Lesbian Couples for Ladies and Lesbians

That's possible. I didn't mean to but I might have had some copyrighted stuff by mistake.
Site rules aren't hard to find:

"You must have a legal right from the copyright owner to post any images - i.e. photographs/drawings that you yourself created and/or have a legal license or other legal permission to post."​

We're a bit flexible when images are linked from another site. Laurel (Site Owner and Admin) routinely works through the Attachments Folder and takes down masses of images that are obviously not owned by the poster/member. I've seen almost entire threads be stripped of images in a matter of hours. She will also quite often restrict a member from being able to attach any images at all.
Site rules aren't hard to find:

"You must have a legal right from the copyright owner to post any images - i.e. photographs/drawings that you yourself created and/or have a legal license or other legal permission to post."​

We're a bit flexible when images are linked from another site. Laurel (Site Owner and Admin) routinely works through the Attachments Folder and takes down masses of images that are obviously not owned by the poster/member. I've seen almost entire threads be stripped of images in a matter of hours. She will also quite often restrict a member from being able to attach any images at all.
I am familiar with the rules and did not knowingly break them. I understand the site's need to protect against that kind of thing and am not arguing that it was unwarranted. I just wanted to be informed of what rule I broke so that I could avoid it. Thanks for the insight and I will be even more vigilant in the future.
Hallo Grenzsub,ich freue mich sehr,das Sie wieder an Bord sind,und uns wieder mit Ihren wunderschönen Fotos beglücken können.
Ich werde mein Bestes geben, aber wahrscheinlich werde ich trotzdem nicht so viel posten. Danke für die Ermutigung!