Love Letters

Perky Seducktr(god)ess

Communion. Such a perfect term for how I feel when I taste of you.

What communion hath light with darkness? --2 Cor. vi. 14.
None, and when we touch, communicate, connect all darkness is banished and only light reigns.

Thank you for your trust, your strength, your belief, my valentine.



(Hmm ... I wonder if we've stilled UPs hunger by now ;-)
TheDR4KE said:
Perky Seducktr(god)ess

Communion. Such a perfect term for how I feel when I taste of you.

What communion hath light with darkness? --2 Cor. vi. 14.
None, and when we touch, communicate, connect all darkness is banished and only light reigns.

Thank you for your trust, your strength, your belief, my valentine.



(Hmm ... I wonder if we've stilled UPs hunger by now ;-)

Drake, remember that episode of the Simpsons where Apu was making all the guys in Springfield look bad??

Please stop ;)
Remember don’t spare the syrup and "nuttin sez luvin like heartfelt excess"!

You know, I really do think of myself as a romantic person. I devour romance novels and write them. (So if you ever dis the genre, be prepared for my wrath.)

But, I have drowned in the excess of syrup on this thread. Am I alone? Someone resuscitate me with a love letter, sans syrup.
Re: Re: Love Letters

Whispersecret said:
Remember don’t spare the syrup and "nuttin sez luvin like heartfelt excess"!

You know, I really do think of myself as a romantic person. I devour romance novels and write them. (So if you ever dis the genre, be prepared for my wrath.)

But, I have drowned in the excess of syrup on this thread. Am I alone? Someone resuscitate me with a love letter, sans syrup.

You write them really?

I am not ashamed to admit that I read them every day and always have.

What a great thing to be able to do.

I will try a letter without the oozy syrup. ;)

I was thinking about love letters yesterday and it occured to me that we have written and received these for a very long time.

For example,I realized my very first love letter was this...(names changed to protect the innocent)

Dear Love,

Do you like me?

Check yes [ ] or no [ ].

The Boy

And my second one was...

Dear Love,

Will you be my girlfriend?

Check yes [ ] or no [ ].

The Boy

So I decided a simple love letter would work today.

Dear Tiger,

I love you

I desire you

I need you

I want you

Will you be my valentine?

OH, MY GOD! LMAO. I remember those check the box notes from school! What a crack up. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!
If I were pancakes without the syrup, would you eat me anyway?

A Gift, One Eve
Attracted by your wit, imagination, and talent
Delighted to discover your intelligence and inate goodness
Enchanted by your beauty and torrid sexuality
Elated to realize that there is so very much more
Recognized how fortunate I am to have you in my life!

Oh, you're so sweet,
I could kiss your feet.
(I know you'd like that ;) )

:kiss: :heart:

<grins> Being a single, not even dating anyone gal, theses letter's are prolly the closest I'll get to having something romantical for V-day.

They're wonderful!

So, just wanted to say, "THANK YOU GUYS!!!!"


I'm just chalkin it all up on my mental list that true kinda love does exist out there. =)
ShamelessFlirt said:
If I were pancakes without the syrup, would you eat me anyway?

Yea,but Tiger might get upset....:eek: lol

Ya know WS, its hard to believe, but my youngest child is now getting these. I feel old now. ;)
lovetoread said:
I was thinking about love letters yesterday and it occured to me that we have written and received these for a very long time.

For example,I realized my very first love letter was this...(names changed to protect the innocent)

Dear Love,

Do you like me?

Check yes [X] or no [ ].

The Boy

And my second one was...

Dear Love,

Will you be my girlfriend?

Check yes [ ] or no [ ].

The Boy

So, Will you be?

So I decided a simple love letter would work today.

Dear Tiger,

I love you

I desire you

I need you

I want you

Will you be my valentine?
Yes I will be yours forever more!

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Thank you.
Though I say the words too late
I feel your spirit close, so safe.
To hear the things I did not say
Before time and fate took you away;
I love you, Mom.
More than I ever knew
I'll miss you always.
Cause even a small part of you
In my heart, isn't quite the same
As knowing you were only a phone call away.
My life is full and I continue to grow
Living with one who's loves me true.
I just wanted to say,
I love you.
Thank you for loving me too.
words at 3:30am EST......lover to lover....

dear sweet lover,

its so cold tonight....about 18 degrees Fahrenheit plus
windchill; where is your 212 degrees Fahrenheit body
to warm me up?

you make my sweet devilish blood boil.
with your caresses, making my skin warm.
with your kisses, transforming my face into crimson
flush...feeling your tongue lusciously licking my neck...
hearing your breath in my ear...

where are you when the wind howls outside, when the
ice and snowflakes dance? i want to wake up next to you
in the morning, with winter's brightness peering through those
venetian blinds. we'll make love all morning, then call in sick
to work and spend the whole day in bed. you would fix up
some steaming Godiva cocoa and sticky cinnamon buns and
we can have breakfast in bed (or brunch?).

but in the meantime, when I wake up in the morning alone,
I'll be daydreaming about you and cuddling up with me on the
cold, snowy New England morning.

sweet dreams darling,

D earest
R ake
A lways
K now
E lation

:kiss: perky
Dear Gnufi Poppets,

Soonest will be Valentines's day so I am loudly being of the declaring my love and secret crush on the Gnufi. When I seeing your name I am becoming of the being of the damp sweaty palms and heaving big chest. Can I be of your Gnufi girls? Content I will be of the allowing of the ogling of your feet. Happy I will be.

Late at night darkly it is so I am saying your name again and again. Gnufi Poppets. Sexy being of the big head penis. It stands erect. A flagpole standing tall is of the hard loving of Gnufi Poppets to the wet sexy babes that be of the heavy panting and wanting of him. A chant that excites me. Gnufi, oh Gnufi, yes,yes oh God yes being of the big head penis that many are thinking is so hot. You are to me being of the sexiest.

Not only being endowed with the big head penis that is very large. The girth is being of hugeness. The length is belonging to the very long. Gnufi is also being of the big brain. Thinking, thinking of the knowledge that is filling his brainy head. My Gnufi is being of the perfect big head penis but also being of the intellect.

Gnufi, my love. Happy Valentine's Day. May the day be bringing of you the being of very fulfilled sexy hot babes for your big head hard being very erect penis.



:heart: :rose: :heart:
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on a February night .....

Dear sweetpea......

Damn cold here in CT.....freezing my cute little ass off
but at least I'm inside for now, keeping warm and watching
the opening ceremonies for the Winter Games on TV. Just
recovering from a little bug I had last night that I got on
my job.....felt like shit but I survived my shift....thank goodness
I'm home tonight, a paid day off from work....snuggled under
a heavy blankie, wishing you were here to cuddle up.
Can't wait to hear from you Valentine's Day.....not too far away,
and I anticipate getting a call from you......but wish you could
show up on my doorstep with roses in one hand, and with the other
hand, holding my face as you kiss me......

Feeling sleepy now......4:32am....need sleep....zzzzzzz

sweet dreams honeybun

me :)
Poetry Board Ladies

Flowers wild
between threads of frivolous words,
their slender stems entwining poetic posts.
Golden faces
with an array of expressions, and
enticing images
representing the goddess within.


A gentleman and a poet
Re: Poetry Board Ladies

Masked Poet said:
Flowers wild
between threads of frivolous words,
their slender stems entwining poetic posts.
Golden faces
with an array of expressions, and
enticing images
representing the goddess within.


A gentleman and a poet
And a god, I might add.
Thank you.
It's lovely!:rose:


My scrumptious morsel of femininity, I am but a mere mortal man in your divine presence.

:rose: :rose: :rose:

Then down on your knees
oh, mortal man you.
Drink of my sweet nectar.
Join me in immortality.

I can hear the board now, can't you?


Kat~ :rose:
To Masked Poet

Ever the gentleman
You open the door
Then pull out a chair
So I can sit
And enjoy an aphrodisiac
With you

Strawberries n' cream
Godiva dark chocolate
A bottle of Cristal
Or Perrignon
We shall share
In flaming candlelight

Holding my face
In your hands
Kissing me deep
Falling into a swoon
of love's mystery

