MathGirl for Governor of California

oggbashan said:
The dollar in the Bank of New South Wales is now worth $1.25 because of exchange fluctuations. Costs $5.00 to convert it back so I'll add one €uro and the dud £1 coin someone passed in my shop. That should make about $3.00 now.

I could add 25sols of French Revolution 1797 Assignats and one billion 1920s German inflationary marks but they will be as useful as Confederate dollars.
Dear Ogue,
Forget the modern stuff. It would probably come postage due and I'd be in the hole. The marks might be useful, though. I'm running out of Charmin.
Ps. To whom it may concern:
It may be damning by faint praise, but I'm generally considered to be more attractive than Danny DiVito. Harumph
If MG doesn't want to run I'll take over...

her campaign funds. I have a charity calle Manalo Bhalanik
in return for my contribution I will be rewarded with a pair of over the knee stilleto boots.:D

with og's dollar all I need is 989 more and we'll be on our way:D
Dear PS,
The only photograph taken of the Wright Brothers first powered flight.
Ps. I wonder if they had to call the tower for takeoff clearance.
PierceStreet said:
They lost Orville's luggage I hear. And the Flight Attendant got blown right off the wing..
But they didn't have to circle the airport once! ;)
Okay, guess I've got to come in and clean this mess up. First of all, I'm from Louisiana, home of Huey Long, Cokey Roberts, and James Carville. The state also boasts a four-term ex-governor in federal prison. All that should be more than enough to establish my qualifications as a political expert.

I really hate to be the bearer of bad tidings of great gloom, but you can't get rid of Republicans-they're like cellulite. It's spelled out in a new revised edition of the Bible, "The poor-mouthers will always be among you."

Besides, the GOP'ers have managed to gain total control over Orange County. The significance of that geo-political move is obvious-they also control Disneyland.

Don't worry about campaigning for votes. It's much more cost effective to concentrate your somewhat meager resources on making sure your supporters get into position to COUNT the votes. Just ask anyone from Florida.

Having your own people in place is especially important since punch cards will still be used in many areas. The Hanging Chad can make or break an election-just ask President Al Gore.

Perdita, always "Remember The Alamo" (was a Mexican victory). Granted, Santa Anna learned the NBA season was over and baseball had started so he abandoned the joint, shook the dust of San Antonio from his boots, and headed east for the Houston area. But a win's, a win. Just ask George Bush.

As for my role in the future MG administration, well, someone's gotta supervise the incoming crop on new interns. And while it's true Ms Monica, that fine example of California womanhood, has given up her intern duties, I should still be able to rise to the challenge. That reminds me, Gary Condite's out of a job. I wonder if he'd like to come on board as a talent scout?.

So if MG has any places I can fill, in her campaign that is, I'm just waiting to be asked.

Rumple (vote early & vote often) Foreskin
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If nominated I will not run, if elected.....

Rumple Foreskin said:
So if MG has any places I can fill, in her campaign that is, I'm just waiting to be asked.
Dear Rumple,
I'm afraid I'm out of the gubernatorial race. I'm just not cut out to be a gubernator.
The way politics works, MathGirl's last post must mean that she is seriously considering standing for Governor. She just needs a few more dollars.

oggbashan said:
The way politics works, MathGirl's last post must mean that she is seriously considering standing for Governor. She just needs a few more dollars.

I hope you're right, Og. But I'm afraid she may be serious. After all, if she bacame governor of California, wouldn't that mean having to live in Sacramento? Looks like the best I can hope for is to write a tell-all, "insider" history of MG's campaign for governor, which like her, was short but interesting.

Remorseful Rumple
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Rumple Foreskin said:
...I'm afraid she may be serious... if she bacame governor of California, wouldn't that mean having to live in Sacramento?....

I thought all California Governors live in De Nile :confused:
Rumple Foreskin said:
having to live in Sacramento?
Dear Rumple,
There's nothing wrong with Sacramento, I grew up there. Well, as much as I ever grew. Well, except for the eighty percent of the city that's uninhabitable.
Ps. It's not a bad place to live if you have the money to live quite a ways from it. Except, of course, during the five months when it's too damn hot to go outside.
MathGirl said:
Dear Rumple,
There's nothing wrong with Sacramento, I grew up there. Well, as much as I ever grew. Well, except for the eighty percent of the city that's uninhabitable.
Ps. It's not a bad place to live if you have the money to live quite a ways from it. Except, of course, during the five months when it's too damn hot to go outside.
Oh. I sit (standing's too much trouble) corrected. RF

Why, O why, did I start this thread?

MG looks like the best candidate California could have, given the range of candidates who want to be Governor.

A desire to be Governor should mean automatic exclusion from the race.

Re: Why?

oggbashan said:
MG looks like the best candidate California could have, given the range of candidates who want to be Governor.
Dear Ogue,
Among the notables in the running is that comedian who thinks it's funny to use a sledgehammer on watermelons. Can't remember his name, but I'm sure someone on here will supply it.
Ps. It probably would be fun to hit a watermelon with a slegehammer, but watching someone do it isn't quite the same.
I would back MathGirl for governor. Anything so that I don't have to hear about Arnold every day! No offense, please - but those of us who do not live anywhere near California DO NOT CARE!

Kind of like those of you who did not live anywhere near the big blackout could have cared less and got sick of hearing about it - I don't blame you.