Maybe we don't have the sack to write anything else...

Hi all and each

I write porno crap because it amuses me, sorry I mean erotica, I'm also not too good at anything else.

I did write a kids story once and it wound up in print, non-profit print, just a bit of fun for the local primary school kids, they loved it bless them.

I've also done a couple of technical publications in league with another bloke, they were also well accepted and again non-profit for the local tech college.

Bloody voluntary work, costs more than it makes, hehe.

My wife was interested in a story about sex with a computer, but she said on reflection she wasn't sure how much pleasure there'd be in Backing up onto a three and a half inch floppy. Hmm!!

sack_lunches said:
So, I guess I should throw in my two cents, since I am asking others to pay...

Dad is a professional writer and teacher, so growing up under the menace of the red pen was hard. I never really wrote much, even things to piss him off, because I was too interested in being a critic like my old man. That mean, insecure streak landed me a job as a literary critic in college, and it was worth very little.

Most of the crap I've written since college is academic with a heavy layer of the ascerbic and the sardonic. Any important points I ever had to make were overshadowed by my arrogance and ready willingness to burn bridges. I think I might be better now...

So, when this was all pointed out to me by a 'friend,' I decided to back off. I published a few popular things, did some different academic work, and spent a lot of my time reading erotic literature. I wrote a few things for lovers, but they were often received as too graphic.

So, as my 'career' moves on, I'm trying new outlets. I've been involved in a couple of non-erotic online activities for awhile, but it seems like writing erotic stuff really takes the edge off my dissatisfaction, somehow. Maybe it's because I've always loved sex, and I mainly write from my own experiences, long-since-gone; this forum gives me a place to relive and help others enjoy it with me. It also lets me manufacture some sexual adventures for which I never had the sack, and that's probably better than asking a new partner to get THAT crazy.Besides, this place is cheaper than therapy.

Like many of you, I get to try different things with erotica than with my normal subject-matter. It's neat when I can do that and feel good about it.

Mostly, I guess I'm just a mean, bitter little man with lots of shattered relationships and a shitty career looking to relive the glory days. Thanks for indulging me

do you think that all authors at some stage in their writing lives, have a go at writing erotica?
Noms de ploom

sack_lunches said:
I doubt many of them have the sack to admit it...

I not only don't have a sack, I'm young and female. What's more, I don't even have a name like Duke, Prince, Master, Earl or any of those. Oh, no tatoos, either.

What's to become of me?


Ps. I have several nice handbags.

Math Dutchess? Mistress Girl? Math Mistress?...... naw
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why write erotica?

It's fun. And it gets read. I'm not sure about the finer details of those social fringe-dwellers that you describe hiding behind clever nicknames and have penchants for masturbation and fetishes, but they seem to be able to read my story and tell me how much they liked it.

I'm from the UK youth, in a generation where reading is so uncool that anyone who passes their spelling tests at school immediately loses half their friends on principle. Writing is so bad that you can forget being invited to any social gathering ever again (yes even at 23, new friends still change their opinion of me within minutes of me saying "I write stories.") So getting stuff read by my peers is nearly impossible.

So I want my stuff read by someone who'll appreciate it. So I write a sex story, post it here, and I'll get feedback. And I get feedback on the plot, the characters, the grammar and use of words, as well as on the sex itself. Now I can have my social life AND get my stories read.

Couldn't we all get a lot more out of our writing exercises if we didn't have to include that tiresome sex scene?

Life is based around sex. Fact. Without sex we wouldn't exist. So writing a serious story that develops characters over time WITHOUT involving sex is really not telling the full tale, and does not allow the opportunity to fully develop the character. Sex cannot be denied.

Sex cannot be denied? This is where my stories focus - denial of stimulation or orgasm. We all have a need for sex. A biological drive that compells us to find a mate, in order to reproduce. This drive works in the form of an urge, always present, sometimes stronger than others. Denying this urge is working against what the body wants, creating a conflict in the mind, which can then be used as a form of control.

I only have one story on-line so far. If you read it you will see it has lots of scenes which some people will find highly arousing. Some people might get off to it. Yet it has an underlying plot, based on the damage done to a young girl's mind as she is continually denied what her body wants. The story follows what becomes of her.

So I've written a plot, I've developed characters, I've added a sick and twisted twist ending, and then there's been lots of sex. So why can't I strip out the sex and make this a damned good story in its own right? Simply because without the sex, it wouldn't bloody well make any sense! ;-)

Now that I've said that, I'm off to the fringe of society to excercise my masturbation fetish... :p

Ax... ok don't you know that is called TMI!!! (Too Much Information)...

that was funny!!!! LOVE IT!!!!

I will say this....

In life we all have to decide who and what we are.

We may not be able to be what we want in the society in which we live, but to deny ourselves our needs and wants is not healthy.

Some where a long the line we express ourselves, in what ever means that maybe.

I personnally enjoy every moment of my "online experiences". Happily picking up my hat "Reo" and jumping in to play. Deviant and strange as some of my fetishes and stories and playtimes may be.

I personnally am glad that the internet exists, it feeds the insane minds that need an outlet without the pressures of them doing it all in real life.

For those of us who know we can live two seperate, completely different lives. This is a form of heaven. We can write whatever strikes our fancies without the consequences of a society that wishes to label everyone and torment them for eternity over it.

Not even taking all that into consideration...Sex is a normal part of everyone's life. It is a necessary part of evolution.

To think is to exist, to dream is to be, to wonder is human.

*philosphy off
Hello to everyone!

I am a newly registered virgin (I love saying that), and would like to comment on this particular thread.

It occurs to me that if you are on here submitting erotica, then you must do it because it is a passion. Whether the passion lies in the writing itself or the writing of the erotica is beside the point.

This seems like a wonderful place to gain experience and receive constructive criticism. Let's face it, since the sex industry is one of the most popular avenues around, you have a better chance of getting read here than on a similar site writing "regular" fiction.

Obviously no one is doing this for money, so it has to be be the passion. Yep, I'm sure of it now. Be assured, there are many very talented writers who could not put out a good erotic story, so consider yourself capable of thinking outside the box.

I was writing erotic short stories per request. Although I got paid, the marketing fellow seemed more interested in me than my work. I have now decided to join all of you instead. It is much more fun to come up with my own stories anyway; turning someone else's formula into their fantasy isn't the easiest thing to do.

Nice to meet each and every one of you!!

Lascivious Wanton
reohoko said:
Ax... ok don't you know that is called TMI!!! (Too Much Information)...
OK I know, it's this habit I have, sometimes I just can't help but spill out word after wasted word of complete nonsense forever and ever until not even I think I can stop.... It's like this one time, at band camp...
reohoko said:

no, no, this time... we want to hear it all, Ax.

Looks like I'll have to add a new story title to my list - One Time at Band Camp
Small world

SlaveMasterUK said:
Now that I've said that, I'm off to the fringe of society to excercise my masturbation fetish... ax

Dear Ax,
I was over there, too. I think I saw you. You were the guy wearing the raincoat and the funny hat, right?
Re: Small world

MathGirl said:
Dear Ax,
I was over there, too. I think I saw you. You were the guy wearing the raincoat and the funny hat, right?
That's right. It's wise to dress for wet weather whenever you visit the fringe of society. It rains a lot but it's the only place those masturbation-infatuated individuals sick enough to actually read our stories can afford to go, after dropping out of mainstream society and turning inward to their seedy fetishes.
