Lyrics vs. Poems, or Is There A Elitist Difference?

mojo_cat said:
I want proof. [...]
I'd be interested in your opinions.
Use Google and check on a friendly chat I had with Sting on rec.arts.poems several years ago. You may be interested in what he had to say.


HOT damn!!! isnt that smuggler's blues, or at least by the same guy? no, wait, thats Glenn Frey, right???? killer song...yes indeed


I think you're thinking of "All She Wants To Do Is Dance" by Henley. I also love "Sunset Grill." And "The Innocence":

"...I need to remember this
so baby give me
one last kiss

late me take a long last look
before you say goodbye

so lay your head back on the ground
and let your heart beat all around me

offer up your best defense

this is the end
of the innocence...."

Henley wrote a substantial portion of the all the good Eagles songs. Frey is more cheesy, IMO.

For instance, Henley wrote "Hotel California." And "Desperado."

And Jacson Browne wrote "Peaceful Easy Feeling"!

Aren't you glad Professor Denis is around?


;) :p
Re: Re: Lyrics vs. Poems, or Is There A Elitist Difference?

Senna Jawa said:
Use Google and check on a friendly chat I had with Sting on rec.arts.poems several years ago. You may be interested in what he had to say.



No link?

Re: Re: Re: Lyrics vs. Poems, or Is There A Elitist Difference?

Tristesse said:
I don't have it off hand but Google groups for rec.arts.poems and "Sting AND Wlod" should yield a link. I'll try later.
Sounds familiar. Google groups and it's Usenet archive has been behaving a bit odd lately. I use it alot for research, and old threads that was there a year ago are now gone. Or at least not indexed properly for searching.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Lyrics vs. Poems, or Is There A Elitist Difference?

Senna Jawa said:
I don't have it off hand but Google groups for rec.arts.poems and "Sting AND Wlod" should yield a link. I'll try later.

(See also:


Wlod (Senna Jawa)
Thanks Denis!

Jackson Browne brought us one of the two mopst toe-tappinest' songs I've ever heard, "Doctor My Eyes". The other one is Van Morrison's "Domino"..which brings me to another sub-point (if that's a word)

In "Domino", there's a big fat trumpet break; it makes me giddy and energetic and I always crank up the stereo and dance around to it.

Now, music is a form of creative expression, granted, and expresses many of the same things that flow through good poetry-but when music takes on life and emotion like a mantle, does it then become a form of poetry unto itself?

As an example I'll give you a quotation from Tom Robbins:

" 'You can dance to anything,' he said. And to prove it he got up and danced to the news."

He's right. Try it.

So when music takes on the spirit of poetry as expressed by lyric verse, and then carries that to a level some poetry cannot reach, does it then become a kind of..meta-poetry?

and when you add in dancing, does it become a hybrid of all three forms and therefore...perfect?
Originally posted by Senna Jawa
I don't have it off hand but Google groups for rec.arts.poems and "Sting AND Wlod" should yield a link. I'll try later.


(See also:

Pardon my vB skils, I'm new to forums.

Interesting enough, Wlod, if I"m not mistaken I've read this before.

Oh, and: I'd like to make a point about covers. Cover songs. One sec though, I'm gonna go grab my coffee, as my house appears to be burning down.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lyrics vs. Poems, or Is There A Elitist Difference?

Senna Jawa said:

(See also:


Wlod (Senna Jawa)

O! That Sting.........

Interesting correspondence - Thank you, SJ.
mojo_cat said:
Wlod, if I"m not mistaken I've read this before.
Really? (It was over 12 years ago). Then you would not ask about "wlod" (only about "senna jawa" :)).
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lyrics vs. Poems, or Is There A Elitist Difference?

Tristesse said:
O! That Sting.........

Interesting correspondence - Thank you, SJ.
The erronous equating of MJF with the Sting of Police removed
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How odd to have two "Stings" associated with The Police.

The one I'm familiar with was born in the N.E of England.

He got all the glory - I guess.

Really? (It was over 12 years ago). Then you would not ask about "wlod" (only about "senna jawa" ).

Not sure what that is supposed to mean, but I didn't realize "Wlod" was your name, since it's also a fairly famous acronym.

As I said, I may have been mistaken. Wanna fight about it? :devil:
Tristesse said:
How odd to have two "Stings" associated with The Police. The one I'm familiar with was born in the N.E of England. He got all the glory - I guess.

It's not that important to me, and I would even be relieved to know that I didn't neglect a chance to have a bit of a good influence on the things.

Perhaps I will truncate my post equating MF with the Sting of Police (leaving only a note about my error). BTW, my 1991 posts do not indicate that I thought about it one way or another (I simply didn't care about anything, including the personalities, but only about the meritum)

Thank you for pointing out my own confusion to me.
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traumatic time and the more traumatic time :)

Senna Jawa said:
You can read there:

Sting spent a traumatic time during the summer of 1995 when he had to testify in court after accusing his accountant of stealing vast sums of his income. The outcome was in the singer's favour and the accountant Keith Moore was jailed for six years.

Yeah, it was even more traumatic for the accountant (but then, he asked for it).
Hey Cat

So when music takes on the spirit of poetry as expressed by lyric verse, and then carries that to a level some poetry cannot reach, does it then become a kind of..meta-poetry?

In a word


Mr Hale who writes moving verse

I completely agree.

And I think then the question becomes really: Can we rank poetry by degree?

Which would make us elitists. It'd be fun, but we'd be elitists.:D

with that, i think, in the words of Lindsay Buckingham, we should all be looking out for love. a big, big love.
Re: Thanks Denis!

mojo_cat said:

Now, music is a form of creative expression, granted, and expresses many of the same things that flow through good poetry-but when music takes on life and emotion like a mantle, does it then become a form of poetry unto itself?
Definitions, definitions... I think we often are making a mistake here by glorifying the term "poetry" as if it is a higher, truer form of expression. What you just described is what I call...just music. Taking on life and emotion is what music is supposed to do, or else it is not doing it's job, and becomes bad music. Same thing with poetry, paintings, prose, plays what-have-you.
So when music takes on the spirit of poetry as expressed by lyric verse, and then carries that to a level some poetry cannot reach, does it then become a kind of..meta-poetry?
How about hyper poetry? :)
Meta-poetry? Hyper-poetry? Damn. I am have a hard enough time with just plain poetry...

Nevermind. I will just revel in my mediocrity....with a strong drink of course...:D
Hey, just because you can think of it, doens't mean you have ot DO it.

That's what I tell myself every time I think about my novel...


Thanks for all the participation, folks. Now I have to finish this poem for Thursday. It's been a fun way to meet you all. Have a nice week.


How about that. I re-read the last posts ont his thread, and my muse came up and punched me in the face.

Caused me to spit out a poem. Sumbitted five minutes ago. "Hyper Poetry" will be up for reads tomorrow, i fall goes well. :)