!

You did it, buddy--I hear the progression of the music as the song builds. I think this is an interesting experiment with poetry and good practice in the rhythm of words. I would make a few editorial corrections/revisions as follows.

Kentucky Blue Grass

tone waves back and forth
like sheaves in the wind
and inflection follows plot
to the high notes where
the lyrics sink your soul

becoming more melodic

as the tides turn [what does tide mean here? tone? can you replace with a music term instead?]

favoring the faithful

lifting spirits [lifting how? expand image..where does it lift you to?]

just before tears

finishing with vibrato
flourishing, playing her [why her? where did a her come from? ]
strings and yours
as the harmonica echos
your thoughts.
Re: Will this do?

This doesn't meet all your conditions, Eve, but it is a happy, "feel good" poem:


Hey, come here, baby, come on over and sniff my butt
And then I'll sniff yours
You been sniffin' my butt
I been sniffin' yours
For a long, long time

Most of the time you're such a lady
And when you're in heat and unable to resist
I always keep you safe and hidden
So the other guys can't gang ya and wear ya out

You always make me feel so happy
When we go rompin' through the fields
And when it comes to butt-sniffin' time
There ain't no butt in the whole wide world
That smells as pretty as yours

That'll have to do. If not, I guess you'll just have to spank me!


This is the funniest damned thing I've read in a long time!
Thanks, Xtaabay. Welcome to the board. I appreciate your feedback on "Heavy Burdens" too.

The idea for this poem came to me when I was thinking of all the elaborate social rituals people often go through, especially when it comes to picking a love partner. By contrast, for dogs it's a lot simpler-- they just sniff each other's butts. Based on that, they become either friends or enemies.
Re: I hear it!

A, the tide refers to how often in folk/bluegrass, a calamity befalls the character, and eventually the character overcomes.........
often I find with blue grass my heart follows the progress of the lyrics, so when the song becomes sad so do I, but when good overcomes, my spirit lifts.....It tells a story and like reading a good book I follow along.

She is the singer, and her vocal chords are the strings then my heart is also the strings..........I prefer female vocals........let me know if that clears it up ;) or just muddy's the waters :p

I like the suggestions ;)

Angeline said:
You did it, buddy--I hear the progression of the music as the song builds. I think this is an interesting experiment with poetry and good practice in the rhythm of words. I would make a few editorial corrections/revisions as follows.

Kentucky Blue Grass

tone waves back and forth
like sheaves in the wind
and inflection follows plot
to the high notes where
the lyrics sink your soul

becoming more melodic

as the tides turn [what does tide mean here? tone? can you replace with a music term instead?]

favoring the faithful

lifting spirits [lifting how? expand image..where does it lift you to?]

just before tears

finishing with vibrato
flourishing, playing her [why her? where did a her come from? ]
strings and yours
as the harmonica echos
your thoughts.
social rituals

Thanks, Xtaabay. Welcome to the board. I appreciate your feedback on "Heavy Burdens" too.

The idea for this poem came to me when I was thinking of all the elaborate social rituals people often go through, especially when it comes to picking a love partner. By contrast, for dogs it's a lot simpler-- they just sniff each other's butts. Based on that, they become either friends or enemies.

I suppose people could try that too, but I don't know that it would tell them much ;)

"Picking a Love Partner"

I used to think
that honesty
was the perfect blade
to cut through
all the crap.

But the blade was too dull
and the crap was too thick
and I didn't want
to tarnish my silver sheen.

I chose instead
to pierce
with the tip
of my stainless steel honesty.

But then
I was only
piercing myself
because everyone else
was too intimidated.

Xtaabay Challenged

Nice ta meet ya and welcome to the challenge board...........;)

I challenge you to write a progressive free verse poem!
The subject is this: A desire is introduced, it developes, expands, encompasses at least one other person and finaly is met.
The poem should be limited to 7 strophes

;) _Land

oh and please feel free to challenge others................

Xtaabay said:
I suppose people could try that too, but I don't know that it would tell them much ;)

"Picking a Love Partner"

I used to think
that honesty
was the perfect blade
to cut through
all the crap.

But the blade was too dull
and the crap was too thick
and I didn't want
to tarnish my silver sheen.

I chose instead
to pierce
with the tip
of my stainless steel honesty.

But then
I was only
piercing myself
because everyone else
was too intimidated.

Re: Xtaabay Challenged

_Land said:
Nice ta meet ya and welcome to the challenge board...........;)

I challenge you to write a progressive free verse poem!
The subject is this: A desire is introduced, it developes, expands, encompasses at least one other person and finaly is met.
The poem should be limited to 7 strophes

;) _Land

I accept your challenge. :)

"Spinning Color"

Spinning color,
soft white leather
pushing against gravity,
off hard dark earth.

pounding red Flirt of music,
pushing me towards her
in swirls of blue,
chest heaving,
hair flying,
scratching the sky.

I made her look,
spun my rainbow
drunk on air and sweat,
flushing before her.

I snagged her,
flashes of green,
hooked her,
shimmers of purple,
with my curves.

Startled pink once,
now no longer,
eyes saturated
with spinning color.

Spinning color,
out of the circle,
explosions of orange,
into her skirt.

Spinning color,
already spun,
now crumpling in layers
flaking away
like thin gold leafing,
exposing soft skin
while we melt together
like crayons in the sun.

Re: Re: Xtaabay Challenged

WOW, that is an incredible poem! I am extremely happy to see ya on the boards! You have some very good talents, thanks for sharing them with us! _Land

Please pass a challenge on to another when ya have a chance

Xtaabay said:
_Land said:
Nice ta meet ya and welcome to the challenge board...........;)

I challenge you to write a progressive free verse poem!
The subject is this: A desire is introduced, it developes, expands, encompasses at least one other person and finaly is met.
The poem should be limited to 7 strophes

;) _Land

I accept your challenge. :)

"Spinning Color"

Spinning color,
soft white leather
pushing against gravity,
off hard dark earth.

pounding red Flirt of music,
pushing me towards her
in swirls of blue,
chest heaving,
hair flying,
scratching the sky.

I made her look,
spun my rainbow
drunk on air and sweat,
flushing before her.

I snagged her,
flashes of green,
hooked her,
shimmers of purple,
with my curves.

Startled pink once,
now no longer,
eyes saturated
with spinning color.

Spinning color,
out of the circle,
explosions of orange,
into her skirt.

Spinning color,
already spun,
now crumpling in layers
flaking away
like thin gold leafing,
exposing soft skin
while we melt together
like crayons in the sun.

Xtaabay Challenges...

_Land said:
WOW, that is an incredible poem! I am extremely happy to see ya on the boards! You have some very good talents, thanks for sharing them with us! _Land

Please pass a challenge on to another when ya have a chance
Thankyou, I'm flattered ;)

Here's my challenge: Write a poem about "the middle of nowhere" (however it is that you perceive it--doesn't matter). I chose this topic because I thought it would be an interesting cognitive experiment ;) This challenge is open to the first who receives and responds.
