Lover of Antiquity

Charles sat and read, wondering what was going to be more damaging; the final cost of the clothing, or the post selection process interrogation he was going to get from Serena in a few days time. He had never brought a female companion down to her store before, and knowing Serena, she would already be designing a wedding dress for Nafisa by the end of the first successful fitting.

The other attendant made a soft noise to catch his attention. She had done this often enough to be rather discrete, and Charles replaced the book and approached the sales desk without even appearing to have heard the warning from the other young woman.

He saw the collection, some already in travel bags, and he shook his head. It was looking like the bank balance would be worse off.

"And this is why its better to leave the men at home. They just can't appreciate how therapeutic shopping can be," Serena quipped as she sent a smile Charles' way.

"Oh, I can understand it very well. I just don't understand the extent of therapy it takes, that's all." He beamed a smile back to Serena.

Serena handed over the clothing to her assistant who started to ring up the prices. She then gave Charles a rather telling look, as if to say she knew what was going on, then smiled warmly and nodded. Charles kept his face straight, not reacting at all due to Nafisa's presence and that she was looking at him. Plus, the outfit she was wearing was having a noticeable effect on his ability to remain focused and calm.

Luckily, the attendant came to his rescue, quoting the total for the purchases, which Charles paid for without any question or further reaction. Once the payment was settled, he turned to Serena.

"Can I have these delivered?"

"Charles?" Her tone was one of mock offence. "Of course, silly boy."

"Well, could I stretch the bounds of friendship, and get you to deliver these as well, rather than carry them around for the afternoon?" He lifted the bag from Silk & Lace. Without a word, Serena took the bag from him with a smile, and waved the pair off.

"Go and enjoy a day off, Charles. I can't remember the last time you did."

Charles and Nafisa walked out of the store, Charles turning to take them off towards the local dining district. He waited until they got a few stores away before he turned to Nafisa.

"Do you have any preferences for food? This time I would like to let you experience something you may not have had before. Plus, I want to find out what you may have mentioned that has Serena thinking that you are more than just a casual fuck buddy of mine."
Nafisa was slightly shocked by the amount of money spent on her clothing, but she could only assume it had to do with the quality as well as where they had come from. Charles had given her new look a thorough look over before they left Serena's shop. Nafisa gave both women a nod as they left.

The mention of food set her stomach to rumbling softly, "I'm willing to try anything really. I've never been that choosy when it came to food as long as it wasn't rotten or stale."

Nafisa gave him an elegant shrug, "I simply told her how we met." She chuckled at the look on his face, "At an auction, no deep details. I might have also asked about if you had any lovers I should be worried about. Serena did most of the talking, I assure you." As they crossed the street, this time Nafisa drawing longer stares from the other pedestrians she said, "I suppose that question raised her opinion of me."

As they walked, she was glad they had left all the bags behind, it would have been tedious to carry them all over the place. "You haven't said yet, at least out loud whether you approve of my new clothing or not. Everyone else seems to." Nafisa brushed her hair back as she feigned a glance backwards to prove her point. "All these looks would make me think that there are no attractive women in this time, if I didn't know better."
When asked about her talk with Serena, the shrug he got from Nafisa did some nice things to his hormone balance. Between the top and the bra underneath, they worked a magic that he was certain Serena would have been aware of.

"I simply told her how we met. At an auction, no deep details. I might have also asked about if you had any lovers I should be worried about. Serena did most of the talking, I assure you. I suppose that question raised her opinion of me."

He saw that she was attracting even more attention from passers by, which again made him feel a little more special having her at his side. He had to admit, he made the right move taking her to see Serena, because he knew that whatever else was in that collection, it would look rather spectacular on her.

"Ah, there it is. You asked her about other lovers. She's going to think that you and I are more than good friends. I suspect that she thinks that I might even be looking at something a little bit long term with you." He actually laughed at that. If she only knew the truth of their relationship, Serena would be shocked.

"You haven't said yet, at least out loud whether you approve of my new clothing or not. Everyone else seems to. All these looks would make me think that there are no attractive women in this time, if I didn't know better."

Her almost unconscious brushing back of her long hair and glance over her shoulder at the appreciative locals almost broke Charles' self control. When she looked back at him, he was clearly trying very hard not to laugh, but his smile was enormous.

"Nafisa, you have finally put beyond doubt any fears I had concerning you on a couple of potential issues. Firstly, there is no doubt in my mind you see yourself as a woman, a very confident woman at that. One, I might add, who still seeks approval from the man who holds some significance in her life. The other was I thought you would be cold and detached after all that has happened to you, and that you would be something like... a moving statue. Again, you have proven me wrong, and I am most grateful.

"Now, concerning your new outfit. It suits you very well, and I know I will have a difficult time at lunch keeping my eyes off you because it does make you very, very attractive. Luckily for us your curse doesn't kick in while I am clothed, otherwise we would be making a scene right now."

They eventually found a Chinese restaurant which Charles decided to try. A young woman in what appeared to be a more traditional style outfit led them to a table, and gave them menus. Charles briefly scanned the list, ordering sweet and sour Pork, Honey Chicken, Fried Rice and spring Rolls for the entree. Plus, he asked for water for drinks.

"They will bring out the food, placing it in the middle for us to share. So take a little of each, and see what you fancy. The food can be a little spicy at times, but these are not."

As he thought would be the case, he spent a lot of his time look at Nafisa, enjoying how she looked in more modern attire. He couldn't blame anyone for wanting to get longer looks at her as she passed. He wanted to get longer looks at her, but that was hard to do when walking beside her along the street.

'What was she like in her day? What kind of woman was she to command a ship full of men who needed a strong hand to lead them? I bet that more than one tried to fuck her, and every one of them was flatly, and sharply refused.'

"Dressed like that, Nafisa, you are going to sorely test my self control. But then, I can't think of a better way to test it."
"No there was never any doubt in my sex, Charles." Nafisa smiled at him, "You have to understand before you I had only one real opportunity to be other than what I am cursed to be. Of there were others who appreciated my vast knowledge and abilities, but I was still just a slave. A whore. My duty is to make you happy and that includes my manner of dress."

Nafisa thought about his last statement. "Years of pain have taught me better. That and years of boredom. If I had been born a stupid woman, it wouldn't matter, but then I also wouldn't be here. Forcing me to your bed is not your style as you have said and you need someone useful and who is aware of things. Some of this is me and someone of this is what you need...want of me."

The restaurant was another first for her. Looking around she could see how they were trying to invoke a sense of the East, strongly. Charles ordered for them both which was fine with her.

She raised an eyebrow at him, when he mentioned her outfit and his self control. "Really? I thought it was rather conservative, considering my other options." Nafisa leaned forward, "Or is it because unlike the men who have looked at me, you know exactly how I look in nothing but my skin?" She sat back as the waitress brought their water to them.
"No there was never any doubt in my sex, Charles. You have to understand before you I had only one real opportunity to be other than what I am cursed to be. Of there were others who appreciated my vast knowledge and abilities, but I was still just a slave. A whore. My duty is to make you happy and that includes my manner of dress."

"Nafisa, you misunderstand me. There are women who don't feel the true nature of their gender. Your being a Corsair, a slave and a whore are all things that can erase that from a woman. You still have that softness about you. Maybe that is the curse in action, because that id what I find pleasing in a woman. I admire strength, of will, personality and sometimes body, in a woman as well. But to me, a woman is somewhat of a softer creature while the man are somewhat harder. We are more straight lines where women are curves. That, and you seemed to take some small pleasure in being attractive to those passing us. That was the most surprising part."

"Years of pain have taught me better. That and years of boredom. If I had been born a stupid woman, it wouldn't matter, but then I also wouldn't be here. Forcing me to your bed is not your style as you have said and you need someone useful and who is aware of things. Some of this is me and someone of this is what you need...want of me."

Charles nodded, taking the time to have another look at Nafisa and enjoying the view.

"Really? I thought it was rather conservative, considering my other options. Or is it because unlike the men who have looked at me, you know exactly how I look in nothing but my skin?"

Charles grinned slightly. "How little you understand men, Nafisa. Our, at least this one. While a naked woman is a delight to behold, when she is wearing something, it can make her even more appealing. The added colours, textures, shapes can enhance her overall appearance in ways nakedness can't. Even fully clothed, as you are now, they style of clothing and colour compliment you wonderfully, making you very attractive. To me, it works more than seeing you in just skin."

He leaned forward, bringing his face closer to hers. "Yes, I know what is underneath, but right now, my mind is showing me what it would be like to remove those clothes, slowly, revealing what unknown treasures lie beneath awaiting discovery. The slow, delightful unveiling lends a level of excitement to that which may even seemed to be well known and possibly mundane. Yet, that, as I said, doesn't discount just how good you look in what you're wearing."

He sat back at the same time Nafisa did. The waitress brought out a full jug of water, along with two large glasses of water. A few minutes later, the entree arrived, and she told them the mains would be about another five minutes. With a polite bow, she left them in peace.

"Help yourself, Nafisa. I hope you like them." Charles reached over, take one of the rolls, and poured a little of the sauce on his plate.
"Softer? I suppose in some respects, but women for all their curves can be just as hard as men. You don't see men giving birth do you? I was never really dainty and soft even as a girl. I wanted to keep up with my brothers. Of course I had to be better than them as I grew older, which is what lead me towards piracy rather than being a sand worn merchant."

When Charles corrected her assumption she grinned. Even when he leaned forwards as well. Of course as he spoke about peeling her clothing else Nafisa's smile dipped slightly. She took a sip of water, trying to ignore the heat stirring inside of her.

Following Charles' lead with the other spring roll, Nafisa took a tentative bite. It was tasty, the texture of fried mixed with lightly cooked familiar to a few things from her past. "This is great." She took another bite, savoring the taste. Nafisa ate a second one as well. "I think I am really going to like this age and this country. So much easier to sample things from other cultures, without having to actually travel half the world to do so."

Nafisa used her napkin to clean the crumbs from her fingers, rather than licking them.
"Nafisa, don't confuse hard with strong. Anyway, you may not have been dainty and soft as a girl, but you're showing that side of yourself now. I have no complaints about that at all." His eyes glittered with mirth and a little of something else.

He did catch the slight drop in the smile, but let it go. Maybe she was changing or relaxing and becoming herself more. Possibly his outlook was causing the curse to stamp a different outlook on her. He wasn't sure, but then again, he didn't care either.

"This is great."

"I'm glad you like it." He ate while she did, without the obvious enjoyment she was showing, though he was enjoying it as well.

"I think I am really going to like this age and this country. So much easier to sample things from other cultures, without having to actually travel half the world to do so."

"Well, there is that ability, but it is now easier to travel half the world to sample them authentically, particularly if you have the means like some of us do."

They finished their entree when the main dishes came out. The used plates were removed, and they were left to their own pace. Charles started to load his plate, and grabbed the chop sticks to start eating, tapping them to get them even.

"So why did you ask Serena about whether I had any lovers? I didn't think you would have been concerned about that. You're not looking for a lover, or at least that's what I remembered you saying." He took a mouthful of food, shewing it quickly and swallowing it. "Or has something occurred to change your mind?"
"Sometimes hard and strong are the same thing, Charles. Difference is simply a matter of perspective."

As she filled her plate and Charles asked about her question she smirked softly. "Practicality. From my studying last night I know that if this were a normal situation I would be working very closely with you if not glued to you side and making your life run smoothly. If by some chance you have some former or even current lovers floating about, they may assume that there is more than just employee and employer going on."

She lifted a mouthful of rice and pork to her mouth, groaned, chewed and swallowed slowly, "Which is true, but that is between myself and you. I've had as much time to study women as I have men. They'll assume you've bedded me, whether its true or not and depending on how they feel about you it may not cause issues."

Nafisa took another bite and a sip of water. "And no nothing has changed in my mind recently. I just prefer not to have some harpy trying to claw my eyes out." the way she said it hinted at that it may have happened once or twice in her past.

Decades of being at a man's beck and call meant having at some points having to deal with the other people in that man's life. Wives, mistresses and casual lovers. Few women could share well with another woman, and Nafisa was no ordinary woman.

She may not have been able to cause someone's death, but that did not prevent her from defending herself from attackers, well at least those who weren't her master. Taking another bite Nafisa lifted her eyes to him, "Unless of course you're one of those men who takes some pleasure in two women working themselves up against each other over you. I doubt that however."
"Good Lord no. Two women working together over me, that would be a different matter, if it ever came about."

Charles slowly picked at his food, deciding on whether he was going to go down a particular path of conversation or not. He took a drink of water a decided 'What the hell'.

"Nafisa, I am going to enjoy my time with you. You fascinate me. One moment, you are the tough as nails Corsair, next you're a fiery courtesan and then there are moments when you're quite the alluring feminine woman. All three seem to fit you like a glove and are as natural on you as your skin. Getting to know you will be worth the time spent, even managing to bring those three different parts of you together into one complete package."

He ate a little more of his lunch while he composed his thoughts. "But, I will admit, your reasoning is quite sound. I'm still unsure why you didn't ask me outright. I have no reason to hide anything of that nature, and if anything, it's in my best interest to disclose it. Were you afraid I was going to misinterpret your question? Or was there some other reason for asking someone else?

"And before I forget. If it's possible, pushing the effects of the curse aside, how did the old war wagon shape up?" He popped a piece of the pork in his mouth, observing Nafisa closely while she answered that question.
It took her a few seconds for Nafisa to realize that Charles was asking for her opinion on himself. Apparently approval seeking wasn't just her realm. "You're doing well for a man of your age and wealth. While not as active as you possibly could be, you are keeping yourself in form." She tasted a piece of the Honey Chicken. It wasn't bad, but the Sweat and Sour Pork was more to her liking.

"I asked Serena because she seems like a very honest and straight forward woman. Its nothing against you Charles, it simply that women tend to be more honest about such matters if they have no stake to claim. Men even the most honest have a tendency to not want to speak about such things, more so when the woman asking is one they'd like to have in their bed."

Nafisa took a slow sip of water, giving him half of a smirk, "Of course you and I are a leopard of different spots are we not?" She trusted what she saw more than what she was told. It had saved her neck more than once. Charles has said he wouldn't force her to his bed, but that was something Nafa had no real guarantee on. Charles had so far been true to his word, but power like hers had a way of effecting men.
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Charles nodded his appreciation of her compliment. There had been that small, teenage part of him that had hoped for something a little more along the lines of the type of compliment that he had given her, that she thought he was worthy of a tumble in the sack. But, given the number of men she'd been with, and the manner that had occurred, he doubted that there would have been any compliments along those lines.

He nodded when she explained why she didn't ask him. Giving it some thought, she was right on the money with her assessment. At least of him. He never would have thought about the potential of old lovers getting uptight over Nafisa. If there were any lovers, he wouldn't be looking at Nafisa quite as hard as he was. He never actually had more than one partner in bed at a time, and he never really tried to.

"Of course you and I are a leopard of different spots are we not?"

"You could say that. Given our specific situation. I thought we might go to the park, and do a spot of people watching while lunch settles. After that, we can find some other amusements to fill out the rest of the day."
"As you wish," Nafisa replied while the two of them continued to enjoy their lunch. When she was full she wiped her lips and then set her napkin down on her plate. It had been an interesting day so far and she was curious to see what lse her master had in store for her.

After Charles paid, they headed to the park and he found a bench for them to sit on. She had feeling his idea of people watching was very different from her own. For her it had once been a matter of survival, those subtle hints that a business partner or crew member had turned foe.

Actually when she thought about it, it had only changed to a different sort of survival. Of course rather than looking out for death, it was looking out for pain, displeasure, really anything that could make already unbearable servitude worse. Pushing the thoughts aside, Nafisa took a more relaxed position on the bench and let her mind wander to take in the sights and sounds of the park.
They sat down on the bench, Charles content to let the sun warm him a little while he let his lunch settle. He enjoyed sitting down, and just looking at the various people as they wandered about the park. He saw new lovers gently exploring their partners and the fresh emotions they brought. He caught sight of a family, the parents swinging the younger offspring while the elder chased ducks toward the water's edge. The lone fitness fanatic as he made his way along the pathway, keeping doggedly to one side as he worked toward his personal goal. Young, old, everywhere in between; different colours of skin; styles of clothing, hair, makeup, jewelry. He found it all fascinating, mainly due to seeing the almost monotone business outfits as part of his daily life.

That day, he also got to watch the people looking at Nafisa. He got a great deal of amusement, pleasure and again a dash of pride at the expressions he caught from men and women alike. It was clear that she was gaining a lot of positive attention from both genders, and if he as reading some of the expressions correctly, quite a few were wondering how she would be in bed.

'Or you just might be projecting a little, old boy.'

He let out a long breath in the form of a silent sigh and nodded to himself.

He resumed watching the people like he normally did, forgetting about Nafisa for a little while. He wasn't fully successful, but he did keep her presence in his mind to a minimum and truly enjoy his time relaxing at the park.

"What would you like to do next, Nafisa. Gaze upon the ocean, or see what some people do for fun these days?"