Leaving it all behind... (Ryanmo97 x DarkWarrioress)

She watched as he grabbed his stuff and stopped at the door.

"We still need to talk about a few things... I'm pretty busy for the rest of the day... How about dinner at my place tonight? Say 6pm?"

"Sure. I'll see you then."

After he left, Casey headed back to her desk to take care of things that needed done. The day flew by or maybe it just seemed that way because she was thinking about a lot of things. It made keeping her mind on her work harder, but she managed. At the end of her workday, she straightened up her desk and headed home. She stopped at a self-moving place and got a few packing boxes so she could begin packing up her stuff. She also sent her landlord a text, telling him she would be vacating her apartment at the end of the month. Just sending that message made her stomach quiver.

At five fifty-five, she was knocking on Travis' door, holding a bottle of wine and feeling butterflies doing somersaults in her tummy.
Travis did his best to keep his mind on work but he did. He was back home at 5:00PM he had changed out of suit and was wearing a blue polo shirt and tan slacks. He had some potatoes baking in the oven and was mixing together a tossed salad. His gray tiger cat, Furball, was brushing up against his leg... "I haven't forgotten about you.."

"Merow..." she said.

He laughed and got her some food. Just then the door rang. He looked at his watch and saw she was early. He smiled. He walked to the door and opened it. He smiled when he saw Casey. "Hi... Come on in..." He let her in, closed the door and kissed her. "I've been thinking about you all day..." The apartment was simply decorated there were some pictures on the wall a couch and a TV on the wall. He took her into the kitchen. The kitchen looked very modern. There were oak cabinets all around. There was a large stainless steel refrigerator and a stainless steel double wall oven next to the door that lead to the laundry room and stainless steel dishwasher by the sink. The counter tops were all black marble. The island in the center of the kitchen had a cook top, a griddle and a grill. There was a bar on the other side of the island with a couple of stools. Furball saw Casey and rubbed up against her leg, "That's my cat, Furball... She loves attention... I hope you like cats..."
Casey stepped inside his home, briefly glancing around before Travis kissed her. She still wasn’t use to him doing that, but she didn’t hate it. His home was nice, comfy. Just then something furry brushed against her leg. It was a cat. A grey striped cat. Handing the bottle of wine to Travis, she bent over and scooped up the kitty.

"That's my cat, Furball... She loves attention... I hope you like cats..."

“Heck of a time to ask me that, Travis,” Casey laughed then buried her face in Furball’s neck before she looked at him again.

“I love cats.”

She set Furball back down on the floor, a gesture the cat didn’t like as she rubbed against Casey’s leg again, causing her to grin and reach down to stroke the cat before standing back up and glancing into the kitchen.

“Anything I can help you with?”
Travis smiled when she said she liked cats, “Yeah, it kind of slipped my mind sorry…” When she asked if he need help, he said, “Nope I’m good… Would you prefer a steak or a grilled chicken breast? I’m having a steak…”
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“Steak sounds good.”

Casey bent over and lifted Furball as she started to sit in one of the chairs at the bar.

“You’re just all kinds of furry goodness, aren’t you?”

Casey could help but laugh. There was just something about Furball that was so dang cute.

“How long have you had her?”

Casey was rubbing kitty ears as she spoke with Travis and the appreciation was made known by the loud purring they both could hear.
Travis smiled and placed two steaks on the grill. He looked and he smiled when he saw Casey and Furball getting along. “I’ve had her for about 3 years now.” He opened the wine and poured them each a glass. He handed her one, “So, there are a couple things I would like to talk about. They are things I would like to do, if you are not interested we don’t have to do them. First, I would like to decide what you wear every day, it won’t be anything slutty the will be very nice. Second, I would like you to style your hair in the morning and brush it at night.”
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She shifted Furball to accept the glass of wine and was about to take a sip but stopped mid-way to her lips as she listened to him.

“So, there are a couple things I would like to talk about. They are things I would like to do, if you are not interested we don’t have to do them. First, I would like to decide what you wear every day, it won’t be anything slutty the will be very nice. Second, I would like you to style your hair in the morning and brush it at night.”

Casy blinked.

“Is there something wrong with the way I dress or wear my hair?”

Her tone was bemused and curious. She had never come across any requests like this before. She always brushed her hair at night so that, at least, wasn’t going to be an issue.
Travis gave her a smile, "No... Your have a wonderful sense of style and I like the way you style your hair..." He took a sip of his wine, "It just... I have a couple of... I guess you could say kinks... I have a small hair fetish. I think it's kind of romantic for a husband to style his wife's hair in the morning and brush it at night... Also, I thinking you would look sexy with longer hair... Say waist length..." He flipped the steaks, "And as far as clothes go... I've had this kind of... I guess you call it a fantasy about setting a dress code for my wife. The dress code I would have for you would be dresses, knee length or longer, closed toe shoes ranging from flats to 2" heels, Garter belt, stockings and panties that properly cover your bottom... no G strings or thongs..."
She sat there listening to Travis. Could she do it? Indulge his fantasies? At the moment, she didn’t know. She bit her bottom lip, lightly gnawing on it before she replied.

“Could we just shelf those two things for the moment? I’m not sure how I feel about it just yet. I’m not saying no, I just kind of want to let it swirl around in my head for a bit. I hope that’s okay. What else did you want to talk about?”

Furball had settled in her lap and was purring away as Casey absentmindedly stroked her fur. She supposed she could wear 2” heels. She had never tried them before. They were impractical for working for Travis. As far as garter belts and stockings went, well, eventually she would tell him or he’d find out sooner or later. He hadn’t asked for much, but the idea of a man dictating what clothes she wore or how she wore her hair. Casey was feeling a little uncertain. What else did he have in mind for her?
Travis nodded, "Yes... That's fine... If you aren't comfortable with doing any of those. I completely understand." He took a sip of wine. He checked the steaks and said, "Shouldn't be too much longer. I want to talk about us moving forward. In the morning I want you to send a memo to all the members of the board of directors. Let them know I'm retiring and my last day will be the Friday after next... I will be keeping my seat on the board of directors but will only teleconference for board of directors meetings. Then, I want you to give HR your two weeks notice. Just let them know that you got a better opportunity. I'll help you get out of your lease for your apartment. You can do what you want with your stuff, only bring what you want and then give away every thing else. Then on the day I retire, we'll stop at city hall and get married... Then we'll head up to the mountains.... and start our lives together. Does that sound good to you?"
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“I’m not saying no, Travis. I just need a little time to become use to the idea,” she continued to explain.

She made a mental note of everything he said. She had been his personal assistant for so long now, his requests were easy to follow. As for her things, she would take a few with her to his mountain cabin but would put everything else in storage. Next Friday. Next Friday she would be married to her boss. Next Friday would be her wedding day…. and night. Aside from the instructions he had given her to carry out, she had a few personal things to see to as well.

“It sounds good,” she confirmed, “I’ll get that memo out to the board first thing in the morning.”
Travis smiled. They spent the rest of the night talking and getting to know each other better. They decided that they wanted to wait for their wedding night to make love for the first time. They spent the next couple of weeks getting to know each other. He had spent the Saturday before helping her move the things she wasn’t taking into storage. And soon it was the Friday after next.

No one in the office suspected that they were going to run away together and that’s the way he wanted it. There was a small going away party for them. He left the party first, he was going to go to his apartment, get Furball, change clothes and go to pick up Casey at her apartment, and get her things. Travis walked up to Casey’s apartment and knocked on the door. He couldn’t wait to see what she was going to wear to get married in
Their evening went far better than Casey had expected. She thought they might be a little reserved but that was not the case. The food was delicious, the wine was good and the company, she had learned was excellent. He could make her laugh and think, two things she admired. In fact, they both spent the night laughing and talking. Furball was lapping up the attention she was getting as well. As the night rolled on, Travis leaned closer and was kissing her. Casey, feeling relaxed, returned his kisses. However, at one point she stopped him, explaining that she would like to wait until their wedding night to go further, if he didn’t mind. Travis, being a gentleman, agreed.

The work week started with Casey sending out a memo to the board of directors as Travis had instructed. Then she penned her two weeks notice to HR, explaining that she had gotten a better opportunity and that was that. She gave her notice to her landlord as well. Before she knew it, they were at the end of two weeks and she was getting married tomorrow. By her front door, sat what little she was taking with her to Travis’ cabin and Travis would knocking at her door any moment now. Casey pressed her hands to her stomach. She had butterflies. For the last two weeks, she had been fine but now, at the moment of truth, she was nervous as hell.

Somewhere in the two weeks, Casey had managed to go shopping for a dress to get married in. She hoped Travis liked it. She knew she did. Just then, there was a knock on her door. Her knees felt weak as she went to answer it, knowing it was Travis on the other side. She opened the door in her wedding dress and stared at Travis. He looked very handsome.

“Hi,” she said softly, still gazing at him.
Travis was speechless for a few moments then he smiled and said, "Wow! You look great. Are you ready?" She said she was he gook her bag and they they walked down to his car and he put it in the back. Then they went to the Justice of the Peace's office. Travis had his lawyers get the wedding license for them. There were a couple of people ahead of them and soon it was their turn. They walked in hand in and and introduced themselves to the Justice of the Peace and soon she began... "We are gathered here today, to honor and to celebrate the marriage of Travis Stewart and Casey Evans. Marriage is defined as a public declaration of two people to accept each as a married couple. But, beyond that, it means that you are making a commitment to each other to always be there for each other. It means that you will be there to share in each other's joy during happy occasions and to be there to support and comfort one another during difficult times. It means that you will walk the path of life along side one another and experience everything it has to offer you together as a married couple." she looked at Travis, " Do you Travis, take Casey to be your wife from this day forward, to honor and to cherish her, in sickness and in health for richer or for poorer, and will be faithful to her, for as long as you both shall live?"

Travis looked at Casey and said, "I Do."

The Justice of the Peace looked at Casey, "Do you Casey, take Travis to be your husband from this day forward, to honor and to cherish him, in sickness and in health for richer or for poorer, and will be faithful to him, for as long as you both shall live?"
It seemed like a mere blink of the eye and they were standing in front of the Justice of the Peace, reciting their vows.

" Do you Travis, take Casey to be your wife from this day forward, to honor and to cherish her, in sickness and in health for richer or for poorer, and will be faithful to her, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I Do."

"Do you Casey, take Travis to be your husband from this day forward, to honor and to cherish him, in sickness and in health for richer or for poorer, and will be faithful to him, for as long as you both shall live?"

Then it was her turn. Casey looked steadily into Travis’ eyes and smiled. She still wasn’t sure what she was letting herself in for, but it was the path she had chosen.

“I do.”

It was then something dawned on her. In the hustle and bustle of getting everything done and although she had remembered to buy a wedding dress, she had forgotten about getting Travis a wedding ring. She supposed it was something they could go and get later as admittedly; she didn’t know his ring size. They could talk about it after they were done here.

Casey was looking out the passenger side window, watching the scenery pass them by and was still reminding herself that she was married. To her boss. Well, not her boss anymore, her husband now. It all seemed surreal.
After Casey said, 'I do.' The Justice of the Peace said, "May I have the rings please?"

Travis laughed, "That's the one thing we don't have... Guess we have to make a stop at a jewelry store..."

The Justice of the Peace smiled, "That's fine... We can skip that... Travis and Casey, by the power vested in me by the state, I am pleased to pronounce you husband and wife, sealed together today both in law and in love.” She looked at Travis, “Travis, you make kiss the bride.” Travis leaned forward and kissed his new wife.

A short time later, they were in a jewelry store they were looking over the rings when a woman behind the counter walked up to them, "Can I help you?"

"Yes," said Travis," We just eloped... but we forgot to get rings..."

The woman smiled, "Oh... I see... Congratulations," she looked at Casey. "See anything you like?"
"See anything you like?"

Casey studied the glass case in front of her. They were all beautiful rings. She could only imagine what the individual cost of each ring was and it would be more than she made in a few months she was sure.

“May I see this one, please?”

She pointed at a ring nestled in the ring display. It was a small emerald surrounded on each side by smaller diamonds. The saleswoman took it out of the case and handed it to Casey, who tried it on. It fit. That could be a good omen, Casey thought as she turned toward Travis.

“What do you think?”
Travis smiled, "If that's the one you want, then that's the one you'll get..." He gave her a kiss on the forehead.

The woman behind the counter looked at Travis, "And here are our selection of Men's wedding bands, sir..." Travis looked at the wedding bands, "I like that one..." The woman nodded and took the rings to be cleaned.
While the lady was gone with their rings, Casey looked at Travis.

“Thank you for my wedding ring, Travis and I love the one you chose for yourself.”

She smiled shyly. She still couldn’t believe she was now married to the man standing beside her. The lady came back shortly with their rings.

“May I have his ring, please?”

After the saleswoman handed her Travis’ ring. Taking it, Casey gestured to Travis to give her his left hand. Casey was acting on impulse. Hopefully, he wouldn’t mind.
Travis held out his hand for Casey and let her put his ring on his finger. He then did the same for Casey. He paid for the rings and they headed to the cabin. It was about a half hour drive to the cabin. Just before they got to the cabin they drove through a little town. They drove another little bit and then They turned off the main road and started up a long driveway and soon they were at their home, a two story log cabin, “Welcome home, Mrs. Stewart…”
“Welcome home, Mrs. Stewart…”

Casey got out of the car slowly, staring at the cabin.

“Travis,” her voice held a spark of awe, “You have a beautiful cabin.”

This was to be her home from now on. The wrap around porch was, well, it sang to her soul. So did the woods around them. It was peaceful and quiet here, far enough away from the hustle and bustle she had been living with for ages. It would take getting use to, but she didn’t mind.
Travis got their bags out of the Jeep, walked behind her, set the bags down, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the neck, “It's our cabin... I can wait for you to see the inside…”

He picked up the bags and they walked up the steps of the porch. Travis set the bags down and unlocked the door. He picked up Casey and carried her over the threshold. Then he set her down, and brought the bags in. They were in the living room. The room was tastefully decorated, a flat screen TV, fireplace, a large bay window, a couple of couches and a few area rugs, "Let me give you the grand tour."

He took her to the kitchen. The kitchen looked very modern. There were oak cabinets all around. There was a large stainless steel refrigerator and a stainless steel double wall oven next to the door that lead to the laundry room and stainless steel dishwasher by the sink. The counter tops were all black marble. The island in the center of the kitchen had a cook top, a griddle and a grill. There was a bar on the other side of the island with a couple of stools.

The rest of the first floor consisted of a dinning area with a nice sized table that would comfortably seat 6, but could expand, if needed,. There was also a half bathroom and an office, on the first floor.

Travis then took her upstairs. Upstairs there were four empty bedrooms, "These will be for our children one day... For now, they are just guest rooms..." Each room was simply decorated and had a full sized mattress, a couple of wood dressers and nightstands. There was also 2 full bathrooms and the laundry room.

Then they walked up to a closed door. "This is our room..." Travis opened the door and let Casey go first. It was simply decorated. There was wood paneling on the walls. A king sized four post with a couple of nightstands. There was also a private balcony. There were a couple of doors that led to walk-in closets. One was filled with his clothes the other was empty, ”This one is for you..."

He then took her to the bathroom. There was a large tub with Jacuzzi jets and a good sized shower stall with frosted glass. There were two sinks that looked like old fashion wash bowls with drains in the middle and old fashioned faucets. The toilet tank was high up on the wall and used a chain to flush. He then took her back into the bedroom. "What do you think of our home?"
Casey jumped a little as she felt Travis’ lips on her neck. She knew she would eventually get use to them being married and having a life together but for this moment, it all was still new to her.

“It's our cabin... I can wait for you to see the inside…”

She yelped in surprise then laughed as Travis picked her up and carried her into the house. It was the last thing she expected. Her husband was certainly full of surprises. Her husband. That still felt weird to say, even to herself.

"Let me give you the grand tour."

He took her from room to room and she had to admit, she was pleasantly surprised. They went upstairs and he showed her all the rooms. Even the laundry room was up here. That was a smart move and one she fully appreciated. When they got to their room and she saw how spacious it was, her eyes widened but not nearly as much as their bathroom or even her closet.

"What do you think of our home?"

“It’s gorgeous, Travis. You’ve done a wonderful job decorating it. Did you design it too?”
“It’s gorgeous, Travis. You’ve done a wonderful job decorating it. Did you design it too?”
Travis smiled, "Yes, I did... I want our children to grow up in the fresh air of the mountains..." he gave her a kiss, "I don't know about you but I'm starving... How about we change into something more comfortable and I'll get dinner started?" he went downstairs to get Casey's bags. Then he went in his closet and changed out of his suite and put on a blue t-shirt and jeans. Then he headed downstairs to the kitchen.
What else didn’t she know about her new husband? Owner of his own company. Designed his own house and very well too. Everything had been thought out. It just needed a few minor home touches but that was something she work on as they went. She still got butterflies in her stomach when he mentioned children. The fact that they would be intimate to get those children is what made her butterflies go a fluttering.

Travis brought her suitcases upstairs. She went into their bathroom to wash her face and comb her hair. She stared in the mirror thinking about his wish to brush her hair. Maybe. Just maybe, she could do that much. By the time she came out, Travis was downstairs starting their supper. She put away her belongings and quickly changed into a soft flowing dress that fell just below her knees and padded downstairs, barefoot. The aroma coming from kitchen made her stomach growl.

“Anything I can help with?”