Lit Board Crushes

Rubyfruit said:
Oh, that was funny, zipman. :) I think this lineup needs further analysis.


Well, if EB gets distracted with PBW, I may be safe enough to turn my attentions to the two Reds.

Oh, and looking at the lineup, all I can say is it doesn't look like things are getting better for Richard :( :D
zipman7 said:

Well, if EB gets distracted with PBW, I may be safe enough to turn my attentions to the two Reds.

Oh, and looking at the lineup, all I can say is it doesn't look like things are getting better for Richard :( :D


But will we be safe???
MzChrista said:

Dude, obviously you had a problem or you wouldnt get so mad.
I was joking around and I thought you were too. You coulda dropped a PM and said something, but instead you went off on me and to make matters worse, you went off on C Oh too, just cause shes my friend.She wasnt rude to you and you fucking know it.
I said I was sorry, and you blew it off. that makes you an asshole in my book. But it dont make me a man hater, because a MAN would accept an apology.

So you dont care. So shut the fuck up then.

Again you are sooo missing the point, pushing the blame away from yourself, and just plain making shit up. I am not mad. I had a problem with what you said, but I'm not mad. I've already stated that. You aren't worth getting mad over. I don't see how it's my problem when you attack me. So again, you are shifting blame by saying it's my problem. And again, I say... I was joking, but it was obvious you weren't. Unless of course you deem crushed testicles and dismembered testicles as funny. But then as a man-hater you probably do. You keep saying you aren't a hater, but yet you keep making all these anti-male, discriminating remarks. It's kinda like using the "N" word, and then saying you don't have problem with black people. People see it. They know you are saying one thing and turning around and doing another.

I rarely use PMs, except for friends. And I surely don't PM people out of the blue like that. Besides, you attacked me in a public forum and then expect me to slink around in shame by using PMs? You expect me to just *take it in the ass* in public and then whine to you in a PM. And after reading what you say here, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that your first response to me had I sent you a PM would have been a very short and sweet "Go fuck yourself". So, no, I chose not to use a PM, but to rather address it in a public forum where everyone could see both sides and see the truth.

As for C.Oh, I was as polite and straight shooting with her as I could be. I wasn't rude to her at all. However, her jumping into the foray was rather rude in my book. Since when is it her business? I would have treated her the same, whether she was your friend or not. You can trust in that.

I think I've adequately explained why I blew off your apology (see last few posts). If you don't understand it, let me know and I will try to use shorter sentences. Whether I'm a man or not makes no difference as to whether I would accept your apology or not. A fucking pussy would have accepted your apology. You apology was so poor, I'm actually more offended by that then your initial behavior.

And the fact that you can't help but to resort to telling me to go fuck myself or to shut the fuck up, just shows you lack the mental capabilities to have an intelligent discussion about this. And I don't even want to touch on your incredibly poor manners and civilities. Just because you may hate my gender doesn't mean you can't be at least civil. I don't treat you any different, so you can at least return the favor. But if that's the way you want it to be, then so be it.

PBW "Ace Ventura: I have exercised the demons! "

Hello Miss Skye. I've been hanging in there. How about you?

Oh, I think I've fished the GB dry of men, so, you know, thought I'd test your waters. ;)

I've kinda been posting all over the board about my interests in the subject of bdsm, so I won't go over it again, but I'm so glad I stayed long enough to start to get to know some of you better.

Great board you've got here. :)

P.S. Can we get that MzChrista, Lance and PBW three-way through pay-per-view, or something?
zipman7 said:

In the immortal words of Martha Washington

"Not a fucking chance!"

I think I missed that in the books . . .

Ah well, who wants to be safe anyway?

(I mean, except in a SSC way)
Rubyfruit said:

Great board you've got here. :)
Yeah, we like it. The boxing matches get a little messy, but at least they're coed--the way it oughtta be.

P.S. Can we get that MzChrista, Lance and PBW three-way through pay-per-view, or something?
Now that I'd pay to see. :) Good to see you, hon.

May I say on behalf of the warm and fuzzy I've got a Lit crush on you thread, that it's good to see you too! How are you feeling?

Your name has popped up on many a person's list here.
Hey, zip. I'm feeling tired but okay. I got a second opinion, and am much relieved to hear my brain's not likely to short out in the immediate future. I mailed off my thesis draft Monday. Life continues. Thanks for the greeting. :rose:

How's life for you?
(feel free to PM if you don't want to continue the chattiness. I'll understand. ;))
RisiaSkye said:

Yeah, we like it. The boxing matches get a little messy, but at least they're coed--the way it oughtta be.

I apologize to ya'll for going so far off topic and basically being involved in a ruckus. As soon as a certain party drops it, I will too. :)

PBW "Make love, not war"
The Canadian Judge Has You Up Her Pooper by 7

P. B. Walker said:

I apologize to ya'll for going so far off topic and basically being involved in a ruckus. As soon as a certain party drops it, I will too. :)

PBW "Make love, not war"


Geez, I thought you were doing quite well, actually.

I thought the criticisms you levelled were cogent, factual and not too heavy on the pepper.

And her responses have mostly consisted of cursing at you.

I believe that she has the capacity to be a much stronger communicator...but, you know how it is when you're getting the giggles from the's hard to change your patter sometimes.

Now, about this Pay Per View 3 Way....I think that needs a new thread.

Re: The Canadian Judge Has You Up Her Pooper by 7

Lancecastor said:


Geez, I thought you were doing quite well, actually.

I thought the criticisms you levelled were cogent, factual and not too heavy on the pepper.

And her responses have mostly consisted of cursing at you.

I believe that she has the capacity to be a much stronger communicator...but, you know how it is when you're getting the giggles from the's hard to change your patter sometimes.

Now, about this Pay Per View 3 Way....I think that needs a new thread.


I believe PBW was apologizing for taking part in the hijacking of the thread - the purpose of which was to talk about people you have a crush on and actually LIKE on the BDSM board.
Re: Re: The Canadian Judge Has You Up Her Pooper by 7

zipman7 said:

I believe PBW was apologizing for taking part in the hijacking of the thread - the purpose of which was to talk about people you have a crush on and actually LIKE on the BDSM board.

"Und ve must not, under any cir-cum-stan-ces deviate frum ze purpose of ze threads, ja Hogan?"

Colonel Klink

Hey there...I LIKE MzChrista....and one day I believe she'll earn me a fine new toaster oven! What's there Not to like about That?

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Perhaps I should have posted this on the bdsm flirt thread

Rubyfruit said:
Let's get back to the loving, please.

I have crushes on MzChrista, Lance, Cym, Risia, James, Richard, WriterDom, Dixicritter, NemoAlia, PBW, Ebony, Zip, Red (both of them) and Perse.

The rest of you, I just want to fuck.

Ok, Ruby, but I must warn you. I am lesbian and I know how to use it to my advantage :cool: (I have a range of sizes in dildoes, various vibrators, and several bottom-pleasers . . . or would you prefer my fingers :devil: )

~Thank you, ADR and Dream for uncluding me in your platonic crushes...and Dixi, I know it's me...*grins*~
Re: Perhaps I should have posted this on the bdsm flirt thread

MsWorthy said:

and Dixi, I know it's me...*grins*~

Yes Ma'am, you figured me out right nicely....~grins~

You have me quite in awe.

Ok Ladies and Gentlemen, I have to confess that I've got a Lit crush on.........................

Just about everyone here. :devil:

Re: Perhaps I should have posted this on the bdsm flirt thread

MsWorthy said:

Ok, Ruby, but I must warn you. I am lesbian and I know how to use it to my advantage :cool: (I have a range of sizes in dildoes, various vibrators, and several bottom-pleasers . . . or would you prefer my fingers :devil: )

I have such a weakness for lesbians who know how to use their toys. :)

Nice to meet you, MsWorthy.
Hell, I'd throw in a microwave. Don't get your hopes up too high, though. She's not going to be an easy mark.

Originally posted by Lancecastor
That being said, Sandia will give me a toaster oven if I nail you.
Lance Castor's Fall Furniture Extravaganza!

monster666 said:
Hell, I'd throw in a microwave. Don't get your hopes up too high, though. She's not going to be an easy mark.

"With no money down, no interest .....and no fucking till February 2004!"
Re: Lance Castor's Fall Furniture Extravaganza!

ROTFL!! I'd still say you had your hopes a bit high!

Lancecastor said:

"With no money down, no interest .....and no fucking till February 2004!"
Re: Re: Lance Castor's Fall Furniture Extravaganza!

monster666 said:
ROTFL!! I'd still say you had your hopes a bit high!

I was counting backwards from ten waiting for someone to scoop that one up....
Re: Re: Perhaps I should have posted this on the bdsm flirt thread

Rubyfruit said:

I have such a weakness for lesbians who know how to use their toys. :)

Nice to meet you, MsWorthy.

It's nice to meet you too, Ruby. ~smiles~
I am honored to be on your crush list.
Me too! You're a wonderful woman, and always an interesting poster. Plus, you're the first person to mention me on one of these 'list' threads! (A momentous occasion, wouldn't you agree?)
Re: Re: The Canadian Judge Has You Up Her Pooper by 7

zipman7 said:

I believe PBW was apologizing for taking part in the hijacking of the thread - the purpose of which was to talk about people you have a crush on and actually LIKE on the BDSM board.

Yes, exactly Zipman. :)

I wasn't apologizing to *her*, just to the rest of ya'll for boring the shit outta ya and making it hard to read the forum without wadding thru our little bitching match.

I think you are right Lance, but I did feel a tad bit bad about hijacking the threat. :) I'm a softie... what can I say? lol.

PBW "Waving my bottom at all the cutie women here" (in a whisper: Little do they know that it's waving because my hands are busy in the front... if ya know what I mean <wink, wink>)
It's hard not to like everybody here. It really is. There is just such an exciting mix of personalities that it's no wonder there are fireworks on occassion.

Thanks for making me feel welcome to the forum, Nemo, Ebony and MsWorthy (and everybody else). :)
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