Male Curiosity About Lesbians

Mmmm.....Seribian left-handed auto mechanic....*drool*

That would be correct. I don't actually know of any but I bet that "Darkness" might just be attracted to her if we found her.

I'd bet dollars to pesos that you're probably not wrong. I can picture her now, little smears of grease on her face, hair slightly unkepmt, dirty hands....brown coveralls hiding a lithe little body (it's hard to be overweight and a good mechanic, especially with those damn Yugos...)...yeah, I could dig a lefy mechanic from a country who's language I don't speak....

But, I'm not saying that I have absolutely no standards (or taste for that matter). People are people, we like what we like. It's for us philosophers to sit back think about the why's and how's....everyone else just sit back and enjoy....or dig in up to your elbow...whatever your particular fetish may be.
angela146 said:
well said...For me, it's the reverse. I'm more attracted to feminine women. Masculinity in a woman sets up some kind of erotic dissonance in me. It might be a mismatch between the pheromones and the persona, I’m not sure.

That’s the whole point… what makes gay/bi women tick depends on the particular woman.

That makes complete sense to me, but I prefer the other way around. In women I am generally attracted to femininity, but have also been attracted to more masculine women. In men, however, it is the men who appear to be rather feminine (pretty boys) but actually aren't that really get my interest. An old boyfriend is a good example: Prettiest face with beautiful bone structure, he looked almost fragile and I outweighed him by a good 30 lbs. Put that exterior together with the way he would carry me up the stairs to bed and the memories still make my toes curl. :devil:

I love the phrase 'erotic dissonance'. I think that's the perfect description.

- Mindy
Min, we must compare memories. I had the sweetest pretty boy once. I used to think of him as my 'bride'.

The_Darkness said:
6'4" and 230....I think that rules me out of the pretty boy league....
Anyone know where I can find some nice 7" pumps? I'm thinking medium blue...
destinie21 said:
>I'm a lesbian and I don't find your curiosity offensive so much as I dislike
>your penchant to be asinie. (on this thread.)

Fair enough. :) I run into this problem often: substance vs. attitude. People are so easily offended by what they see as an arogant attitude, when all I'm doing is trying to be rational about a topic. When I say something that others apparently find offensive, it is not intended to be any kind of personal attack. But people *think* it is. They feel I'm criticizing them personally, and not the logic of the argument itself. It's another hazard of message board culture.

The_Darkness said:
>It's probably because there's women pleasuring each other as only women
>know how to pleasure other women.

I don't get this argument at all, neither from the male or female p.o.v. Why shouldn't men be able to learn to please a woman just as well as another woman? Perhaps because the given man wouldn't be *willing* to, but that would because of some psychological issues of that particular guy. A man truly interested in (and not intimidated by) women would certainly be willing.

Whoa, 25% of the women you know are nymphomaniacs?!?! Oh. My. Gawd! :)

No, I'm not looking for some big mystery; simply for the rationale - if there is an articulated such -behind some of the specific lesbian behaviors and terms. And no, I certainly haven't been offended by your replies. You're just trying to clear things up a bit.

>Provided the story had good momentum, direction, and was well thought-out, there's
>no reason why it could not be a very good story. But it would not be erotica. Agreed,
>parts of it would be sexy or romantic or both, and some more so than others, but it
>would not be erotica - it would be a romance, or a thriller, or whatever genre the plot
>fits into. Maybe this is what you've intended all along - and if that's the case, what
>are you waiting for?

I'm not; I already have a couple of chapters of it almost finished, which will be posted before long. :) I don't know if we agree on the definition of erotica. As I've mentioned in another thread, I'm interested in *erotic* erotica, rather than pornographic erotica (which seems to be the default setting). Yes, there would certainly be elements of romance and whathaveyou, but the point is it would be emotional, making the sex be much more meaningful when it happens. This is the kind of thing that turns *me* on, providing me with a more effective and more gratifying reading experience (ofttimes incl. the masturbation aspect). I'm interested in beauty. Not mindless rutting (although that can sometimes be fun, too).

Thanks for the obliging attitude. I'll take you up on it later (I have very little time this week). Yes, I am as bored with porn as you are, except for certain tasteful (and free) pictures I find around the web (which isn't really porn; more like nude pin-ups). I have never bought or rented a porn movie, nor do I feel any desire to. I've seen enough snippets on cable TV to know that it is of no interest to me. Except, if some real *quality* porn does exist, I might be interested in seeing it (sometimes I think about taking a look at Robert Rimmer's adult movie guide to see what he can recommend, but I haven't gotten to it yet). I have a gay male friend who says that a company called Falcon does some very tasteful, emotional gay porn movies which are shown in the classier gay clubs. I told him to let me know if they start doing hetero porn...

Milla Jovovich... heh heh! You like her, too? So does the character in the story I'm writing! No indication she's bi, though, is there? She's been involved with at least two directors (Luc Besson and the guy who did Resident Evil), so... but what do I know? :)
Is martyr the new red?

I said you were asinie not arrogant, the reason I said that is because you seem bound and determined to use sweeping generalizations and what not. I don't give a damn if authors paint lesbians to be sterotypical or not because when we face facts this is a porn (oh excuse me erotica site) Fantasy lesbians can be whatever the authour dictates. It bothers me that you want to bring your stereotypes outside of the story, then act alldefensive when people offer their opinions.
Sarastro, well put! And yes, about 25% of the girls I know are nymphos, but if you read again, I said 25% of my friends are nymphos....

And about women being able to pleasure women better, it's true to a point. Women's nervous system is hardwired in a way that women understand. I didn't mean to imply that men can't understand it (for those of you in school, be it high school or college, please, for the sake of your future pleasure-giving/love making abilities, take an Anatomy class). It's just that women tend to understand it better than men. However, if a woman is still fairly innocent and not one to explore her body, she wouldn't have the first damn clue on what to do to another woman based on her own experience. Believe you me though, some of us guys have learned a thing or two about how the female body and mind works....and how to make it work beyond what most will ever dream.

Though you said something very intriguing in there, and it's a line that I'm sure is very frustrating for some appreciators of all things sexual. Where exactly do we draw the line between pornography and eroticism? Tying this back into the discussion at hand, most of the lesbians that I know (which is definately a small sampling, to be sure) seem to be just as randy as the rest of the people I know. So if there is something erotic about two (or more) women enjoying each other, how is that differnet from a man and woman pleasuring each other, and is the point of eroticism able to be pushed farther with lesbian sex than with straight sex? It seems to me that in popular media we're a lot more tolerant of women getting it on than we are with man and woman couples. Women making out on TV shows draws our attention; a couple making out is usually sappy and cliche or even crosses that line to pornography.

Where is the line? How far can the envelope be pushed? Do the rush and the heat of the moment push the idealization of erotic into pornography?
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angela146 said:
Anyone know where I can find some nice 7" pumps? I'm thinking medium blue...

Shirly of hollywood used tocarry 7 inch heels. Not the platform kind either :)

My "sweeping generalizations" were nothing of the sort; it just appeared that way because there isn't time to include the myriad of exceptions in a short message board post. And as for my "wanting to bring my stereotypes outside of the story", I can only say that you misunderstand. I'm looking to bring reality into the story. But only the bits of it that serve this type of story.

The_Darkness said:
>yes, about 25% of the girls I know are nymphos, but if you read again,
>I said 25% of my friends are nymphos....

I know, but I'm sure you exaggerate. True nymphomania is a medical condition.

>Where exactly do we draw the line between pornography and eroticism?

Well, first of all, I did not at all mean to imply that two women together is a more erotic situation than a straight couple together. And no, I don't think eroticism can be pushed farther with lesbian sex than with straight sex. In fact, as a hetero, I'm bound to think the opposite (ideally speaking).

As for where the line is drawn between the erotic and the pornographic; I find it quite simple: Emotion. Porn bypasses emotion for the sake of quick physical gratification between mindless hunks and bimbos (mindless in the "story" they're in, I mean). And porn is usually poorly produced, since the producers are too singlemindedly trying to produce hardcore porn for its own sake, which *I* think is just dumb. There should be some craft involved, some skill, some art, some beauty - or at the very least some comedy. And sometimes there is. But the good stuff is incredibly rare.

Animalistic sexual gratification is not always a bad thing, mind you, but even that works best with someone you know and like, and who's in the same mood at the time. Eroticism is something that contains real emotion, and describes the characters and feelings of the people involved.

>Do the rush and the heat of the moment push the idealization
>of erotic into pornography?

Depends again on the definition of pornography. Sometimes it probably can. A good example might actually be my story Girls From the Stars, which is basically porn with the one redeeming value that it's humorous. I just received a great public comment on it, too (my first)! Yee-haah! :)

>It seems to me that in popular media we're a lot more tolerant of women
>getting it on than we are with man and woman couples.

No, I don't think that's broadly true; the sappy, sentimental straight couple is still the most prevalent (and always will be, I'm sure). But we certainly seem to be more tolerant about gay women than gay men in popular media. Some soap opera producer once said, "Men like to look at beautiful women, and women like to look at beautiful women." Female oriented sexual innuendo is generally regarded as less offensive than gay male ditto, which of course is because the marketplace is supremely dominated by a patriarchal hetero perspective. I think it probably also has something to do with the fact that, with women, there isn't necessarily any distasteful anal activity implied. In that sense maybe it *is* often considered more erotic with women, since anal sex is very much a part of porn rather than eroticism (maybe I haven't looked hard enough, but I've never seen a story or heard of a movie with a tender, intimate anal encounter - it's always for purely masturbatory purposes. This may well be different for gay male erotica/porn, but I wouldn't know about that). inch heels. A little wobbly but if done right they can be so very very fun. Besides, they make the legs look absolutely edible. I don't know how, but I'm sure that that will work its way into my dreams some how tonight; and blue to boot. Very very nice imagry.

I can see the point between erotic and porongraphic, but the problem with that definition is that it doesn't allow easily for the catergory of "Erotic Coupleings" which, as the stories at this site tend to fall, are almost always one night stands. But predominently, yes, I think you may be right.

But, the question remains, has this thread been beat to death, has it been licked, has the fat lady sang? Do we know why guys tend to like the visual, be it real or imagined, of two women making love to each other?
The_Darkness said: inch heels. A little wobbly but if done right they can be so very very fun. Besides, they make the legs look absolutely edible. I don't know how, but I'm sure that that will work its way into my dreams some how tonight; and blue to boot. Very very nice imagry.
Well, as far as imagry goes, I couldn't find anything blue or quite tall enough, but...

How's this?


BTW: Seven inches would be enough to get me up to high enough (on a 6' 4" guy) to see if you're a pretty boy or not...
Sarastro said things like,

//Yes, I inquire about lesbians because I want to describe the specifically lesbian aspect of the characters in my stories; an aspect which in these particular type of stories is extremely important, most often even to the exclusion of most other aspects. You cannot disagree on this.

Thus, it is, objectively, totally and utterly relevant and pertinent to ask about these aspects, for this purpose. //

//Can we please treat lesbians the same as everybody else, instead of instantly rushing to defend their right to be real, well-rounded people? If I could find out more about why lesbians do the specific things that only lesbians do (not all of them, but many of them), then I could write a better story which would be more satisfying to both myself and the readers, *and* be educational, to boot.

My intention is not to paint stereotypes, but to show part of reality.//
//And while raw reality might not always be pretty, at least we have the choice to try and produce erotica that blazes a trail in a better direction, trying to show how things *ought* to be, including the emotions and the sensuality, and staving off the apathy of current mainstream porn. I, for one, try to do that.//

Bubba dragged his quarry with him onto his motorcycle, and sprayed the unresisting girl across its seat, stomach down, buttocks strutted towards Bubba's loins. Loosening his pants, he released his bulging virility, and stroked on it with his hand for a couple of seconds. He then guided it up to the young girl's blond pussy, very visible between her thighs, and nuzzled his glans against her pubic hairing, just to savor the moment.

In fact, he thought, why not prolong it a bit more? He lowered his penis and instead put his mouth to the teenager's sparsely haired pussy, inserted his tongue and started licking the moist pussy lips and sniffing the odor of her sex. God, what a taste!! He drank of her bountiful crotch until he felt the girl climax with loud whimpers, which synchronically sat his own fireworks off.

You questions, while not deep, initially seemed fair. I liked Slavemasters and Colleens responses.

Yet I wondered about your commitment to education and to 'realism.'

Noticing your stories are all sci fi, I had a look at one and found it pretty 'formulaic' , to use your term.

I see no evidence that you are committed to better or more realistic erotica, merely--thus far-- to better descriptions of blond teenage pussy. The better erotica is, I guess, up the road.

In any case, I don't see the point of your question, since lesbians' autobiographies are 'out there,' and easily available. "Bastard out of Carolina," by Dorothy Allison. Excellent and hot(semifictionalized) is "Le Batarde" by Violette Leduc. Fiction with a degree of realism is available, as here, in Colleen Thomas' excellent stuff. The Long Way Home:

At best it seems you want a kind of short cut. Like a 100 word capsule on the lovemaking and erotic motives of the Portuguese.
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Well, what the hell kind of website do you think this is? Methinks the lady doth protest too much! :)

Seriously, though, I'd hope it's apparent to anyone who's listened to me that the quoted story (Girls From the Stars) obviously constitutes an exception to the rule.

I only did it because it was a hoot, and I've received satisfying response that there are others who agree.

I'm not above conforming to the norm if I see a good reason to do so.

Have you read my other stories? You'll agree that they're rather different from the usual formula and much, much less gratuitous.

Also, there are many more stories coming, so please don't pass judgment on me on the basis of just one.

Thanks for the reading recommendations, though.
Hi Sarastro,

you said,
//so please don't pass judgment on me on the basis of just one[story].//

I had a look at this:
Faster than DeLight, by sarastro

Emmi’s body was a flawless collection of limbs that were part pillowy softness and part sleek muscle-tone. Everything was placed just right, and formed a statuesque paragon of goddess-like womanhood.

Every inch of her body glistened with a golden complexion and a heavenly scent. Her skin was soft and taut at the same time, and formed the flawless exterior of a woman literally bred for the primary purpose of inflaming the desire of any man who looked upon her.

And that she did. Oh, yes. And if the body wasn’t enough to get you going, the churlish smile and unfailing promise of passion that was always on the verge of erupting from Emmi’s face would certainly do the job!

Lharsi was as voluptuous as Emmi and then some, but her hips and bust were almost too ample. She had long legs and a too-narrow waist; in fact she looked exactly like what she was: nature’s attempt at living up to a human-imposed physical ideal which however hadn’t been quite realized in her. There was nothing wrong with her, but she looked more like a figment of a frankly randy imagination than a sculpturesque work of human perfection.

Both girls were available for sex at the slightest whim, and often solicited it themselves. Making love with Emmi was sexual excess. Once she was lubricated - and that happened in no time at all - she was like a luxuriant fountain of slippery butter and perfumed honey to gorge oneself on. But there was no saturation point; it was never too much; it was always calling for more, and still more, each climax promising a better one to come. She was a well-oiled machine that never tired of the sensual motion; never tired of giving and receiving.

Where Emmi was active and always full of initiative, Lharsi was more passive (as anyone not of Emmi’s breed would be in comparison). With her it was more you making love to her than, as with Emmi, her making love to you.

Emmi was trained so well in the passionate profession that sex was an art and a science to her at the same time, and she excelled in both, and was capable, like an automaton, of excelling at it even if she was emotionally disinterested (which however she practically never were).


Hey we all have fun, why not sci-fi-nympho-porn ;) . I look forward to realism and erotica and all the non formula stuff you're cooking up.

I had an elderly uncle who was incensed over having seen two thespians kissing in public.

I'm curious about thespians. In most western countries, can they legally marry and adopt children?
shereads said:
I had an elderly uncle who was incensed over having seen two thespians kissing in public.

I'm curious about thespians. In most western countries, can they legally marry and adopt children?

I think the rule states that if the relationship lasts past Act IV then marrying and adopting is perfectly legal...but this may not be the case in Florida for moral reasons, of course.


Thespianism...sounds erotic...maybe we should start a thread to satisfy male curiosity about it :D
i've heard thespians are very queer people who have no morals and i certainly don't want them around kids.
Thespisans can be fun! Especially that whole multiple-personality disorder's like dating an entire house at once! What's really great is when you get them going in public....Mmmm....Thespians....
Thanks for the plug pure :) :rose:

If you are really interested in lesbianism Sarastro then I will make this suggestion. Read some of the stories by lesbian authors. Send a feedback with comments and questions. You are far more likely to get some of the answers you seem to want from an author in a private conversation, with a direct foundation of discussing one of their works than you are in a public forum with a very broad question.

destinie21 said:
Is martyr the new red?

I don't know the context because I haven't read the entire thread, but this line caught my eye and made me rofl Diet Coke all over the keyboard. Again. Between you and MG, you owe me a new keyboard. No wonder the "L" sticks.

destinie21 said:
Is martyr the new red?

I said you were asinie not arrogant, the reason I said that is because you seem bound and determined to use sweeping generalizations and what not. I don't give a damn if authors paint lesbians to be sterotypical or not because when we face facts this is a porn (oh excuse me erotica site) Fantasy lesbians can be whatever the authour dictates. It bothers me that you want to bring your stereotypes outside of the story, then act alldefensive when people offer their opinions.


Intead of wishing me a happy bday, my gran called and bluntly asked "Are you a . . . lesbian?"

"Why would you ask that?" I laughed.

"Because you have short hair," she said.

"Well, so do you?" I laughed again.

She didn't laugh.

"Don't worry Gran, I won't try to convert you."

She did laugh at that. ;)

angela146 said:
Well, as far as imagry goes, I couldn't find anything blue or quite tall enough, but...

How's this?


BTW: Seven inches would be enough to get me up to high enough (on a 6' 4" guy) to see if you're a pretty boy or not...

You post a picture like that and expect us to look at the freekin shoes, Jeez lady:devil: :D

I've got a spare 7 inches hanging about if you get desperate love:D Don't know what we're going to do with the other half inch but there.

I've actually got 12 inches, but I don't use it all as a Rule, Haha!!

Rule ... Get it ... haha ... Rule?... you know a foot ........:( Umm Ok forget it:D