MathGirl for Governor of California


Hi Lovin. Please don't say that about our beautiful land til you've seen it, esp. the northern bits.

I also recall George Murphy as senator, he was a tap dancing fool, I think danced w/Shirley Temple, who was an ambassador of some sort! I think to Africa, good grief! maybe cuz she danced on the stairs w/a black man.

For myself it feels good to be in a majority finally (Hispanics is the latest term but it'll do).

I liked Clint as Mayor, he was intelligent and didn't have to b.s. There was a controversy over developing some land for condos and such and he simply bought the acreage; problemo solved, haha.

regards, Perdita

p.s. what great movies? I'm a buff, PM me if you want but this threads OK to tread w/non-MG/CA banter.
Thanks for the warm welcome, Perdita. As a fellow Hispanic, I thank you. Guess it's not so cliquey in here after all (that's just a little joke).

I've actually spent quite a lot of time in Cali. I love your half. And Lake Tahoe is obviously one of the most gorgeous places on earth. SoCal I can do without.

As for movies, well, I'm a child of the 80s and I'm afraid I'm not strong on the so-called classics, though I can watch "Casablanca" and "North By Northwest" repeatedly. I also just caught "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" again. Awesome. And speaking of Robert Redford (and as a weak way of bringing this all back to the thread), MG should check out Redford's "The Candidate." It's about a young, smart, good-looking upstart running for senate in, I believe, California. Maybe MG will get some campaign ideas...

lovinanalandy said:
Thanks for the warm welcome, Perdita. As a fellow Hispanic, I thank you. Guess it's not so cliquey in here after all (that's just a little joke).
Please do joke about cliqueiness, it's the best response.

May I ask your hispanicity? I'm Mexican all the way back to the conquest when I presume my Portugese last name was attached.

Not a Redford fan, but anything with Bogie and Cary (ah, what happened to that type of man?) I love. NxNW is a real fave.

cheers, Perdita
perdita said:
. . . Shirley Temple, who was an ambassador of some sort! I think to Africa, good grief! maybe cuz she danced on the stairs w/a black man. . . .

Actually, she married a Black man, and became Shirley Temple Black." ;)
Quasimodem said:
Actually, she married a Black man, and became Shirley Temple Black." ;)
Quas, you gave me the first LOL of the day.

Perdita :rose:
'Twould appear the northern group is once again showing a jealous disposition to the So Cal group. Can't say I blame them. Glad to be where I am....

Oh, and not only is that So Cal - it's in Orange County, too
perdita said:
As you know, wetback came from crossing the Rio Grande. Our new border won't be a river so I simply meant we need a derogatory term that fits the new border. Have to think about it, I really don't know Fresno and environs.

How about greenbacks? Most migrants are seeking to improve themselves financially and want to add to their wealth (and the wealth of the country they want to enter).

snobby greenbacks

Chele, no! Ha ha. Well, you give So. Cal. a special rating now. BTW, I lived in L.A. for several years and enjoyed it. I actually loved driving on the freeways there; outside of rush hour traffic it was always exhilarating. I felt claustrophobic when I began to drive only on surface streets in SF; all those stops and starts. I lived at the foot of the San Gabes, and but for one brush fire scare, it was an idyllic neighborhood. I discovered living in So. Cal. that no one there gave much thought to the north, vs. how up here the opposite is true. It's like being snobby and not having it recognized. I'm glad at least you're there.

Ogg: a very good suggestion, greenbacks would be a patriotic term so the southies might not even take offense.

best to you both, Perdita del San Francisco :rose:

Surely this thread is on the wrong forum?

MathGirl and DurtGurl meet Arnold Showeveryouspellitnegger belongs on Story Ideas. Of course, with DurtGurl in it the resulting story would have to go in the Celebrities category.
oggbashan said:
How about greenbacks? Most migrants are seeking to improve themselves financially and want to add to their wealth (and the wealth of the country they want to enter).

Dear Og,
The public assistance rolls and 19% unemployment in parts of the San Joaquin Valley indicate that immigrants are not increasing the wealth of the country they entered.
Dear MG,

I'm not sure about the geography of California. My suggestion was a name for those wanting to leave S California and head North if S California had been handed back to Mexico.

Perhaps S California could be sold to a Russian entrepreneur. They seem to have money to invest in difficult cases such as Chelsea Football Club.

oggbashan said:
Perhaps S California could be sold to a Russian entrepreneur.

Dear Og,
Good idea. Especially considering the rich Russian cultural tradition in So Cal.

Actually, a few So Californians could probably buy Russia lock, stock and barrel.
Russkaya Californaya

The Russians long ago settled in my neighborhood (the Inner Richmond for those in the know). I'm near three Russian churches, one synagogue, lots of Russian bakeries and restaurants, a couple Russian bookstores and other shops, and one nightclub. All this in the midst of what is called "little Chinatown".

And if I remember correctly the U.S. paid Russia just a few bucks for Alaska. Here in No. Cal. we have the Russian River and a Sebastopol of our own.

Re: Russkaya Californaya

perdita said:
The Russians long ago settled in my neighborhood (the Inner Richmond for those in the know). I'm near three Russian churches, one synagogue, lots of Russian bakeries and restaurants, a couple Russian bookstores and other shops, and one nightclub. All this in the midst of what is called "little Chinatown".

And if I remember correctly the U.S. paid Russia just a few bucks for Alaska. Here in No. Cal. we have the Russian River and a Sebastopol of our own.


Actually, the area in question was discovered by Juan de Romanov, who christendened SF bay with a fifth (before liters) of Popov Vodka. Juan, a rugged handsome boy, was borne of a romantic encounter between a Senora and Yuri the 87th, a cousin of Petrov the Grandiose.

Re: Re: Russkaya Californaya

Thanks, Krassni malchik*, I remember reading about this at a rare books fair.

*"Red boy" (or beautiful, as the same word, krassniy, is used for both.)
Re: Russkaya Californaya

perdita said:
Here in No. Cal. we have the Russian River and a Sebastopol of our own.

Dear Perdita,
I think Fort Ross is as far south as the Russians actually occupied. Places like Sebastopol were settled by Russian emigrants. The little Russian neighborhood in SF has a couple of really good restaurants. I'd rather go hungry that eat borscht, though.
Re: Re: Russkaya Californaya

MathGirl said:
I'd rather go hungry than eat borscht, though.
Oh, MG, I can't believe you've had real borscht then. I recommend Cinderella's on Balboa between 6th and 5th. Service is very slow (a Russian trait); there's also a bakery attached.

Or perhaps you simply don't like beets, lost cause then.

Originally posted by PierceStreet Since Dr. MathGirl refuses to run for California Governor
Dear PS,
If I had known at the time of the original groundswell of support what a total catfight the election would become, I'd probably have slung my sombrero into the ring.
Ps. I have a mental picture of me standing next to Arnold at a political rally. I don't think we'd both fit into the frame.
MathGirl said:
I have a mental picture of me standing next to Arnold at a political rally. I don't think we'd both fit into the frame.
LOL, what a pic it would make. I'll send another 10 bucks for your campaign.

Zonker for Governor!

sorry, Maths, but Zonker has my vote. Doonesbury has the Califrnia recaall all covered. You can link both the current day and archives from
Originally posted by perdita I'll send another 10 bucks for your campaign.
Dear Perdita,
That would certainly swell the coffers. The original rush of contributions totaled $1.17.
MathGirl said:
Dear Perdita,
That would certainly swell the coffers. The original rush of contributions totaled $1.17.

The dollar in the Bank of New South Wales is now worth $1.25 because of exchange fluctuations. Costs $5.00 to convert it back so I'll add one €uro and the dud £1 coin someone passed in my shop. That should make about $3.00 now.

I could add 25sols of French Revolution 1797 Assignats and one billion 1920s German inflationary marks but they will be as useful as Confederate dollars.
