Lit Holiday Poem Swap

I've known you, but there again not
for nearly nine years now.
Ever since I crept through the door,
rhyming everything
not sure of the reception.
Maybe I read you wrong
because you're nothing but polite,
but still I get the feeling
You don't really approve of me.
How could it be
This gorgeous symphony
Exists amid the sin below
High in a forum so few know
Daily composing heartfelt verse
Circled by smut and trolls and worse
Unnoticed as each note fades away
Devoted the few continue to play
And if any wonder why they bother
The simple truth – they play for each other

Happy Holidays to all here in PF&D, and thanks for including me in your various challenges this year. I had fun and look forward to more in the New Year!
How could it be
This gorgeous symphony
Exists amid the sin below
High in a forum so few know
Daily composing heartfelt verse
Circled by smut and trolls and worse
Unnoticed as each note fades away
Devoted the few continue to play
And if any wonder why they bother
The simple truth – they play for each other

Happy Holidays to all here in PF&D, and thanks for including me in your various challenges this year. I had fun and look forward to more in the New Year!

This is lovely and oh so true. :rose:

I have a cold and my muse said I should take a nap instead of trying to write a poem this afternoon. So here is a song for all you poets instead.
How could it be
This gorgeous symphony
Exists amid the sin below
High in a forum so few know
Daily composing heartfelt verse
Circled by smut and trolls and worse
Unnoticed as each note fades away
Devoted the few continue to play
And if any wonder why they bother
The simple truth – they play for each other

Nice poem, and my sentiments exactly.
How could it be
This gorgeous symphony
Exists amid the sin below
High in a forum so few know
Daily composing heartfelt verse
Circled by smut and trolls and worse
Unnoticed as each note fades away
Devoted the few continue to play
And if any wonder why they bother
The simple truth – they play for each other

Happy Holidays to all here in PF&D, and thanks for including me in your various challenges this year. I had fun and look forward to more in the New Year!

Beautifully said. Thanks, Seanathon. I look forward to more of your poetry in 2016. :rose:
Please let me add my appreciation for this poem and this place that draws us together in such a unique way and, of course, for the community of poets. A very Happy Holiday to everyone. :heart:

Stop it, I'm getting all misty
not a rhyme in my head
after seeing a blonde elf
in the cocksucker thread
may all of your fantasies
come true this season
How could it be
This gorgeous symphony
Exists amid the sin below
High in a forum so few know
Daily composing heartfelt verse
Circled by smut and trolls and worse
Unnoticed as each note fades away
Devoted the few continue to play
And if any wonder why they bother
The simple truth – they play for each other

Happy Holidays to all here in PF&D, and thanks for including me in your various challenges this year. I had fun and look forward to more in the New Year!

I must say I've enjoyed playing with you ......... oops for you :devil:
I must say I've enjoyed playing with you ......... oops for you :devil:

:eek:... a blonde elf!

have made me grow in so many ways
not only the obvious as we lay in bed,
exchanging kisses an soulful gazes,

I am the most patient of men now,
tenacious in pursuit of that to please,
by craft or guile

reaching under the pillow I bring forth
the one object that's taken all month to create
in the closet is a box filled with failures
but here, under the duvet
everything is perfect
Merry Christmas Baby
have made me grow in so many ways
not only the obvious as we lay in bed,
exchanging kisses an soulful gazes,

I am the most patient of men now,
tenacious in pursuit of that to please,
by craft or guile

reaching under the pillow I bring forth
the one object that's taken all month to create
in the closet is a box filled with failures
but here, under the duvet
everything is perfect
Merry Christmas Baby

Annie (UYYS)
The bushel hiding your light
is dense and suffocating
a talent nearly nipped
in the bud. We've
watched you
grow and
but you
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Annie (UYYS)
The bushel hiding your light
is dense and suffocating
a talent nearly nipped
in the bud. We've
watched you
grow and
but you

Ohhhhhhh! Gosh! Thank you, it's so beautiful. I must see if it will transfer like this into my Shoe box so I don't lose it :kiss::rose:
My muses, my Calliope,
Erato and Euterpe I listen
when you sing in words that play
a symphony of varied days
spent here or there. My sisters
you are everywhere, vaporous
yet constant as the air.

I love you for I know your hearts
are feminine and tender, you are
sensuous and strong, lovers
and survivors, some of you
are new to me and some of you
are gone; still I breathe
your humor and your memories.

We're idealized and somehow
truer in our anonymity. I stay
because you are my family.
My muses, my Calliope,
Erato and Euterpe I listen
when you sing in words that play
a symphony of varied days
spent here or there. My sisters
you are everywhere, vaporous
yet constant as the air.

I love you for I know your hearts
are feminine and tender, you are
sensuous and strong, lovers
and survivors, some of you
are new to me and some of you
are gone; still I breathe
your humor and your memories.

We're idealized and somehow
truer in our anonymity. I stay
because you are my family.

Absolutely beautiful !
Two to One

Ange and eagleyez, butters and Harry

It must seem like a miracle
to find love the second time
here, of all places, but it happens.
Witness to one, an unlikely junction
of Irish-catholic dreams and New
York reality that grew in love
and a passion for similarities.

It must seem like an act
of cruelty for the curtain
to fall so soon and yet
the legacy of a short life
together in happiness,
in memories, is priceless
and nurtured for ever.

And now a new bond,
formed across time and
vast distances, twines
a lovers’ knot, as vibrant
and meaningful as any
bond from two to one.

For the four in hand, with :heart:
Two to One

Ange and eagleyez, butters and Harry

It must seem like a miracle
to find love the second time
here, of all places, but it happens.
Witness to one, an unlikely junction
of Irish-catholic dreams and New
York reality that grew in love
and a passion for similarities.

It must seem like an act
of cruelty for the curtain
to fall so soon and yet
the legacy of a short life
together in happiness,
in memories, is priceless
and nurtured for ever.

And now a new bond,
formed across time and
vast distances, twines
a lovers’ knot, as vibrant
and meaningful as any
bond from two to one.

For the four in hand, with :heart:

You've expressed so beautifully something I've thought about, the seasons of love and the four poets here. And I love that song. I'd not heard Rickie's lovely version, but first encountered the song in this old movie when I was a youngster. PoeTess :heart:
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