Lover of Antiquity

Charles looked up when he heard the soft footfall of someone entering the dining room.

" Good morning Mr. Carseldine. I hope you slept well. May I join you for breakfast?"

"Of course, Nafisa. I would like that very much." She was simply dressed but it suited her well. Her feeling physically comfortable reflected in her mood, which in turn made her look that touch more appealing. Even her hair pulled back into the thick braid just added that nice little touch. As she sat down, he caught the faintest touches of another pleasant scent coming from her.

"Ah, you used the bath this morning. I must compliment you on you choice of bath products. You smell quite alluring."

Alexandra walked in carrying a tray with two plates laden with food. She put one in front of Nafisa first, the Charles. Two large beef sausages, grilled tomatoes, heated baked beans and a mixture of mashed potato, pumpkin and some herbs filled the plates.

"Ah, Alexandra, this is Nafisa. Nafisa, this is my housekeeper Alexandra."

"Pleased to meet you, Nafisa. Charles has his quirks, as a boss, but he's a fair man otherwise. Not like the slave drivers you get nowadays. Would you like coffe, tea or juice?"

"I'll have my usual mix, thanks."

After Alexandra left with their requests, Charles gave Nafisa a look, coupled with a smile. "If she only knew..."

Alexandra returned with their drinks, then left them in peace. Charles started to eat, feeling rather hungry after yesterday's surprises. He spent most of his time looking at Nafisa when not looking at his food.

"I slept well, thank you. I gather that you slept well too? After breakfast, I'd like to see how you decorated your room. Then we'll get started preparing you for your new role during your time out of the prison. We'll start with your work wardrobe, then get you used to the tools of the trade."

He took a long drink of his juice, letting it cleanse his palate and soothe his throat. "Also, you wil have some spare time on your hands. I know I have asked you this before, but are there any hobbies that you have? Or is there anything you would like to learn about? When I am not running into the ground like the slave driver I am." He smiled at the last comment.
"Coffee with a little sugar would be fine thank you," Nafisa said as she took in the food before her. Nafisa had grown in a more tan good home and thus had manners that were ingrained in her from birth. When Alexandra returned with their drinks, Nafisa thanked her again and started in on her breakfast. She thought silently on the slave driver comment. Technically it was cruel, but he hadn't reached the cruel stage. Not yet anyways.

"Yes I did sleep well." She made sure Alexandra wouldn't hear her as she said, "It has been years since I've had a proper sleep so it was much welcome." She sipped her coffee slowly, letting the hot brew warm her body. It was different than what she was used to but over time she had gotten used to it "Oh if only I had been born in the 17th century. I would have made a fortune on banned coffee." Even as hungry as she was she took her time with her food, savoring every bite she took with the occasional small moan now and then.

"I know I have asked you this before, but are there any hobbies that you have? Or is there anything you would like to learn about? When I am not running into the ground like the slave driver I am." He smiled at the last comment." Nafisa sipped her coffee she thought. Hobbies? "Other than the occasional bit of hunting and trading goods, the sea was my main focus. While I made a poor daughter I did make a more than competent sailor." She set her cup down gently, "As for anything I would like to learn, I think I will see what this time has to offer first, sir."

Being a Cosair had kept her busy more often than not, so minor hobbies were reserved for times when she was on shore and not conducting business. Even while she had more freedom than many women she still had benefactors to keep happy and well as her men. She'd barely had time for the occasional lover. Men then wanted submission, someone to give them a son or ten. Not someone who would challenge them.
Charles nodded, looking back at the tablet to catch up on anything interesting he needed to know about. It was a quiet news day, and he covered everything he needed in a few minutes. He also listened to Nafisa enjoying her breakfast. He was pleased to note that.

"Now, there are a few things I want to go over before we go much further. Last night, I did a fair bit of thinking about you. While this curse of yours makes you a slave to the one who frees you, I can't in all honesty treat you like one. Not fully. It's just not who I am. Well, if you were more open to the idea, embracing it, then I would. Anyway, there is a reason for limiting your using your powers. In this day, it is far to easy to pick up inconsistencies those powers can create. Sudden wealth? Where did it come from? Where's the proof? Certain powers would kill me, and leave you locked away forever so you couldn't cause any more problems. I see times where those powers will be useful, but going around and using them regularly is not going to be allowed.

"So, formally, you will only use your magical abilities with my express permission. I hope you understand the reasons for my doing this."

He finished off his breakfast, letting it settle a little before continuing on his list. "After breakfast, we will go to your room, and work on your work wardrobe. I will be able to show you images of clothing that modern women would wear, and you can create them for yourself. Later, we will actually buy clothing for you, but you will need something to start with.

"While we are doing that, I will start teaching you to use one of the most important tools I have when looking after my business." He tapped the edge of the tablet computer. "This is a type of computer, which is like a book, only it does some of the menial work for you. There are other types of computer that you'll use as well, but this type you'll be using the most.

"Actually, before doing all of that, I'll get myself a little cleaner and more presentable."

He pushed his empty plate a little further away from the edge of the table, and slowly stood up.
"So, formally, you will only use your magical abilities with my express permission. I hope you understand the reasons for my doing this."

Nafisa almost dropped her forked. He wanted her to play human beyond what anyone had ever asked of her. Rather than lashing out at him she simply asked, "So even if I am doing small things for myself I am not allowed to use my powers without your permission?" She wondering if he realized just how tiresome it was going to be for her to constantly run to him because she wanted to read something from her own time, or change the type of bird in her change or something else simple that would in no way draw attention to who she was and what she could do.

She pushed the plate way, no longer interested in food. Instead she finished her coffee as her master went on about her room, the clothing she would need and the technology she would have to learn. Thankfully her gift would allow her to learn quickly what she needed to do and how.

When he stood and said he would clean up some before they would continue on Nafisa simply stood and gave him a small nod. "As you wish Mr. Carseldine. I shall wait for you in my room." With another nod to Alexandra who was coming over to collect their dishes Nafisa returned to her room. She couldn't tell if he was simply trying to find a way to fit her and her abilities into his life in a way that wouldn't draw attention or if he was trying to herd her towards his bed by trying to make it seem the lessor of two evils.

Personal Assistant, she smirked. Unless he had recently dismissed one or they had left him employment, or was simply a hard man to work for, he should already have one. She lay back against the silky softness of her bed. Well if that is what he wanted, that is what he would get. Nafisa would be efficient, polite, proper and utterly boring. She'd done much of the same in the past, only it had been as a deterrent to the young men that Jameson had done business with.
Charles walked back to his bedroom, noting that he had clearly ruffled the feathers of the proud Corsair Captain he had gained. He dropped the tablet on his bed, shedding his robe and getting dressed in a pair of boxers, casual pants and a polo shirt. He grabbed the computer and walked to Nafisa's bedroom door. He knocked once, then entered.

"Are you feeling a little to restricted, Nafisa? Do you feel that I am being unfair to you with my commands? Tell me, plainly and honestly, why are you so upset about that? Yes, I saw and I can feel it too.

"Regardless of how you feel about things, I am the one in the more dominate position. I can very easily command you into doing things that you would particularly hate. But, you have at your disposal... powers that can be highly disruptive. Until such time as I can trust you with them, I am not going to let you be able to do whatever the hell you want with them. And since you yourself said it is better to be precise, then that is what I am being, precise.

"Think about it. How would you feel if you suddenly had an unwilling slave who would serve you, and they were a pirate or thief before being so bound? Someone you have very little knowledge of personally. Or even of their culture? And all you have is their word, and damn little else?"

He took a few steps closer to where she lay. "And on top of all of that, that person has the potential to ruin everything for the one they serve."

Charles took a few deep breaths to bring himself back under control. "Given your... background, there are one of two things you could be that would adequately explain your presence. Firstly, my latest fuck buddy. But there would be no way we could pull that off without actually being that. I have tried it before, and people have been able to see through me. It's the one image I have not been able to project well enough. The other, is the Personal Assistant. Being a Captain of a ship, I think you'd be able to handle that easily enough, and not let you get too bored along the way.

"Now, does that make things a little easier for you to deal with, Nafisa? Or would you prefer that I just be more of an old style Master and tell you what to do, leave you in the dark and not give a shit about what you may want in your time out of the prison?"

Charles took the time to look around the room he had given over to Nafisa, and took in the changes she made to suit her desires. He really felt that he had stepped back a few centuries and into a totally different world to the one he was used to. It started to remind him of just how much this woman must have suffered, and be suffering under the effects of the curse she had cast on her.

"Very nice. Is this the sort of decor you had, or you would have liked to have when you were actually alive?"
"Very nice. Is this the sort of decor you had, or you would have liked to have when you were actually alive?"

She didn't look away from the ceiling she answered,"With the exception of a few servants and a guard or two it is close to what I lived with. I was born into wealth and power." Nafisa slow sat up and then stood, his comment about when she had been alive hurt somewhat. In a way he was right, what she was now, was not who she had been. If not for the curse Nafisa would be just a shambling collection of bones and rags.

"And as for what I would do, Master, I would have asked them about themselves. "Who are you?," is a rather limiting question do you not think? Yes I was a pirate, but like many of the early ones, I hand the support of my lord. Now of course short of commanding them to be fully honest with me, I would likely research into them and decide for myself. I am sure history and how to access it has advanced. Of course the command to be honest would be pointless since I cannot lie. Unwillingly as I may be I am as close to the perfect slave as anyone can get. It is simply not a matter of who I was that has made me like this, I was one of the few who did not deal in the slave trade. Not by choice anyways. I may have been a thief, but I prefer jewels to flesh."

She brushed past him to stand by the balcony, "Don't mistake my upset as misunderstanding. I know better than anyone how disruptive my presence can be in more modern times than the one in which I was born. I also know how to use my skills in ways that does not cause trouble for my master." Nafisa sighed, "Maybe I should stop trying to compare you to my last master. Jameson at least took the time to get to know me, of course he was old enough to be your father when I came to him. Though I don't think a younger him would have been distracted by what was hidden beneath my clothes." It was a bit petty, but being petty was one of the few weapons she had.

Giving him her full attention she bowed,"But as you have commanded Master, I will not actively use my powers unless instructed to do so. Some abilities are not under my control however, such as learning things fast enough to suit you. Like my continued youth, looks and health I have no direct control over that."

She then gave him a look that clearly came from running a ship and not her eternal servitude, "You don't know me any more than I know you. I suppose we shall just learn as we stumble about. So for the sake of being civil, I suggest we move onto the subject of what you expect me to wear when I am "working" with you. We can worry about our trust issues later."
"Wonderful, I happen to be the one after the 'perfect master'. How lucky for me.

"Would it better for you if I treat you as all the previous bastards have treated you? Seeing you as nothing more than something to get sexual relief with? I will be brutally honest with you, Nafisa, you have a body worth looking at, and one I do like to look at from time to time. But do I think about it all the time? No, I don't.

"Forgive me for not taking it well having a magically imprisoned person pop into my life unannounced. Particularly in a time when magic is believed not to work at all. But I am trying to cope wit hit as best as I can from my limited understandings of things."

Charles looked at his feet for a few moments, letting the mess of thoughts pile up in his head, before mentally sweeping them aside. When he looked up, his expression was more neutral, and his voice calmer.

"Again, Nafisa, I apologise for my outbursts to you over things that are not your fault. I am not trying to be anyone else, only myself. I am not trying to offend your sensitive pride with what I am doing. I have no desire to treat you like a slave, nor to have you be idle and possibly bored. I have been trying to help, but obviously the way I have been going about it has not been productive. Our schedule for the day has been changed. You are free to do as you see fit. Your ability to use your full range of powers is restored, Nafisa."

He turned and walked to the door, opening it a crack. "If you are interested in knowing, I will be in my study. You may explore my abode however you wish, wherever you wish."

Charles left her room, closing the door behind him and walked to his study without any pauses or deviations. He went to the cabinet, and took out the dagger, bringing it to his desk. He laid it on the centre of the blotter, staring at it.

"I did fuck things up, didn't I?" He snorted as he threw himself back into his chair. "Hells bells. I want to command her to serve me, and not give a fuck about what she thinks and feels, since between what she's said and what she has shown has declared that if I command it, she will do it. But at the same time it is so fucking wrong that it makes me sick that I even think it. She's tied to this," his hand waved to the dagger sitting on the table.

"Fuck. It's all your fucking fault." He aimed his words at the blade. "Well, I have someone who is forced to live with me. The best thing to do is to treat them as a guest. Try and be a better host than I have been a potential boss or Master."

Charles lifted up up the tablet, reactivated it and opened a browser. He hit a search engine, and put in 'Nafisa Corsair Persian'. He stared at it for a moment, then hit the button to start the search.
She also screamed at his retreating back that yes it would be better if he was like that. At least if he was willing to be a bastard she could deal with that as she always had. With a strong mind and well honed acting skills. Instead Nafisa simply let him leave before throwing herself onto her pillows and thinking. Or rather sulking. This time was so different, of course they all were, but this one more so. The last time she'd been out magic was seen as either parlor tricks and the work of the devil. This time it was apparently seen as mere myth and nonsense.

It wasn't Charles' fault that he had bought what was more than just a simple jeweled dagger. It always wasn't his fault that she was well, stubborn and hard headed. Eventually he got up and changed. Her clothing grew blurry before being replaced with soft blue fabric with silver threading, even her sandals matched. Nafisa shook her hair out and let it flow freely.

On the balcony a pair of song birds appeared in the bird cage. She fed and petted them gently before setting off to explore. It was strange to be so high up. It seemed the wealthy like to isolate themselves, not only from other people, but also the world. She walked through his library. some of the books were old, but were well taken care of. Jameson had given her plenty of time to read and learn. Many times they had spent nights with her reading to him as he got ready to sleep.

Nafisa looked all over Charles' home, stopping in the kitchen to fix herself a drink. As she had a second glass of water she didn't realize that he had taken her words to heart about learning about her. Since female pirates themselves were a rarity and female cosairs even rare, Nafisa had carved out of piece of history for herself. While not as famous as Sayyida al Hurra, she had made a name for herself. She hadn't taken the easy route with the slave trade, but had spent of her time taking merchant vessels. Nafisa had amassed a sizable fortune for a woman of her time.

There were a few pictures of portraits of herself, it was clear she hadn't aged much since they had been painted. One of the pictures showed the dagger than laid on the table before Charles tucked into the sash about her waist. The information ended with the assumption that Nafisa and her crew had been lost at sea or taken prisoner as after leaving port around 1400-1401 they were never seen again.

Leaving her empty glass in the sink, Nafisa found Charles in his study. He was obviously reading something so she sat down across from him and waited. Since she wasn't allowed to conjure food, she settled for a nail file and cleaned under nails that did not need cleaning. When he was done Nafisa said, "I must admit that I have probably been unfair to you. I shouldn't have compared you to my last master. While he didn't use my body, because it was beyond him, you simply are not interested in forceful tactics. You'll pardon my suspicion though, as most men of power are not without some form of deception. Be it in business or in private."

The file vanished from her hand as her eyes met his,"We're both in an odd and awkward position right now. So rather than trying to see what shakes free, I will strive to be better." Nafisa smirked, "That does not mean Master that I am going to suddenly find, sharing your bed a good idea. So do we have an accord? I'll work for you in a rather human capacity and you'll try to get used to the idea that you could have anything you wanted with a simple command."
Charles was aware that Nafisa had entered the room and sat down opposite him. Alexandra would have knocked first, then asked permission. He continued his reading, not wanting to miss out on any information before he turned his attention to the woman in front of him.

"I must admit that I have probably been unfair to you. I shouldn't have compared you to my last master. While he didn't use my body, because it was beyond him, you simply are not interested in forceful tactics. You'll pardon my suspicion though, as most men of power are not without some form of deception. Be it in business or in private."

"True, I do have my deceptions when I am in business. Otherwise, I am not deceptive."

She looked up at him, straight in the eye.

"We're both in an odd and awkward position right now. So rather than trying to see what shakes free, I will strive to be better. That does not mean Master that I am going to suddenly find, sharing your bed a good idea. So do we have an accord? I'll work for you in a rather human capacity and you'll try to get used to the idea that you could have anything you wanted with a simple command."

"My thoughts haven't changed on you sharing my bed, Nafisa. I'll gladly accept you there, if you're willing. But, as for the accord you have suggested, I think I can agree to it, Nafisa bint Sulayman ibn Hammad ibn Khalid al-Ḥarīrī." He slowly turned the screen around, showing her the painting of her in the very outfit she appeared in before him initially, with her prison sheathed and tucked within her belt.

"You are right, it is better to research the person a little before passing judgements on them. I see that there was another reason for making such a head strong woman a slave. You never touched them in your career of theft."

He gave her a long look as she gazed on the screen. "When you've finished, could you please close the door and come back to sit down."

On her return, Charles sat upright a bit more. "All right, to make things perfectly clear. Nafisa, as your Master, I release you from all previous commands I have given you. You are now as you were, when you first arrived from your prison." He tapped a button on the phone. "Now Alexandra will know that I am not to be disturbed in here. How about you conjure up a little snack to help us celebrate this new accord between us? Something that would be appropriate from your time period."
Nafisa raised an eyebrow as he called her by a full name. Well that was something. When he turned his tablet around and showed the picture of her portrait she stared at it. Some small part of her wondered, if it still existed or if the picture was of a copy. As much as she missed her old life, she didn't at the same time. It could have ended much differently from the way it had.

When he mentioned the slave trade she shrugged, "Too much work, too much bother and I don't think its fair to condemn someone to servitude, simply because they lost the fight."

Rising from her chair when Charles asked her to close the door she did so. At the mention of a snack she thought for a few moments before she snapped her fingers. Two silver plates appeared, one for them each and two cups. His held tea that he could sweeten to his liking while she had conjured some Turkish style coffee for herself already sweetened. On the plates were a few pieces of sweetened bread, slices of dried apricots and some warm dolma, steamed grape leaves filled with a mix of rice, ground lamb and herbs.

"Hopefully everything is to you liking Master." Nafisa picked up her coffee and took a slow sip. She licked the rich foam from her lips. Coffee had always been her one true guilty pleasure. "And hopefully Alexandra will not be mad that I fed you," he took the first sip of his tea and seemed to enjoy it.
Charles took a sip of the tea, surprised at the taste. The second sip found him liking the particular blend, and wondering if it could be recreated today.

"Don't worry about Alexandra. She knows I feed myself at times. Do you know, that she approached me when I was fifteen looking for work? A young woman in her early twenties, on the border of being destitute, came to me to basically prostitute herself. She thought that a lad of my age would be eager, go straight to sex and not last long. Quick easy money. I turned her down.

"I'd known her for a while, seeing her in the neighbourhood often enough to exchange words with her. But, I gave her a job. Two days a week she would come in and clean up my bedroom, and she took care of my laundry. She's been in my employ ever since. We're good friends, and I have never tried to take her to my bed, not even once. She's found herself a fine chap. A train driver. He treats her well, and she's happy. It took him a while to understand our working relationship, but after meeting, things sorted themselves out."

He sipped some more of his tea, and took a few pieces of the dried apricot to eat. "So, even when a woman is willing to have me bed her, I may not. But again, Alexandra wasn't really wanting to do it, so neither was I.

"Just curious, Nafisa, but what qualities would make a good bed partner for you?"
Nafisa silently wondered about his motivation to explain his relationship with Alexandra as she sipped her coffee. She figured he was just trying to show he wasn't some lustful bastard. If choking was possible she might have done just that with the bite of dolma she had in her mouth when he asked his question.

"Just curious, Nafisa, but what qualities would make a good bed partner for you?"

She set her half empty cup down, the brew still steaming lightly as she finished her bite and swallowed. It really wasn't his business, but Nafisa was willing to answer him honestly.

"If you mean before I came to my current predicament, a good face, a good cock and not looking for commitment." Her cup was in her hands again and another sip taken. "I looked more for pleasure and convenience than an actual lover, if you will. As for now," she shrugged and waved her hand idly, "I suppose if I took a man to my bed now I would want an intelligent man capable of handling a spirited woman. Someone worth more than a few days of idle pleasure." Her bed partners had been few and far between. Her job as it was, did not breed for easy trust. She took another bite of the stuffed grape leaves and licked her lips slowly.

Nafisa could only assume, Charles was interested to see if he possibly fit what she wanted into a love. After she swallowed she added, "Also someone who wants a partner. Someone who wants conversation and not simpering and sycophantic prattle."
"Well, I plan on not having you trapped in this place for the rest of my life, so you'll get the chance to met other people. Who knows, one of them might catch your fancy in that regard. I'm happy to come to some arrangements with you to allow you the means to enjoy their company should it happen."

He took one of the dolma, taking a deep sniff of it first, liking the aroma. He took a bite, sighing at the delicious taste of the warm filing.

"This is great, Nafisa. I have never tasted anything like them before. Mmmm." He finished off the remainder of the piece before giving her a look. "I can see you're still unsure of me, and why I am doing what I am doing. A few centuries of habit, plus my recent behaviour will take a while to erase, huh?

"The image of your naked self is fresh in my mind, and I really did like what I saw. I wont lie to you on that. I wont lie about wanting to see it again. But I wont command it of you, not if I am going to try and treat you like a person. With respect and decency, and not like a slave. Plus, there is a hope that I may, one day, be of interest enough to share a bed with you. I'm male, what can I say."

He drank more of his tea, letting the food settle a bit, along with his mind. "Also, I think that we will take a little longer before getting you to work, help or whatever we'll end up getting you to do. For now, you'll be my guest until we're a little more settled with each other.

"Now, as a matter of trust. I'm not sure if you can touch the dagger that imprisons you, but I would ask that you leave it be. For now, at least. We need a little time to get people used to your being here before you go wandering too far on your own. Now, I haven't commanded it, I have merely asked you, and given my reasons. Now, for my own peace of mind, is that approach more appealing to you than being ordered? Would being approached in this way help to build trust in me?"
"I'm happy to come to some arrangements with you to allow you the means to enjoy their company should it happen."

Nafisa fought the sad look that came to her eyes. "That's generous of you, but it would be unfair to pursue a lover such as I am." She did smile though as he enjoyed the food before him. "I may just have to share the recipe with Alexandra. I could also share with her how to find a tea like the one you are having now. I assume the world is far more connected now that several hundred years ago."

When he mentioned her body and its affect on him she shook her head lightly with a small laugh, "Of course you are Master, and I do not hold it against you. While not a lover of women, I know just how appealing my body is."

She set her cup down hard in its dish when he mentioned her dagger.

"I'm not sure if you can touch the dagger that imprisons you, but I would ask that you leave it be."

"Of that you do not need to worry. While I can touch it, I can do nothing with it. Not even end my life." The way Nafisa said it left little doubt she might have tried to free herself by the most extreme of measures. "I haven't touched it since the night my last master died and I have no interest in doing so any time soon." She nibbled a piece of fruit and nodded, "And yes it would go a long way in building trust. For both of us I think."

Nafisa filled both their cups again, "So if magic is just a thing of stories now, I take it things like science have finally taken a strong foothold in the world now?"
Charles caught the look of sadness in Nafisa's eyes.

"Why not? Why would it be unfair? I thought it would be unfair if you didn't, particularly if there was someone who caught your interest and held an interest in you too. While you're free of your prison, why not live as best you can? Particularly if your Master is willing to let you."

Charles popped another Dolma in his mouth, shewing on it as he thought. He had indeed reacted in the totally wrong fashion when Nafisa first arrived, and now, after extending enough olive branches to stripe a tree, he was taking a different outlook to the woman. She was free, well free enough, to make her own choices and pursue her own goals. Strangely, Charles didn't want her to be idle in the time she had before returning to the prison. Even before his change of heart, he wanted her to be active. Being idle would be more of a death sentence to her than anything else.

"I may just have to share the recipe with Alexandra. I could also share with her how to find a tea like the one you are having now. I assume the world is far more connected now that several hundred years ago."

"I think she would like that. Even from the point of being able to enjoy them herself. As for the world, yes, very much connected. I can speak to anyone, anywhere in the world, as long as we workout the times right. So getting things from a different part of the world is not an issue. However, the leaves that made this blend may not be growing anymore. But, we wont know until we go looking."

He enjoyed Nafisa's laugh. "Of course you are Master, and I do not hold it against you. While not a lover of women, I know just how appealing my body is."

Charles added his own laugh. "That's part of the problem, not holding it against me." He gave her a wink. "Plus, while most women don't love other women, they are well aware of how much appeal they have on men by watching the men's reactions to themselves."

"Nafisa, I was not concerned with you trying to use it as a weapon. I thought that you might be able to carry it on you, thereby allowing yourself to move freely, rather than be limited by it's location. Once you are more established, I will have little trouble with you having it on your person to allow you to move about freely. That's all."

"So if magic is just a thing of stories now, I take it things like science have finally taken a strong foothold in the world now?"

"Yes, very much. Magic is not something that can be proven easily in a scientific manner. Though, now, we are reaching a stage where some of what science tells us, and shows us, could be mistaken for kinds of magic. But it would seem that magic is still alive and working well enough, as you have so ably have demonstrated. It has allowed us to have people go to the moon, and stand on it's surface, we can sure illnesses that once wiped out millions of people, we can travel to other parts of the world in hours, speak to people in other parts of the world immediately, send letters that arrive sends after they have left, and a host of other things that people of the time when you were born would think were miracles.

"Of course, we can kill more people faster and in far more deadlier ways. Wars can envelope greater areas of land and oceans than ever before. Ships now can kill other ships that are so far away they are beyond the horizon. Man hasn't really changed that much, but then, I don't need to tell you that, do I?"

He took a long drink from his refilled tea, letting the warmth soothe his stomach.

"What I would like to know, Nafisa, is what are we going to do with the remainder of the day. Anything that particularly appeals to you?"
"Have you heard the saying 'A man cannot serve two masters'? While I doubt you may suddenly be overcome, by the need to have me at your beck and call all the time, it would be unfair to take on a lover, as I am currently. I will never age Master, never grow old, never have children. And considering how well you took to the idea of what I am, I couldn't bring myself to be deceptive to someone I honestly cared about." There was also the fact that she did not, whether through her own morals or the curse, want her master harmed. While the dagger could not be stolen, he could be killed for someone else to claim the blade and thus her.

"Let's say I just wouldn't feel right about it." Nafisa sipped her coffee slowly, "If not the particular tea leaves and herbs, we might be able to find good substitutes. And I am sure Alexandra would enjoy the dolma as well."

She nodded when he mentioned her slipping her mystical leash so to speak, "Even if I did that you would be still able to call me back. Until you shed your blood with this blade again or die, I am at your command." Silently Nafisa listened to how the change in times had also lead to more advanced and faster ways for humans to kill one another. Now that was no surprise, considering she had seen many of those advances. Knowing it had moved even further was not that shocking.

"Anything that particularly appeals to you?"

"I..." Nafisa stopped and thought. Piracy had been her way of throwing off the shackles of her gender, and she had been good at it. It took up so much of her time, there was little room for much else. "Reading I suppose. Jameson, my last master had an extensive collection and I spent much of my time reading, learning about the world and time I was in. So I suppose we might do best with you teaching me about this new world of yours."
"Well, again I will not force you to do anything you don't want to regarding a lover. But should you have a change of heart, we can discuss it later."

For Charles, there was something deeply sad about hearing her speak like that. As if hope had been quashed completely that she would find someone she could share her heart with. Her reasons were sound, but that still didn't shake the feeling that it was unfair to her.

'Remember, old boy, she has been cursed. This could be another aspect the sorcerer planned on.'

"I... Reading I suppose. Jameson, my last master had an extensive collection and I spent much of my time reading, learning about the world and time I was in. So I suppose we might do best with you teaching me about this new world of yours."

"Well, I suppose I can do one better. I can show you how to find out about anything that strikes your fancy. Using this little beastie here." He tapped the edge of the tablet. "With this, you can find out about... well anything. But there are a lot of things out there that are not really true, some things that are completely false, plus a lot of stuff that really hasn't got much to do about anything really. Just like how I found out about you, Nafisa, you can find out about the world as it is now, and where it might be going.

"Plus, there are lots of books here in my home. I'm not sure if you found it, but there is a library down stairs full of mostly fictional works. Which you are more than welcome to go and read. But, I'll teach you how to use this device, as well as how to find interesting information with it."

Charles started to show Nafisa the basics of how to use the tablet computer. Turning it on and off, finding applications, particularly the browser, as well as other useful features. He then showed her how to browse the internet, use search engines, forums, blogs, and all the other different types of sites to help give her a grounding.

"Don't be alarmed or surprised if you turn up a sex site in your searches. There are lots of them, and they pick all kinds of ways and means of getting noticed by search engines. Most of it you'll already know about, so I doubt you'd be too shocked by any of it.

"Anyway, after dinner, I'll get one of these set up for you to use. You can go anywhere in the house, and it will work. It's a good idea though, while you sleep, plug it in to power up the battery. But it'll tell you when it's running low."

Charles looked at his watch. "Well, that'll be sooner than I expected. I'll just go see if Alexandra is still here. If not, then you can fix me dinner as well."

He walked out of the study, and checked all the places where he thought she might be, but found a note in the kitchen.


I have caught up with my work, and since you're busy with your "Personal Assistant", I felt that I could spend my time better at home, being looked after by my "Personal Assistant". I wont be in on Monday, as I have important tasks that need doing that day. I'll see you on Tuesday.


P.S. She is much better than any of the fuck buddies you've brought home. Try and keep her, please. A.

Charles laughed as he walked back to the study. "If you only knew, Alex. If you only knew." He got back to the study, and dropped down into his chair once more.

"Just you and I, Nafisa, and no Alexandra for the next two days."
To say that she was amazed and astounded would have been an understatement. The world was so much larger now. She paid attention dutifully as Charles showed her how to use the tablet. It didn't take long for her to get the gist of how it worked and what she needed to do. Within the next day she would be fully used to the piece of technology. She was almost hypnotized by the words and images passing before her face on the tablet, that she scarcely did more than nod as he left to go seek out Alexandra.

When he came back Nafisa gave him her full attention. Two days. Alone. While he hadn't hinted at anything in the way he said it, the idea still raised the hair on her neck. Even she really could not explain it. Instead Nafisa sat up straight again and asked, "Do you have any particular wish for dinner Master?"

After dinner Nafisa planned on another long hot soak and studying. First she would catch up with the world and then she would do some research into her family and what had become of them. Since her imprisonment she had feared that the Sorcerer had taken his revenge against her father and siblings as well. The idea that they might have suffered because of her, still haunted her.
When Nafisa said she could learn, Charles was astonished at just how quickly Nafisa took to the computing device. There was little hesitation, and no caution based of fear of any kind. By the end of his lessons, he had totally forgotten that he was instructing someone from the middle ages. It definitely showed beyond doubt that Nafisa was indeed as smart as she claimed, if not smarter.

Charles was now looking forward to his time with Nafisa. The more he was seeing of her, the real her not the facade he was starting to recognize as her 'slave self', the more he was looking forward to developing a friendship with her. The images of her naked body would float in his mind and surface during the quiet times, his focus was shifting to something similar to what he held for Alexandra; someone who was a deeply respected friend.

"Dinner? Hmmm. Well, since you did such a wonderful job with the snack, I shall let you decide what we will dine on this evening. Having the chance to sup on recipes from centuries ago is a chance I am not going to skip while we have our accord. I won't use it too often, but I think it would be nice." Charles did pause, looking at Nafisa for a few long moments. "In all the excitement of this new arrangement, I never stopped to think of how it may impact on you. I assume that it doesn't cause you any bad feelings being reminded of that time long past. If it does, please let me know so I don't add to your burdens."
His concern regarding her memories of the past was touching, "You don't have to worry about that Master. Food does remind me in some ways about home, but its nothing I can't bear. Nothing I haven't already. One cannot stay trapped in the past and shed useless tears for the very long dead." Nafisa managed to keep her voice from shaking. Before this point she never had the opportunity to really look to the past and find the truth of her family. Now she did and the once proud captain was not sure finding out the truth was a good idea.

Clearing her thoughts Nafisa gave a small wave of her hand. The remainder of their light snack was replaced with a small feast fit for a Sultan. A roasted chicken stuffed with dates and spices. Lamb loin seasoned with herbs and honey. Rice cooked with raisins and almond slices. There was more bread of course and preserved fruit as well as two ornate pitchers, one with water and the other spiced wine. Before each of them was a plate with a little bit of everything before them. Nafisa has provided utensils for Charles to use, but she went without. Some habits died hard, and when given the chance she did prefer the simplicity of eating with her fingers.

As she rolled her sleeves up part way her stomach rumbled slightly. The ability to go longer without food didn't stop her body from reacting to the smell of well cooked food. "Hopefully you will enjoy the meal Master," Nafisa knew she would. It was the last meal she had spent with her father, sisters and youngest brother before she had left port for the last time.
The smell of the new food got his mouth watering, even thought he felt a little shocked still at the manner of its arrival. He took a few moments to just take in the aroma before he started to sample the food.

"Oh, this is delicious, Nafisa. I'm glad that the food doesn't cause you upset, but still, I'd rather not command something of you that brings back unpleasant memories. At least ones you can't deal with." He continued eating the meal before him, drinking some of the wine as well, which he found most agreeable.

"I must say, I was a little surprised at how quickly you picked up on using the tablet computer, Nafisa. I've seen people of this current time learn how to use it with more difficulty than you. I guess you'll be spending the evening scouring the internet seeking information about what's happening in the world, and what's happened since you were last out."

He helped himself to some more of the food, taking some more of everything onto his plate. He watched Nafisa eating, noting the lack of cutlery but didn't really think anything of it. It seemed natural for her, as using utensils was for him. Charles wondered about that. Was that part of her curse, or some other magic, or was it more a feature of how relaxed she was that it drew no attention to itself? He gave himself a mental shrug, and continued to eat.

"And what of tomorrow, Nafisa. What would you like to do tomorrow? Relax? Read? Catch up on the world? Do a little sight seeing perhaps?"

He watched her to see how she would react to his suggestions.
"I must say, I was a little surprised at how quickly you picked up on using the tablet computer, Nafisa. I've seen people of this current time learn how to use it with more difficulty than you. I guess you'll be spending the evening scouring the internet seeking information about what's happening in the world, and what's happened since you were last out."

"Its the curse," she licked a bit of grease from her fingers. "I can either be stubborn or I can adapt quickly to better serve my owner. Its a strange device, but then so is much of this world." Nafisa didn't miss how he watched her subtly as she ate. It was more curiosity than anything sexual. As she brought a small bundle of rice and lamb to her mouth, the light went on in her head. Those small cultural differences, were always the sticking points.

As she dragged bread through the liquid on her plate, she thought on his question. Relax? Even as a pseudo djinn, that was something that was better in small doses. Reading? Well Nafisa would get much of that done after their meal, the same with an in depth history lesson.

"I suppose, seeing how much has changed would be nice. Its always a bit of a shock with each Master, but if I am going to be serving you as you wish, it is something best tackled beforehand." She tried to ignore the look that filled his eyes briefly, as if it might have finally sunk in more just how long time sometimes passed between Masters.

Rather than contemplate his pity for her she refilled their glasses and added more food to her plate. Meeting his eyes again, "Would you like more Master?"
“Would I like more? I'm fine to help myself. It's part of the fun of a meal like this, picking out what to have. Particularly if I am trying to treat you like you're not a slave.”

He sat back, taking a sip from the goblet of wine. “I wont lie to you, Nafisa. It is still damn tempting to command you to do some things like roam around naked from time to time for my own viewing pleasure. But I could only do that to you if I was going to go all the way and treat you completely like a slave. Which I am not going to do.

“Tomorrow, we'll go and get you some modern clothing. Give you a point of reference so you can make up your own. I don't mind spending the money, so don't complain on that front. I'm not going to impose any limitations on you other than those that you ask for, or I think that will save you from getting into trouble. Though, the places I'll be taking you will reduce that need to practically zero. So, basically, if you like it, you can get it. I wont argue.

“After that, I'll show you around the city, take you to lunch, show you some more of what's about and we'll see after that.”
"Almost unchallenged magic is always a temptation. There are times that I wonder how I haven't managed to land in less scrupulous hands." Nafisa took a sip of the wine and another bite of wine, "That's not to say all my masters have been princes, but even the worst had some moral code that kept them from abusing my powers in grand ways. I'm very much aware of what horrors could be unleashed through me."

Nafisa place another portion of meat in her mouth and chewed as he talked about their plans for tomorrow. "That is fine, Master. I did just realized though that I've never really shopped for clothing. Well outside of the time before I became imprisoned, and even then it was more a matter of practical need than obvious desire. And of course once I became a prisoner, I spent most of my time naked. One doesn't need clothing if you never lave the home you are in. My last master as you know was kind and did provide me with clothing, but then he had a dressmaker come to his home."

Picking up a piece of fruit she nibbled on it lightly, "If you want to look master it does not bother me. Its just a body, a desirable one at that." She leaned forward with the last bit of fruit a hair's breadth away from her lips, "And I doubt you'll want to go the next decades of your life not wanting to see it." Ok so maybe that last part might have been to toy with him, but it was true. She would never age, never wrinkle, never sag or face any of the pitfalls of being alive and growing old.
"Indeed, it is a desirable body, Nafisa. But it is your body, and I will only have you displaying it if it is something you desire to do. Just in the same manner that you would only take some one you desire to your bed."

Charles finished off his food, a feeling of content passing over him from his full belly. He sat back in his chair, sipping the wine to finish off his excellent dinner.

"Well, I could get a seamstress over, but it is a lot more expensive to do it that way these days. But, as I said, the sales assistants are most helpful and knowledgeable in what will best suit your body and its needs.

"Do you have any questions, Nafisa? Is there anything you'd like to ask of me at the moment? If not, I'll just finish this, then I'll head off to bed for the night."