Man's Destiny!

WickedEve said:
VAT (verbal assault team)
GP (grammar police)
O (oval)

I am a proud member of the cliquish oval, which has been silent since last year. Where are all the ovalists?

I'm pretty sure, after reading this thread, that Sara Crewe, Champ, and Rainman are VATters.

And who are the grammar police? Does anyone even want to admit to it?

No matter which group you belong to, I have an important message. Please stop offering constructive feedback to new poets. Encourage them to write only for themselves and from the heart. Do we really want the newbies to improve and make our poetry look like crap?
I always wanted to join the Grammar Police, but I could never pass the Syllable Service Exam. So I took a job as a Seguerity Guard. At least I get the write uniform. Chicks (Lit) dig that. :rolleyes:
Tzara said:
I always wanted to join the Grammar Police, but I could never pass the Syllable Service Exam. So I took a job as a Seguerity Guard. At least I get the write uniform. Chicks (Lit) dig that. :rolleyes:

The grammar police are like gnomes. Nobody ever sees them but in the morning all the vowels and consonants are moved around...

Nice uniform btw. Very hot.
Lonesomepoet said:
I will continue to write my poetry, and the rhyme & meter stupid...
Good for you, Lonesomepoet! Don't let anyone take away your right to rhyme & meter stupid! It's a free country, godammit!
Tzara said:
Good for you, Lonesomepoet! Don't let anyone take away your right to rhyme & meter stupid! It's a free country, godammit!

Uh oh, you are so gonna get some 'or else' for that...
Sara Crewe said:
The grammar police are like gnomes. Nobody ever sees them but in the morning all the vowels and consonants are moved around...
Is it just me, or does anyone else get all prickly feeling when diagramming sentences and you thrust those adverbial phrases down?
Sara Crewe said:
Nice uniform btw. Very hot.
It's the wool. Knitted too thick.

Nothing like those sleek camo thingies the Verbal Assault Team wear.

We don't have a VAT in the States, you know. I guess we're just too polite. ;)
Tzara said:
Is it just me, or does anyone else get all prickly feeling when diagramming sentences and you thrust those adverbial phrases down?
It's the wool. Knitted too thick.

Nothing like those sleek camo thingies the Verbal Assault Team wear.

We don't have a VAT in the States, you know. I guess we're just too polite. ;)

I'm more of a 'adjective clause' kinda girl. I am addicted to verbs.

Are you takin' a shot at my VAT team, seguerity-dude? Don't make me verbally assault you.

And can you step a little to the side. I don't know if you've heard but my ego is huge and its allergic to wool. You don't want to see it sneeze. It's not a good thing. Actually maybe you should just take your uniform off...for safe measure.
Tzara said:
Oops. I thought it said "Or Elsa." :eek:

Nope. Elsa is gone. I killed her. She tried to steal my blueberry eggo waffle yesterday morning so I shot her.

I mean, what might have been next? The bitch might have gone after my bacon...
Sara Crewe said:
I'm more of a 'adjective clause' kinda girl. I am addicted to verbs.

Are you takin' a shot at my VAT team, seguerity-dude? Don't make me verbally assault you.

And can you step a little to the side. I don't know if you've heard but my ego is huge and its allergic to wool. You don't want to see it sneeze. It's not a good thing. Actually maybe you should just take your uniform off...for safe measure.
Well, so long as I get to keep my nightstick. It's the part I'm most fondest of. :cool:
Tzara said:
Well, shucks. I try to. :rolleyes:

It's good to be firm. I've heard that bending is quite painful.

Okay, I must vacate my VAT duty at the moment. You will let me know if 'or else' happens while I'm gone? Maybe tape it for me. Or is it more of a 'keep some leftovers in a tuperware container' kinda thing? Anyway, either way, do save me some. I can't wait.
Sara Crewe said:
It's good to be firm. I've heard that bending is quite painful.

Okay, I must vacate my VAT duty at the moment. You will let me know if 'or else' happens while I'm gone? Maybe tape it for me. Or is it more of a 'keep some leftovers in a tuperware container' kinda thing? Anyway, either way, do save me some. I can't wait.
I am just hoping he will reveal the las word, as he promised. I always knew there was some trick to it and my problem was I never knew the right vocabulary. Sigh.
WickedEve said:
VAT (verbal assault team)
GP (grammar police)
O (oval)

I am a proud member of the cliquish oval, which has been silent since last year. Where are all the ovalists?

I'm pretty sure, after reading this thread, that Sara Crewe, Champ, and Rainman are VATters.

And who are the grammar police? Does anyone even want to admit to it?

No matter which group you belong to, I have an important message. Please stop offering constructive feedback to new poets. Encourage them to write only for themselves and from the heart. Do we really want the newbies to improve and make our poetry look like crap?
I wanna know when you discovered that I was a salt. Actually, I'm more of a shaker than a team. It's a prairie thing, you understand.

Can I be an oval salt shaker? I like that shape.
champagne1982 said:
BTW, do the grammer police investigate syntax fraud?
I think that it is, at least in the USA, the domain of the Federal Bureau of Incogitation.
Bad Poet's Destiny!

A fog now fires across red sky—
some people dance, and sing, and lie.

No flying birds these chasms span.
Our bed's a pit. Our lambs, iambs.

I strive to make some bed to fit
your figures better, lie in it,

but I can't make one: evermore,
we're so clichéd. We just, God, bore.

So dims our wit, which comes to this:
I'm sorry. We're all idiots.
Last edited:
Tzara said:
Bad Poet's Destiny!

A fog now fires across red sky—
some people dance, and sing, and lie.

No flying birds these chasms span.
Our bed's a pit. Our lambs, iambs.

I strive to make some bed to fit
your figures better, lie in it,

but I can't make one: evermore,
we're so clichéd. We just, God, bore.

So dims our wit, which comes to this:
I'm sorry. We're all idiots.
:cool: I'm sorry you're an idiot,
But relax I have seen worse

There've been many vile and parasitic
infestations of Lambic metered verse

In which the oohs are empathetic
forms of a baa-a-a-ad cliche curse

What's more I fear the apocalyptic
revelation of several more las' wor's

I mus' have it don't you idiotic
VATeam see? Or else ...
My Erotic Trail said:
welcome back Lonesomepoet...
as you can see the verbal assault team is still here (grin)
you can not please everyone... so just please yourself, like that of a catapillar not understanding the moths; but one day.....perhaps!!!!!!!!
anyway, write, write and write some more... there are no masters of poetry here... only students!
catapillar have his time of moth?
"there are no masters of poetry here... only students!"
this quote, didn't I see this before? Good quote, it may have been the Rainman's .
:rolleyes: Who is both a better master and a student of poetry than you will ever be.
Ditto Senna Jawa.
Ditto Decayed Angel
did he ever get his apology?
Ditto just about everybody, including down to and including MNS.
Consider your self lucky to find someone like Lonesomepoet, makes you look good.
The problem with doing parody here is you two do it so well to yourself.

ah catopillow, if everyone so equal where my H for my E? :nana: