
Icingsugar said:
Thank you. That just about ruined any chance of keeping my mind on the NaNo matter at hand. Now I have to pry the picture of you two raving beauties (I'm blatantly assuming that your AV is you.) out of my head first.

/Ice - might need ice

Sorry friend. lol

most people who don't Know think we're sisters imagine their suprise. Anyway just pretend you don't know and thingfs will be fine.:D
Originally posted by Icingsugar
Thank you. That just about ruined any chance of keeping my mind on the NaNo matter at hand. Now I have to pry the picture of you two raving beauties (I'm blatantly assuming that your AV is you.) out of my head first.

/Ice - might need ice
Finally someone else thinks we're raving beauties.:D
Seriouslythanks for the compliment and like D said just pretend we're sisters unless you get off on incest or role play. In that case just suffer through like I do.:rolleyes:

Renza (Who can't wait until the Nano thing is done.)
destinie21 said:
I'm sorry about the frivolity of this post but I had to share. The humor and Irony(who really know what the hell Irony is anyway)
was to delicious to keep to myself . . .

Karma came through.

Seems there's trouble in paradise. Mr. Fuckwit's "fiancée" has just announced that there may be a problem with their plans AS SHE HAS DECIDED IT'S TIME TO COME OUT OF THE CLOSET. . . .

Hey, Des,

Haven't read through the whole thread, but couldn't wait to comment. (well, had to wait until I got up off the floor and stopped rolling around, and had my teary eyes clear so I could see the screen and type ;) )

Anyway, thanks for sharing a great story. You're right, it could hardly be better. Well, I did think of one improvement. Fuckwit's fiancee comes out of the closet and says it was all due to meeting and falling in love with his former girlfriend.

Thanks, again, for sharing, you made a bleak day funnier,
OldnotDead said:
. . . Well, I did think of one improvement. Fuckwit's fiancee comes out of the closet and says it was all due to meeting and falling in love with his former girlfriend. . .

I guess it depends upon your point of view.

To me, the best comment would have been if "Fuckwit's fiancee" had mentioned that she came out of the closet once she realized she could never spend her entire life 'passing.' :rolleyes:

A few evenings in "Fuckwit's" fumbling embrace and she KNEW she could never waste her life with such an inept lover. :eek:
Fuckwit: is this in Math's dictionary? It should be. Don't feel like looking (all that offal to wade through, yukkoh).

perdita said:
Fuckwit: is this in Math's dictionary? It should be. Don't feel like looking (all that offal to wade through, yukkoh).


It's a fairly common English insult, for sure..
I also have a soft spot for "Fucknugget" and "fuckmuppet", despite the henson connotations...

I once had a boss whom we termed the "slopey-shouldered teflon-coated fuckmuppet" .. Never took responsibility for anything, and nothing ever stuck to him.

p.s. Mrs D and Mrs J are both hot cookies, and I don't usually go for black women, they usually remind me too much of my sister.

Raph, who has a black sister and isn't into incest.
raphy said:
It's a fairly common English insult, for sure..
I also have a soft spot for "Fucknugget" and "fuckmuppet", despite the henson connotations...

I once had a boss whom we termed the "slopey-shouldered teflon-coated fuckmuppet" .. Never took responsibility for anything, and nothing ever stuck to him.

p.s. Mrs D and Mrs J are both hot cookies, and I don't usually go for black women, they usually remind me too much of my sister.

Raph, who has a black sister and isn't into incest.

Thanks Raph you're a pretty hot cookie yourself.

destinie21 said:
sorry my het jargon is a little rusty :D

Although you are definately a hot cookie.:devil:
Cookies, muffins? Quit reminding me. It's 8 oclock, well due time for dinner, and I'm in a writing flow. Now I just got hungry instead. :rolleyes:
I'm depressed.:(

It's dark outside, and I feel really down. I've bought a lot of ice cream and chocolate to cheer me up. NaNo will have to wait until I feel better. Perhaps I'll write a little on it later tonight.

I've got a full night ahead of me. CSI, Sex And The CIty, Dark Angel, and Futurama.

Why did I only buy a small-size Non Stop?
Svenskaflicka said:
I'm depressed.:(

It's dark outside, and I feel really down. I've bought a lot of ice cream and chocolate to cheer me up. NaNo will have to wait until I feel better. Perhaps I'll write a little on it later tonight.

I've got a full night ahead of me. CSI, Sex And The CIty, Dark Angel, and Futurama.

Why did I only buy a small-size Non Stop?

awww why so depressed svenska?
I suggest reading obscene interiors over in the Dr M thread it's hella funny. otherwise *chillax

*chillax-Chill and relax
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raphy said:
. . . I once had a boss whom we termed the "slopey-shouldered teflon-coated fuckmuppet" .. Never took responsibility for anything, and nothing ever stuck to him. . .

Raphy! You worked for Don W******, too?

Wasn't he a shitheel! :rolleyes:
I believe I have SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder. The lack of sunlight makes me tired and gloomy, and I just don't have the energy to do stuff.

I have DrM on my Ignore List, after he said some things about the use of drugs, which has made me come to the conclusion that he's a moron.

I've installed a new lightbulb in the kitchen, making it super-light. I think I'll sit on a chair and stare at it for a while. Kinda like a budget-britebox.

Thanks, des.
Flicka-mou, I sent you a PM which I hope will make you smile, or at least laugh at me. SAD is real, I know. There are special lights for it, but I think it needs to be over you, do not stare at it or any light.

I'm sad too but it's like a mid-life thing for my NaNo. Getting to the mid-point did not make me feel good, just made me feel I went too far. Very weird.

I will finish the creature but I want to have as much fun as I had in the beginning and I'm not now. I may just start writing a whole new novel mid-page, anything to not feel stuck. Maybe I'll write about my Swedish goddess friend and her tits.

Write me anytime. I'm with you, hunnybuns.

Perdita :heart: :heart: :heart:
Hey Destinie,

Thanks for the story. No fiction can ever be wilder than true life.


Oh yeah, the lipstick post was hilarious too. But that's laughing with you, not at you....
