Literary Question.

I think you are taking the original word out of context as so many do. It has a much broader meaning than anal sex. Includes pedophilia, rape, bestiality, oral. I cut down this definition as it was about three Lit pages long.

Sodomy is a term used in sodomy law
A sodomy law is a law which makes certain sexual acts into sex crimes, most commonly anal intercourse. Sometimes the definition of sodomy has been broader and included oral sex and bestiality as well. Following Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England , the crime of sodomy has often been defined in the past only as the abominable and detestable crime against nature, or some variation of the phrase. This language led to widely varying rulings about what specific acts were encompassed by its prohibition.
..... for various forbidden sex acts. It is commonly used to describe the specific act of anal sex Anal sex or anal intercourse is human sexual behavior involving the anus and rectum, especially but not limited to the insertion of the erect penis into the anus - the use of sex toys and other activities involving the anus and rectum can be considered anal sex as well.

The terms sodomy and buggery are imprecise: while they are sometimes used as synonyms for anal sex, they often refer to various sexual activities. For instance, depending upon the jurisdiction, the legal definition of sodomy may include any non-coitus act, including oral sex and bestiality.
..... but can also include non-coitus

bestiality =

Zoophilia is a paraphilia defined as sexual attraction by a human to non-human animals. Human/animal sexual interaction is referred to as Bestiality, or simply animal sex; the term bestiality is also used, especially in legal and negative contexts, and certain people use the non-existing term 'zoosexuality' .The quite ambiguous term sodomy has also sometimes been used for bestiality. In pornography, Bestiality is occasionally referred to as "farmsex".
..... and paedophilia In medicine, pedophilia (American English), alternatively spelled paedophilia or pædophilia (in British English), is sexual attraction of an adult to prepubescent children. In common usage, pedophilia or under-age sex is sexual attraction and sexual acts towards children generally, including adolescents who are far beyond a prepubescent level of physical and psychological development.

The term sodomy derives from the name of the ancient city of Sodom Sodom was the chief town of a group of five towns on the plain of the Jordan River in an area that constituted the southern limit of the lands of the Canaanites (Genesis 10:19). Lot, a nephew of Abram (Abraham) chose to live in the city. According to the Bible, both Sodom and Gomorrah (called as a group The Cities on the Plain) were destroyed by God for their sins. Opinions differ as to what the sin actually was.
..... , which according to the Bible The Bible refers to the primary sacred scriptures of either the Jewish or Christian religions.

an explicit recall to fornication is available: "Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities."
kellycummings said:
Sodomy is a sin? Oh shit!!!

Guess that means you're doubly F***ed. Better go and confess.


Can there be absolution for such things?
In a related note:

Coffee up your nose dosen't sting a bad as coke, but it still hurts.

Didn't Lot offer up his virginal daughters rather than have his guests (angels) sodomized?

perdita said:
Didn't Lot offer up his virginal daughters rather than have his guests (angels) sodomized?


Yep, he sure did.

Those are the same virginal daughters who seduced him in a cave the night after their mother turned to salt, IIRC. :p
Weird Harold said:
Those are the same virginal daughters who seduced him in a cave the night after their mother turned to salt, IIRC. :p
Yes, but didn't they do it because of his grief and to give him a son?
perdita said:
Yes, but didn't they do it because of his grief and to give him a son?

I don't remember their reasons, but it's still an odd way of reacting to being offered to a crowd for a gang-defloration.

If Lot and his family were saved because hews the only righteous man in two evil cities, then I think God grades on a curve. :p
Colleen Thomas said:
In a related note:

Coffee up your nose dosen't sting a bad as coke, but it still hurts.


lol I knew that also a word to the wise sprite and other "citrusy" pops burn like hell. Also since I tend to laugh in the back of my throat I tend to choke rather that shower :D
Weird Harold said:
I don't remember their reasons, but it's still an odd way of reacting to being offered to a crowd for a gang-defloration.

If Lot and his family were saved because hews the only righteous man in two evil cities, then I think God grades on a curve. :p

I'm not sure, I'm no biblical scholar, but I don't remember it saying that God was happy with the whole daughter thing. I could be wrong but I don't think it even says that Lot was in Gods favor afterwards, only that he was the only righteous one at the time of the cities destruction.
destinie21 said:
lol I knew that also a word to the wise sprite and other "citrusy" pops burn like hell. Also since I tend to laugh in the back of my throat I tend to choke rather that shower :D

I tend to avoid drinking coke when perusing the Ah for that very reason :)

In this case I was still on my cup of morning coffee and well, I just picked the wron thread to take a sip in :)

Colleen Thomas said:
I tend to avoid drinking coke when perusing the Ah for that very reason :)


Ohhhh, you're supposed to drink coke! Now I know what I've been doing wrong.
kellycummings said:
I'm not sure, I'm no biblical scholar, but I don't remember it saying that God was happy with the whole daughter thing.

I'm not really Biblical scholar either, but the story of Sodom and Gomorra (sp) is a recurring theme on the History Channel's series on Biblical Archeology.

According to their rendition of the tale, it was Lot's offer of his daughters to protect his guests' safety that decided his righteousness. In any case, the offer of his daughters took place BEFORE the destruction so it didn't affect his status as "the only righteous man."

Whatever the specifics, the Story of Lot and his daughters is filled with things that would scandalize "Righteous Men" who point to Lot as a model for their righteousness.

Given the recent national news about abuse in the Catholic Church and local news stories about a couple of other denominations representative, I'm not sure that Lot isn't the true model for "righteousness."
Had to look it up:

Genesis 19
31 One day the older daughter said to the younger, "Our father is old, and there is no man around here to lie with us, as is the custom all over the earth. 32 Let's get our father to drink wine and then lie with him and preserve our family line through our father."
33 That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and lay with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.
34 The next day the older daughter said to the younger, "Last night I lay with my father. Let's get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and lie with him so we can preserve our family line through our father." 35 So they got their father to drink wine that night also, and the younger daughter went and lay with him. Again he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.
36 So both of Lot's daughters became pregnant by their father. 37 The older daughter had a son, and she named him Moab [1] ; he is the father of the Moabites of today. 38 The younger daughter also had a son, and she named him Ben-Ammi [2] ; he is the father of the Ammonites of today.

One does have to read this with a different consciousness. Lot's daughters would hve understood why they were being offered up to prevent "sodomy", and they knew the importance of continuing their father's line (what w/their mother turned to salt). Obviously God agreed for the two newly sired lines went on to produce more biblical books, etc. I'm not being facetious, just brief.

I also read the Bible as literature first; it is mostly fiction to me, or embellished reality.

Weird Harold said:
I'm not really Biblical scholar either, but the story of Sodom and Gomorra (sp) is a recurring theme on the History Channel's series on Biblical Archeology.

According to their rendition of the tale, it was Lot's offer of his daughters to protect his guests' safety that decided his righteousness. In any case, the offer of his daughters took place BEFORE the destruction so it didn't affect his status as "the only righteous man."

Whatever the specifics, the Story of Lot and his daughters is filled with things that would scandalize "Righteous Men" who point to Lot as a model for their righteousness.

Given the recent national news about abuse in the Catholic Church and local news stories about a couple of other denominations representative, I'm not sure that Lot isn't the true model for "righteousness."

I am not a biblical shcolar either, but if you read the old testament you will find Lot was not acting against any prohibition in the law of moses by offering his daughters up. The correct place of women is somewhere beneath slave and is only slightly better than doormat. You must keep in mind that Lot is righteous according to mossaic law. According to that code a man could kill his son, if the child was not properly respectful and not be judged a murderer, but be upheld as righteous.

Trying to apply modern day value judgements against the actions of biblical characters is a waste of time. By OT standards every woman who posts here is evil, not because we write about erotica, but simply bcause we speak. According to the OT women are not supposed to teach, so all the dominican nuns you have ever met are not righteous. The code is so contrary to our modern day values that it's utterly appalling if taken literally. The best (and worst) that can be said of Lot is that he was righteous according to the definition at the time.

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Colleen Thomas said:
Trying to apply modern day value judgements against the actions of biblical characters is a waste of time.

Thus my comment about God grading on a curve.

I don't think applying modern standards to historical (or mythical characters) is appropriate, nor do I think that applying historical values to Modern Day situations is appropriate -- and the latter is something I object to.

Times change and laws and religion have to adapt or become irrelevant.
Weird Harold said:
Thus my comment about God grading on a curve.

I don't think applying modern standards to historical (or mythical characters) is appropriate, nor do I think that applying historical values to Modern Day situations is appropriate -- and the latter is something I object to.

Times change and laws and religion have to adapt or become irrelevant.

The adaptiveness of any of the major religions is what baffles me the most when it comes to fundamentalists of any stripe.

I tend to agree with you that it is objectionable to attempt to say what a historical figure might feel on a modern question. at themost basic lvel a historical personage would have no opinion, as they would lack historical perspective on the issue or they would have an opinion inspired by the situation during their life again without historical perspective.

Sir Issac Newton was a brilliant man, but I have a better grasp of astro-physics than he would if you ressurected him on the spot. In fact I have a better grasp of his theory of gravity than he would, simply because so much has been done with it that I am aware of that wasn't even cncievable in his time.

Colleen Thomas said:
In my newest work I wish to make reference to a well known literary source. Basically my main character, who isn't at all familiar with S & M finds herself led into the play room of an S & M club.

I want to say somthing to the effect of she felt like she had just stepped into a scene from...

All I can come up with is Dante's inferno, but having never read it I don't even know how he describes hell. Does anyone out there have a better reference?


I'd go for naming a painting, without reference.

She felt like she had just stepped into "The disintegration of the persistence of memory" or "The enigma of William Tell with the apparition of a celestial gala."

(But I like Dali anyway)
