Lit poetry: Porn vs. the erotic

CharleyH said:
And you don't monkey, and so ... whats your point? ;) :kiss:

I enjoy thinking too much. Do you enjoy thinking not enough? :D ;)

lemme think about that
okay here is one where I address this very question interesting enough, where I wanted porn not erotica and wrote about it right within the poem.

"remember it is not poetry
it is cumming"

I have rewritten this several times-- this is the original.
It was 100% meant to get someone off, and if others did as a side effect, well cheers, pass around the drinks.

is it pornographic?

by SeattleRain ©

words and invitation
aroused electric

in my sleep
I hold your information quiet

you have spoiled me
tonight I just long for you
just you
out from zipper
out for me

for me
a cock hungry woman
not a poet
just a prostitute
taking you in my mouth
by the book
on my knees as you hold on
hands on hotel radiator

looking out the window into the parking lot

not scenic
just an industrial park
truckers and travelers sleep and pass
not a destination
rain drop gray sky
nothing growing
highway rumble

in my mouth just you
not a poet,
raw and real
uncomplicated by adjectives
and symbolism

nothing to post
pretend, prepare

just you
out of denim
into mouth
as long as it takes

just give me your cum
I will take it
without asking for salt
or fantasy or

you can cum loud,
hard in my mouth
truckers and travelers might hear
it is to be expected
it is every day

remember it is not poetry
it is cumming
pounded hard against glass
clouds and drops and knuckles

and loud

Passion's Progress

It's just one finger,
tipping silk on silken lips
to trace a bow of flesh,
to slip inside a wet caress.

In welcome circles
lazy parody of ride

"I love your mouth,"
she whispers into his.

"I love yours, too."

One creeping finger
scuttles into curls of hair
to linger at his chest,
to taunt in giggles pressed,

Oh my!
Sensitive there.

Now breathing faster,
sighing through her hair,
his slipping hands know where,
exactly where and how,
and now they kiss, exchanging heat,
impatient mouths and bodies meet.

"I want you everywhere."

So finger slides no pause
to his rhapsodic rise,
this paradox of silk indurate,
feathering up thighs.

Emboldened touch arise
and sink in cycles,
caught upon the promise
in her eyes


Then fingers grasp and guide,
and rhythm moves astride,
gasping enjoined
in building quivershake.

“For me” he says,
“for me.”

And yes. And yes.
They break on waves,
tumbling together
though a wash of tides
to breathing slowed,
to dream to silence


On the Verge of Porn? Porn? :

Disposa Rides Again

Gimme that sex thing
Serve it up hot
Shove it up my O ring
Sanctify my G spot

Jerk my legs up high
Bang me up rough
Suck me till I'm bone dry
Slip me your good stuff

Sexy sap steamy soul
Sucky soft sticky sweet
Jimmy jam jelly roll
Sexsmellicious scented heat

Turn me over baby
Take it from behind
Slide it, ride it, deep inside it
Mesmerize and cauterize it
Jack it till you pulverize this
groovy movey grind
quietpoet said:
This seems to be something that we could spend the rest of our lifetimes studying, for the perfect definition. I think I would rather just fuck! Really though, I personally prefer the metaphor, the invitation that doesn't come to the door the first time dressed in a teddy adorned with handcuffs. Maybe it is just me! A little bit of romance goes a long way!



So what your saying is.
If'n some tall, lanky, kinky gurl
shows up at ya door.
Dressed to the nines
in Leather ~ Lace

Ya would NNOOTT *fuck* her?

How about if'n she

kissed ... tender
smelled ... sweet
wrapped around ... your big tweak
Curled up ... nice-tight
Wanked your yang
Tweaked your tweak

Hmmmm ... romance is not dead ... just revitalized ~ :heart:

dream your dreams
leave reality ... to da gurls ~

just a thought~ with a lil twist~ :devil:

hehehe had to be said, I could NOT resist~ :nana:
Angeline said:

Passion's Progress

It's just one finger,
tipping silk on silken lips
to trace a bow of flesh,
to slip inside a wet caress.

In welcome circles
lazy parody of ride

"I love your mouth,"
she whispers into his.

"I love yours, too."

One creeping finger
scuttles into curls of hair
to linger at his chest,
to taunt in giggles pressed,

Oh my!
Sensitive there.

Now breathing faster,
sighing through her hair,
his slipping hands know where,
exactly where and how,
and now they kiss, exchanging heat,
impatient mouths and bodies meet.

"I want you everywhere."

So finger slides no pause
to his rhapsodic rise,
this paradox of silk indurate,
feathering up thighs.

Emboldened touch arise
and sink in cycles,
caught upon the promise
in her eyes


Then fingers grasp and guide,
and rhythm moves astride,
gasping enjoined
in building quivershake.

“For me” he says,
“for me.”

And yes. And yes.
They break on waves,
tumbling together
though a wash of tides
to breathing slowed,
to dream to silence


On the Verge of Porn? Porn? :

Disposa Rides Again

Gimme that sex thing
Serve it up hot
Shove it up my O ring
Sanctify my G spot

Jerk my legs up high
Bang me up rough
Suck me till I'm bone dry
Slip me your good stuff

Sexy sap steamy soul
Sucky soft sticky sweet
Jimmy jam jelly roll
Sexsmellicious scented heat

Turn me over baby
Take it from behind
Slide it, ride it, deep inside it
Mesmerize and cauterize it
Jack it till you pulverize this
groovy movey grind

the first is definately erotic - wonderfully so. ;)

to me, the second is too intentionally playful to be pornographic, though everyone seems to understand the connotations of the 'P' word differently, according to their tastes, sensibilties, theological leanings, et al.

you sure can write, though. :)

I think I write some stripped down sleazy stuff. Not much literary value to it. It's fun to write though.
The_Fool said:
I think I write some stripped down sleazy stuff. Not much literary value to it. It's fun to write though.
Was it PORN POETRY! :D See what I mean.?Can porn be poetic, or is it just sleezy?
Angeline said:

Passion's Progress

It's just one finger,
tipping silk on silken lips
to trace a bow of flesh,
to slip inside a wet caress.

In welcome circles
lazy parody of ride

"I love your mouth,"
she whispers into his.

"I love yours, too."

One creeping finger
scuttles into curls of hair
to linger at his chest,
to taunt in giggles pressed,

Oh my!
Sensitive there.

Now breathing faster,
sighing through her hair,
his slipping hands know where,
exactly where and how,
and now they kiss, exchanging heat,
impatient mouths and bodies meet.

"I want you everywhere."

So finger slides no pause
to his rhapsodic rise,
this paradox of silk indurate,
feathering up thighs.

Emboldened touch arise
and sink in cycles,
caught upon the promise
in her eyes


Then fingers grasp and guide,
and rhythm moves astride,
gasping enjoined
in building quivershake.

“For me” he says,
“for me.”

And yes. And yes.
They break on waves,
tumbling together
though a wash of tides
to breathing slowed,
to dream to silence


On the Verge of Porn? Porn? :

Disposa Rides Again

Gimme that sex thing
Serve it up hot
Shove it up my O ring
Sanctify my G spot

Jerk my legs up high
Bang me up rough
Suck me till I'm bone dry
Slip me your good stuff

Sexy sap steamy soul
Sucky soft sticky sweet
Jimmy jam jelly roll
Sexsmellicious scented heat

Turn me over baby
Take it from behind
Slide it, ride it, deep inside it
Mesmerize and cauterize it
Jack it till you pulverize this
groovy movey grind

Hm, yes, ok it made me wet in the first stanza for gods sake! But what about porn Angeline?
CharleyH said:
who writes poetry with the intention of getting someone off? You raise an intriguing question, though. STILL - can there be a pure pornographic poetic form?

What does it look like? :)

I could write something erotic with no intention of getting someone off, or really even arousing them. I have a time or 2, though I wouldn't say it was very good. I was just putting words to a feeling I remember, and wanted to immortalize- at least for me.
BooMerengue said:
I could write something erotic with no intention of getting someone off, or really even arousing them. I have a time or 2, though I wouldn't say it was very good. I was just putting words to a feeling I remember, and wanted to immortalize- at least for me.

What about porn? :) Ever written pure porn poetry? Do you think there can be something p-porn, as in poetic porn?
CharleyH said:
What about porn? :) Ever written pure porn poetry? Do you think there can be something p-porn, as in poetic porn?

It wouldn't appeal to me even a little bit, but yes. As Ange said, it's the woids. It's how you describe 'whatever'... ya know?

I've been celibate 17 yrs, so I've kinda forgotten what 'whatever' really entails... :eek: :eek: :eek:
Lauren Hynde said:
Erotic is pornography without the balls.

Rollin right along....
Erotic is pormography without the undo emphasis on the balls.

William Empson surely would be displeased with the whole idea of this thread.

Charley the next time you get fucked, may it be in Iambic Pentameter with a set number of lines, forever and forever.
CharleyH said:
Hm, yes, ok it made me wet in the first stanza for gods sake! But what about porn Angeline?

That's as close to it as I get.

But I agree with Anna. It's all about intention and perception.

CharleyH said:
What about porn? :) Ever written pure porn poetry? Do you think there can be something p-porn, as in poetic porn?

porn that's not sleazy is called erotica

It used to be if you used the word fuck it was porn
if you said " gently entered" or something then it was erotica

it all depends on your definition of " porn"
Minor threadjack

Angeline said:
Excuse my New Yawk accent. I tawk this way when I'm tired.

Lucky you. I lived just enough of my formative years in different parts of the country. When I'm tired, you never quite know 'ow Ah'm gonna talk. <g>
This is one posted here on lit. I wrote it with the intent of enticing the sex god into conversation on my instant messenger. I guess it was erotic/pornographic enough, it worked.

Nymph's Song

Temptation in a sex god suit
is how I see you.

You walk with lewd suggestion,
Pelvis thrust and rolling at
those narrow, fucking hips.

Don't you smile at me and
draw me to your lair.
I have no need to acquiesce.
Giving in is easy.
Waiting is delight.

Lustfully strutting through my
female intuition,
this mind your naughty playground.

Smooth, naked skin and fully hard with
your engorging, heated blood.

Stop smiling at me with
your fingers in my hair.
I have no need for escapades.
Reality is better,
Touching you is right.

Redemption in a lover's kiss
is how I know you.

You sigh with sweet intimation,
Hips thrust and rocking at
My trembling, fucking lips.

Why don't you smile at me and
touch my secret places there?
I have needs we must address.
Wanting you in daytime,
Loving you tonight.
In my mind the purpose of pornography is merely to arouse where erotica has a purpose beyond arousing. At its best erotica is as much a psychological exploration and provokes, communicate and addresses issues and situations. . . Oh and arouse! Good erotica can rattle in my head for quite some time where pornography is of the moment and to jerk off to and nothing more...if the pumping meat is attractive enough that is.

If I hit her with a house brick
She would not have swooned so hard
As she did at the sight of my stiff cock

Dropping her pants she spread her legs
Exposing her neat wet cunt to my feasting eyes
Before dipping her fingers in her slit

Then she held out her hand for me to taste
But I was eager to feel my cock
Accomodated in the hot sluts hole

Who cares for niceities and introductions
Who the fuck cares what she is called
This is porn after all!

Hmm Maybe I should leave such writing to UnclePervy who to me is a master at pornographic doggeral as he himself gladly admits.

The point of this post....there isn't one :confused: the question seems pointless.
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twelveoone said:
Rollin right along....
Erotic is pormography without the undo emphasis on the balls.
Undo emphasis? How is that done? :confused:

My position is not so much that "erotic" is afraid to be pornographic - although most of the times it is - but that it has no potential to be more than what it is.

Erotic is about sensual arousal, artfully done, subtle, etc, but no matter how you put it, it is ultimately about sex. And that's it. That's the goal and the limit of what erotic can and tries to be.

But pornography, it has a far greater shock capability, it is unafraid of itself. And more importantly, because sex is at the surface, immediate, raw, it means that there is an untapped potential there to use sex as a tool to express other ideals. Ballard says that "pornography is the most political form of fiction, dealing with how we use and exploit each other, in the most urgent and ruthless way."

There have always been erotic scenes in mainstream literature throughout the ages, but they were always regarded as moments of pause in the narrative structure, to relieve the tension, or establish characters. And now look at the clearly pornographic elements emerging on the work of some of the best contemporary authors (Ballard, Ellis, Welsh, etc) where pure pornographic scenes are used as vehicles to drive home a much deeper, critical message.
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Lauren Hynde said:
Undo emphasis? How is that done? :confused:

Ballard says that "pornography is the most political form of fiction, dealing with how we use and exploit each other, in the most urgent and ruthless way."

To use the word exploit with pornography, gives Ballard to having a very puritanical view of sex. Maybe it's this puritanical view gives the need to write pornography.

How can pornography be the most political form of fiction? The pornographic industry might be large but it is minute compared to how we financially exploit each other. Pornography is self indulgence, the people either creating or consuming it, are symbiotic and on the whole, navel gazing.

How the west exploits the developing world, while not a sexy subject, should be the most political form of fiction. However, such a subject requires us as individuals to face the truth about our western lifestyle, while pornography distracts us from the most important things.

I have to add that sex and pornography has often been used as a way into personal politics and I'm not averse to using it in this way myself but it is on the whole hedonistic and is often used as a way of puritans indulging in saliciousness that they think they are above.
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bogusbrig said:
To use the word exploit with pornography, gives Ballard to having a very puritanical view of sex. Maybe it's this puritanical view gives the need to write pornography.
I think you misunderstood what I (and Ballard) said. He didn't use the word "exploit" in the way it is so often used, as if pornography was a form of exploitation of women, or as if the actors were being exploited by the producers. That's bullshit. What he said was that pornography itself - not the industry - deals with the way people exploit each other. A vignette where two strangers meet and fuck - it deals with how they ruthlessly exploit each other for their own sexual gain. No other literary genre is that honest.

bogusbrig said:
How can pornography be the most political form of fiction? The pornographic industry might be large but it is minute compared to how we financially exploit each other. Pornography is self indulgence, the people either creating or consuming it, are symbiotic and on the whole, navel gazing.

How the west exploits the developing world, while not a sexy subject, should be the most political form of fiction. However, such a subject requires us as individuals to face the truth about our western lifestyle, while pornography distracts us from the most important things.
Again, you're confusing the porn-producing industry for pornography itself as an art form. "How we exploit each other financially" isn't a form of fiction. It isn't literature. But compare pornography-the-literary-genre with its peers: romance novel, political thrillers, murder mysteries, essay, etc. No literary genre has a chance, when compared to the potential of pornography as a political tool. None of them have the sheer shock capability, the impact. Done right, used right, sex is the best way there is to force you to "to face the truth about our western lifestyle", as you put it. If you want to write a novel about how we exploit the third world, no other genre will be as big a kick-in-the-teeth as pornography can be. That's why pornography has become so prevalent amongst the most respected and progressive authors of our time. It can be a very powerful tool, and they're understanding that.

I'm not saying that all pornography does that, of course. Most is crap - as literature. But it has the potential to be much more.

Erotica doesn't have a prayer against that. With more or less artistic value, more or less poetics, more or less metaphor or imagery, its ultimate goal is sex, and it cannot escape that. Its goal is to distract.
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bogusbrig said:
To use the word exploit with pornography, gives Ballard to having a very puritanical view of sex. Maybe it's this puritanical view gives the need to write pornography.

How can pornography be the most political form of fiction? The pornographic industry might be large but it is minute compared to how we financially exploit each other. Pornography is self indulgence, the people either creating or consuming it, are symbiotic and on the whole, navel gazing.

How the west exploits the developing world, while not a sexy subject, should be the most political form of fiction. However, such a subject requires us as individuals to face the truth about our western lifestyle, while pornography distracts us from the most important things.

I have to add that sex and pornography has often been used as a way into personal politics and I'm not averse to using it in this way myself but it is on the whole hedonistic and is often used as a way of puritans indulging in saliciousness that they think they are above.
I don't know if the poet who wrote this submission will thank me for throwing it out in this discussion as the perfect example of pornographic exploitation to put forth a political statement. There is nothing erotic in this portrayal. I offer Wangui Waithira by jd4george as an illustration of where I think both you and Lauren are going in this discussion.
Remec said:
Lucky you. I lived just enough of my formative years in different parts of the country. When I'm tired, you never quite know 'ow Ah'm gonna talk. <g>

Well between New Yawk, Joisey, and Maine I'm starting to sound pretty garbled. :D