Love Letters


My :heart: is like thunder in my chest!
Attention of two damsels not in distress!

KatPurrs and tigerjen, how sweet you both are. I must confess that I have a weakness for good brandy and bad women. ;)

For you both:
:rose: :kiss: :heart:

MP :devil:
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Re: To Masked Poet

tigerjen said:

Holding my face
In your hands
Kissing me deep
Falling into a swoon
of love's mystery



WHAT???? OFF WITH HER HEAD!! And bring it to me on a platter! Stupid mortal girl. Harumph!

Now, MP, where were we? Oh yes, in that temple, with you on your knees....

Kat~ :rose:
Re: sigh...

Masked Poet said:
My :heart: in like thunder in my chest!
Attention of two damsels not in distress!

KatPurrs and tigerjen, how sweet you both are. I must confess that I have a weakness for good brandy and bad women. ;)
For you both:
:rose: :kiss: :heart:
MP :devil:

Ahhhhhhhhh MP!
Thank you much! :kiss: :kiss:
You made my night
Soon I'll take flight
Off to bed I'll go
Dreaming of you and I know
I'll be smiling the devil's smile :rose: :devil:


is my goddess, and tigerjen is a fair young maiden. Just imagine my dilemma! Both have such charms. What's a man to do?
I suppose kneeling in my goddess' temple should be my first pleasure. Perhaps worshipping her with my tongue. Would that please you, goddess? Then afterwards, I can hunt down my little maiden in the fields outside the temple. And when I spy her, I'll throw her down onto a blanket of wild flowers and ravish her. Hmmm... that works for me, dear ladies.

MP :devil: for me

Masked Poet said:
is my goddess, and tigerjen is a fair young maiden. Just imagine my dilemma! Both have such charms. What's a man to do?
Then afterwards, I can hunt down my little maiden in the fields outside the temple. And when I spy her, I'll throw her down onto a blanket of wild flowers and ravish her. Hmmm... that works for me, dear ladies.

Works for me.....:kiss: :kiss:



Re: KatPurrs...

Masked Poet said:
is my goddess, and tigerjen is a fair young maiden. Just imagine my dilemma! Both have such charms. What's a man to do?
I suppose kneeling in my goddess' temple should be my first pleasure. Perhaps worshipping her with my tongue. Would that please you, goddess? Then afterwards, I can hunt down my little maiden in the fields outside the temple. And when I spy her, I'll throw her down onto a blanket of wild flowers and ravish her. Hmmm... that works for me, dear ladies.

MP :devil:

In my best Anne Richards (is it?)impression, of show, "The Weakest Link"......all I have to say is:

MP, the only temple you are going to see is the Temple of Doom......GOOD BYE!

Ah! A whirlwind romance! It lasted a matter of minutes. Anticipation, Ecstasy, Heartbreak! :(

I shall now crawl away, and lick my wounds, and try to figure out where I went wrong. :confused:

Women are a strange and delightful lot indeed.

a love letter to "hunnybunny"

dear hunnybunny......
i am feeling much better.....have not been out of my
house since Friday morning; in fact I am at the library
now doing the 'net thing....just had to get outta the house
for the while.
It's very cold out today for sure....brrrrrrrrr...can't wait to
get home and snuggle up with some cocoa and a hot dinner
and watch the Games on tv, though I already found out
who won a couple of events already thru!

I must go...the reference librarian is throwing me off so another
person can get on here!!

later babybunny!

:kiss: :kiss:

me :)
unknown truth, you know who you are...

To a man I not know
In a place I have never been
To give my heart
and I receive his
A love that maybe ours
and sleep beneath the stars
Unconditional and forever
This love of ours
I not seek
He just appears
You have been my dream for many a year
You breath my breath
Sing my song
Cry my Tear
and Bleed my blood
Our unconditional love.

Nice, Viscountess...
but how about the love from afar, the love most painful, the love unrequited. Have we not all felt that pull, that longing, that undeniable want?


Most dearest,

I've watched you for weeks, playing, crying, passing before my eyes as others taunt you. Your pain rings all the more painful in my sleep, my distant dreams.

A more loving and caring soul has not been led to slaughter at the hands of those who can't understand your beauty.

Lying awake at night I imagine where you are, what you do, with whom you speak. I wonder if you ever think of me. Is there a spark? An ember that I could endow with flame if only the right words were spoke?

Do you ever picture us together as I do, holding hands, gently touching your fingers, your shoulders? Oh, too exquisite it is to picture the sweetness of your lips, a kiss so gentle, so tender, so delightful as to rend my heart.

If only I were brave. One who could stand before you, declaring my feelings. Such thoughts make me shiver. I see your eyes, those liquid pools of desire looking into my innermost secrets and I melt like a candle lit from within.

My love, if only one could see the view
Behind my eyes, the pain I feel for you.

Your devoted admirer