Lantry Saloon Shoot-out, Qualifying Round


All right, I'm no damn good at followin' my own damn guidelines...

*SIGH* I had a hell of a last two days, including my stagecoach getting held up.

Looks Like Impressive and Remec get the nod here, at least, amongst the more interested bystanders.

Since I'm still recovering from a concussion, how about you guys just fix your own deadline? Tomorrow at noon?

I really suck at making and following rules. Occurs to me that it might be more fun just to have a free-for-all amongst all those who submitted snippets... Yes?

I still think the 20 to 30 line limit is enough restriction. The snippets were really intriguing. :) Boo, I'll return your whole poem... you should always keep a copy! ;)

Thanks for bearing with me, sorry for being held up. *Resumes selling snake oil*...

Foehn... you did great.. and Imp and Remec I look forward to reading the writes.. congrats.. good job!
Du Lac~ at noon is bad for me...have family stuff going on pretty much all day...but Sunday is doable...
foehn said:
Looks Like Impressive and Remec get the nod here, at least, amongst the more interested bystanders.

Since I'm still recovering from a concussion, how about you guys just fix your own deadline? Tomorrow at noon?

I'm out o' here in just a little bit & don't expect to be back until Sunday evening. If y'all want to proceed, just use my poem from the snippet ... "Soul Slipping" (link in sig).

Here's my entry. It was truly written in haste, as I didn't see this challenge til the last minute. But thats the challenge, right?

the sage brush skittered
in front of me
making the thump! thump!
of my heart hurt

I watched his eyes
his hands
as we neared our

death awaited me
yet compelled me
to come ever closer

so loud I knew
he heard

there! see his hand move
it spun me around
the impact more
than I could bear

his eyes!
so dark, mirroring
my fright...

now I watched the sun
straight above
high noon

thump! thump!
my heart slowing
my breath fading

he knelt above me
lifted me
in his embrace

my heart
thump! thump!

his weapon poised
he went for me...

in this little death
I am reborn​

Anyone else want to share theirs? I'd like to see them...
poem shoot out

mine is posted today... under new poems
Brigid's Bed

thank you for the inspiration in both the research for this poem (based on historical ref. to Goddess Brigid and St. Brigit) and the writing of the poem itself..
thank you all for the fun challenge......
PS the pic in my sig is an art reflection of Brigid the Goddess as the Triple Goddess.....just FYI she is a very interesting area of study
Du Lac said:
mine is posted today... under new poems
Brigid's Bed

thank you for the inspiration in both the research for this poem (based on historical ref. to Goddess Brigid and St. Brigit) and the writing of the poem itself..
thank you all for the fun challenge......
PS the pic in my sig is an art reflection of Brigid the Goddess as the Triple Goddess.....just FYI she is a very interesting area of study

Check out The Morrighan... She's the Celtic Triune Goddess. I have her tattoed on my shoulder. She's much older, and not tied in with Christianity at all.
BooMerengue said:
Check out The Morrighan... She's the Celtic Triune Goddess. I have her tattoed on my shoulder. She's much older, and not tied in with Christianity at all.

very cool Boo.. I will check her out... I happen to love Brid or Brigid.. because the Christian faith could not kill her... so they tried like hell to reinvent her and use her..... but still to this day the Goddess reigns..... LOL.. I do alot of work with different goddesses.. research wise... hence you will see them in my poems.. Tellus... Lillith (my favorite because she was so tortured and slandered lol...) etc.. so any help in a different new realm is a great help for me.... always filling the knowledge banks LOL.....(PS... my Goddess... is the Lady of the Lake.. hence and a strong connection I feel to Brigid and to the Triple Goddess.. reasoning behind my name Lady Lorraine du Lac... hence Du Lac......okay too much data LOL.
Du Lac said:
Foehn... you did great.. and Imp and Remec I look forward to reading the writes.. congrats.. good job!
Du Lac~

Thanks, you are very kind, but I really didn't do very well. I intended much better but certain things got in the way.

Really, though, I would seriously like to see poems by all the snippet-posters... they were all so good! No matter the time or place... We can pretend it all happened at noon one day....

Hopefully, it'll lead to some cool new additions (besides what's already there) to new poetry postings at Lit.

And I think I probably won't attempt this kind of "sponsorship" again until I'm enlightened!


FYI -- Locally, the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Round-up ended today, just 30 minutes west of here. Has anyone else ever eaten fried rattlesnake meat? (Tastes like tough fried chicken.)


Ad from "Frontier Texas" in Abilene, TX -- "See a saloon shoot-out!" Blech.... they should use real bullets, like we do....

I guess my actual highest hope would be to see all "snippet" posters to get new poems up on Lit... being somehow impossibly inspired by this insipid thread.

The rest, now that I've demonstrated my inabilities, is up to the motivated and talented go-getters! :)

** -over and out, but I want to see the poems...

foehn said:
All right, I'm no damn good at followin' my own damn guidelines...

*SIGH* I had a hell of a last two days, including my stagecoach getting held up.

Looks Like Impressive and Remec get the nod here, at least, amongst the more interested bystanders.

Since I'm still recovering from a concussion, how about you guys just fix your own deadline? Tomorrow at noon?

I really suck at making and following rules. Occurs to me that it might be more fun just to have a free-for-all amongst all those who submitted snippets... Yes?

I still think the 20 to 30 line limit is enough restriction. The snippets were really intriguing. :) Boo, I'll return your whole poem... you should always keep a copy! ;)

Thanks for bearing with me, sorry for being held up. *Resumes selling snake oil*...

Your a card fohen
cool beans ~

and fun challenge
looking forward to the shoot out
I'll belly up to the bar with Du
and watch the guns go a blazing ...woohooo!

"snake oil? Is that like rumor-tism medicine" <grin>
*walking thru the swinging doors... the place looks empty... calling out...

What ever happened here? Did everyone shoot everyone else?
BooMerengue said:
*walking thru the swinging doors... the place looks empty... calling out...

What ever happened here? Did everyone shoot everyone else?

Not quite sure...but, then again, I've been a bit unsure of a lot of things lately...hehehe
Got a new STC up, Remmie Baby. Better get over there! It's a good 'un! This time it's WildSweetOnes.
I concede. Not in the mood to play right now. World events have spawned major funk. :rose:
BooMerengue said:
Got a new STC up, Remmie Baby. Better get over there! It's a good 'un! This time it's WildSweetOnes.

I saw...not sure how much I am up for making active commentary on the other works in the challenge...but we'll see...