Marks of passion

Do you like marks?

  • Love the cuts, bruises and abrasions! Bring 'em on!

    Votes: 36 63.2%
  • Don't care either way

    Votes: 6 10.5%
  • Hate 'em

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 11 19.3%

  • Total voters
I am rapt as we have found my cutting takes on a life of it's own following a spanking or whipping. It raises up like a welt and 'glows' red as Master put it. I love it.

Re: I'll go against the flow

Croctden said:
In the moment I like marks (especially a fire engine red ass), but I prefer they don't linger. That way I can start fresh the next day.

Like a writer, with a fresh sheet of paper? An understandable thought. For more on this see Robert Coover's "Spanking the Maid."
I am VERY good at not leaving marks unless I want to
Most people don't want marks when we play
Once in a while, when I have the opportunity to place them, I enjoy bite marks (and I MEAN bite marks, not hickeys)m welts from my knives/fingernails (I don't know if any of you saw where I wrote "James' Slut" on my last sub's back that were posted in our pic thread, but that was neat :D) and occasionaly some other marks
Last time I played, with my subject's permission, I did determine that my Triskelion paddle WILL leave a riased, welted, defined triskel on someone if I hit her hard enough and that it will last for at least 12-13 hours
In fact, with my last play partner, she has a primary and he REQUESTED I leave marks so he could perv on them when he saw her the next night
So it was fun all around :D
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Himself is a biter... It is the most erotic thing to me... and instantly sends me to the edge... I like being marked and have a reminder of our time together... Right now I can look on my right shoulder and see His mark where He bite me...
My 2 cents

Like scratches and bruises and both proper bites and hickeys... my last lover loved me treating her rough, biting and scratching etc...

I love being scratched.... there's something great about "accidentally" showing off scratches...
Re: My 2 cents

thedirtypoet said:
Like scratches and bruises and both proper bites and hickeys... my last lover loved me treating her rough, biting and scratching etc...

I love being scratched.... there's something great about "accidentally" showing off scratches...

I have a cat who likes to smack me with her claws out to get attention
people see my arm and assume I am in to cutting myself
So THOSE sort of scratches are no fun
James G 5 said:
Last time I played, with my subject's permission, I did determine that my Triskelion paddle WILL leave a riased, welted, defined triskel on someone if I hit her hard enough and that it will last for at least 12-13 hours
In fact, with my last play partner, she has a primary and he REQUESTED I leave marks so he could perv on them when he saw her the next night
So it was fun all around :D

As the subject above, lemme tell ya... the marks may have faded but damn! the tender spot was still there for about a day or so LOL

My favorite mark from that session was the bite mark on the back of my neck. A very erotic spot for me. Simply touching it afterwards set me off LOL

I had forgotten about this, but last summer my friend and I were going to NYC for the weekend... Himself not willing to let me go unmarked, made certain that I knew I was His... marking my knees and thighs so that every time I sat down I could see those marks and remember where I was when He made them...
Love them!

I am sitting here right now with a horrible bruise on my right ass cheek from him massively biting me last weekend. There was an immediate hard lump under the skin and that lasted for about 4 it's just a bruise.

I have been black and blue and sometimes I've just had minor marks. I want to see and feel those marks for days afterwards.

One of my favorites is feeling sore after his bondage from the odd and uncomfortable positions I am placed in for hours while taking his discipline. Also the rope indentions on my wrists and elbows and ankles and breasts. Scalp soreness from the hair bondage...YUM. He says I turn blue at times and he has to release me...I wish I could see that but I am always blindfolded.

I am responsible for clean up but I always leave the ropes hanging from the basement rafters until the next day. While I am up on a ladder untying them I run through the previous night and wonder how I must have looked to him. It's a hypnotic process to me. I enjoy seeing his rope ties and knots and am always amazed at his obvious talent.

My body was littered with bruises this last session from the intense flogger stings. I looked speckled...I loved that.

I am difficult to bruise as well but he always manages to do it. It may take two days before the major bruising occurs so the day after I am constantly checking the mirror...waiting for them.

So I voted accordingly.

MLadyPain said:
As the subject above, lemme tell ya... the marks may have faded but damn! the tender spot was still there for about a day or so LOL

My favorite mark from that session was the bite mark on the back of my neck. A very erotic spot for me. Simply touching it afterwards set me off LOL


Not to mention squirming at Denny's at breakfast due to the aforementioned triskel :D
Confession Time

I have this great big black triangular bruise type thing on one butt cheek. Sadly, it appeared overnight without any fun story to go with it! Marks without the story to be reminded of just aren't nearly as much fun!
FungiUg said:
In case there was any doubt, I love to bite. And I love to be able to leave marks.
Welcome to BCA.

FungiUg said:
I tend not to leave marks from spanking, since I only use my hands, and I don't use whips (tempted to try using my belt though, which would leave some lovely welts I'm sure!)
You don't need either, just an iron will to keep spanking with the hand. Arc it, as in do the double-jointed thing right before impact ... the knuckles closest to your palms flex out.

Voila, blunt impact tramau.

FungiUg said:
I also like to leave clamps, which I am told leave behind a lovely tingling feeling for a day or two afterwards.
And if you remove them without unclampling ...
I voted other.
I like seeing and feeling the marks he has left on me, but I do not want them to be visible to others.
He likes to bite... and I don't mean nibble. He does not seem to be happy unless he leaves at least one very well defined bite mark on me. I mentioned some time back in another thread that we had words on that subject, as it is just not possible to wear turtleneck sweaters to work in Texas during the summer.
Now, if we include non-visible remnants of possession… well, after he has been particularly forceful, I think of him every time I shift position in my chair, or walk, or any number of things… and I love that.

niteshade said:
I voted other.
I like seeing and feeling the marks he has left on me, but I do not want them to be visible to others.
He likes to bite... and I don't mean nibble. He does not seem to be happy unless he leaves at least one very well defined bite mark on me. I mentioned some time back in another thread that we had words on that subject, as it is just not possible to wear turtleneck sweaters to work in Texas during the summer.
Now, if we include non-visible remnants of possession… well, after he has been particularly forceful, I think of him every time I shift position in my chair, or walk, or any number of things… and I love that.

Lucky girl, wonder how many others enjoy that?

But then, i would have to make that chair just a touch more uncomfortable ...
AngelicAssassin said:
Lucky girl, wonder how many others enjoy that?

But then, i would have to make that chair just a touch more uncomfortable ...

Oh? Do I want to know how you would do that??? :p
One of my 'favouritist' things in the whole world is to look down and see the marks my lover left behind when he was there. I love the visual reminder of what we did and where we went, and its also sexy as hell!
soapstar said:
One of my 'favouritist' things in the whole world is to look down and see the marks my lover left behind when he was there. I love the visual reminder of what we did and where we went, and its also sexy as hell!
And so much fun to put there in the first place ...
I mark easily but the marks tend to fade just as quickly, i would love to have marks and welts that were visible for a few days at least to remind me just how much i am His and also to remind me of our wonderful time together. I would love for Him to leave a bite mark or something of that nature that would last even longer so that everytime i felt it i would be reminded.
Give the man a cigar

Peter2002 said:
Like a writer, with a fresh sheet of paper? An understandable thought. For more on this see Robert Coover's "Spanking the Maid."

Exactly, or a new canvas for a painter. Nice that someone understood.