Logging out

I had the same problem with another erotica site. I type in my username and my password, and the only thing I get is another window asking me for the same info. And I know that I've got the right password, coz I double checked it.

I'm thinking about not using the Internet anymore unless it apologizes to me!:mad:
If I might inject a note of anti-levity for a moment (yeah, I know I shouldn't, but, well...)

It's about the log-on password blight thingy. Being paranoid, I always delete cookies when I log off t'Net. Which means, of course, typing away at ye password to get back in and get anything done.

My browser of choice is Opera. The free version has a small advertisement bar at the top which most of the time I don't even notice, but version 7 also has the option of recording passwords. When I need to log on to Lit it's just a question of hitting Control/Enter and Bob's your thingy, I'm in.

Just thought I'd mention it. Now, back to the chase...

Chocolate chip, please

TheEarl said:
Diane: I'd like to have a close look at your cookie. You know, just to make sure that you're not exaggerating. 3 or 4 hours should do for a proper inspection.

Earl Blix

Dear Earl,


Diane the Modest
Hi son

gauchecritic said:
Did I do ok Dad? You said to put the frighteners on the sweet one so I just blew up the house. Or was I only supposed to blow the bladdy daws off?

I can personally vouch for Dianes cookies, as I've seen the other avathingie.


Nice one son, well done, you've learned well Grasshopper, oh s**t wrong son, ah yes, well done number two son.

Bloody shame they came and took that police car back though, it was a nice talking point, still they were very understanding about it, they admitted they shouldn't have left the keys in it and the engine running.

Oxford Mafia, damn cheek, we don't do common Mafia my good fellow, but look out for the Don's, hehe.

Re: ME

MathGirl said:
I have Windows ME, and it works perfectly. No trouble logging on, never have to type a password, etc.

I've been told that I have the nicest set of cookies around.

Diane the Humble but Realistic

Nice to know we share a lack of password typing, which is just as well, I forget most of them within a day or two, old age see.
No problem with ME so far and I only pirated, sorry purchased it recently.

I'm sure your cookies are the finest in the land Diane.

Svenskaflicka said:
I'm thinking about not using the Internet anymore unless it apologizes to me!:mad:

Dear Svenska,
I'm sure a threat like that will make the INet folks shake in their boots. Or do something in their boots.
Earl, seems you have a problem. First, I would ease up on the coffee or see about some stress relief. Blood vessels of the brain can handle only so much pressure before they burst.

As for the login situation, it seems you have already done the basics of checking your security and cookie status, although it does sound like the Lit system isn't finding that cookie for some reason.

If you have no firewall stopping info from coming back to your computer, I would suspect the cookie is corrupted. Or, you have some temp file that is fouling things up. You could first clear all temp Internet files, if you know how to do that. Delete or clear all temp memory cache and all temp disk cache. So, if something is corrupted in there, that will clear it out.

It might also be necessary to delete the Lit cookie. It might be corrupted. The computer will bitch at you, but you will be replacing it soon, so let it bitch.

Then, reboot and try to get in Lit again. If cookies are enabled, you will get a new cookie and after you have logged in once, the problem will hopefully be gone. But, if not, such is life. That is the extent of my knowledge on the subject.

I don't have problems with this, but others might. If it is a Lit system thing, there could be a pattern it follows affecting some and not others. If this is the case, when Lit clears it up, it will go away. These things do happen.

Now, MathGirl, speaking of those cookies...what would you like in return for seeing them? Can we bargan? I have you know, chocolate chip cookies are my FAVORITE!
oh bliss is life!!!

i set up my pc to do a maintenance thingy last evening and far out, it's so much quicker and easier and wow... i'm going to get lots done today!

(i should have remembered the maintenance thing eh)

Alex! if you're still around, what is this Opera thing you're talking about? Can I have IE(whatever) as well as Opera on my system?

pops, i seriously want to know what a Don is, please :)
yes, you can have all the browsers you want on your computer. But, if you want some things to work correctly, you will have to have one of these be your default browser.

Even that isn't really necessary, but if you want to open files from your computer that are normally web viewed, your computer will ask you how to view such files, if you don't have a default browser.

That is the only real problem you would have.

Sorry, I'm not Alex.
Re: oh bliss is life!!!

wildsweetone said:

pops, i seriously want to know what a Don is, please :)

A don is a professor at Oxford. They are not renowned for their levity or fondness for rap music. Also a term to denote a godfather in certain other cultures.
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Re: Re: oh bliss is life!!!

MathGirl said:
A don is a professor at Oxford. Also a term to denote a godfather in certain other cultures.

And thereby hangs a pun, which only us english types understood, so as my dad would say; hehe.
