
Re: Re: Small minds

Icingsugar said:
Yes! That's the definition I've been looking for for years. "conversational judo".

It's the best skill there is in countless social situations, the one that kept me out of striking distance through grade school, the one that keeps me from using my striking distance on arrogant snots these days. One that sould be practiced on a daily basis.

I still say, don't speek. Shoot the wraps under the bitch. Float her ass if you can.

The wraps: Sliding a foot along the ground catching the heels of their feet, proceed to drag the foot while extending an arm to prevent them from falling forward.

It would be best if you could get a runing start.
MathGirl said:
Dear DJJ,
I suppose that's a matter of perspective. A size 6 seems HUGE to me.

Thanks for setting me straight, MG... don't know what I was thinking. If a size 6 is huge, then I guess I really need to start worrying...
I need to say that with the exception of a couple British gentlemen I am dismayed at the expressions of violent reactions and suggestions in this thread. I understand feeling protective or angry on behalf of a loved one (I'm a mother bear when it comes to such, but only metaphorically). Given the state of affairs in our world, yea merely in my neighborhood, such radical thoughts seem ludicrous to me.

just peaceful Perdita
Re: Re: Re: Small minds

BlackSnake said:
I still say, don't speek. Shoot the wraps under the bitch. Float her ass if you can.

The wraps: Sliding a foot along the ground catching the heels of their feet, proceed to drag the foot while extending an arm to prevent them from falling forward.

It would be best if you could get a runing start.

BS I'm familiar with the wraps and throwing elbows too but didn't you hear the part about me not wanting to spend time in a holding center? plus it was after processing time which means I probably would have had to spend the night no thanks. I felt like getting violent but I wouldn't give the bitch that pleasure. I just had to post the question. I know she was being petty and I should have been able to shrug it off and if the comments were geared at me I could have. But the fact that they were aimed at K. who is sweet enough to give you a cavity, well it just made me want to cry. Also I'm still coping with having my feelings for K so close to the surface. I wasn't heartless before her just what some might call cold, not prone to emotional tumult at all. So now it seems new to me. We dated for 3 years prior to the ceramony and I knew I loved her but now it's something all together new. Then to add to the mix we're obviously both woman and that somehow makes it harder if I had gotten violent it wouldn't have solved anything and K would have been mad on two counts 1)because I defended her which somehow makes it seem like she couldn't have defended herself and 2) Because I would use violence knowing full well nothing would be solved. And you know what I wouldn't have faulted her for these feelings because if the situation was reversed I'd feel the same way. :confused:
Uh, oh - side effects of marital bliss - maturity and restraint. Sounds like a balance is coming into effect here. Perhaps we will use this as a lesson of zen. I think the lady needed to learn the value of her words as being worth no more than a ruined dress. It cost her much to offend your loved one with with words not worth any more than the rags in which her soul is dressed.

-FF (feeling increasingly prouder of my friend for acting so quickly and in opposition to her feelings)

PS. Perdita, we'll be just as reactionary if someone hurt your feelings. Of course, I'm not so sure that you wouldn't eviscerate their mind with one of your razor keen thrusts, leaving an inexplicable pile of shivering blubber where they had the misfortune to accost you. (Don't know if you'd have someone close enough to cover your mouth with kisses before you could commit the verbal felony - and such action might be dangerous for the kisser)

pps. Have to keep checking back to see if posts went through here in NC - frequent drops in the line due to Isabel. Doesn't seem as bad as Fran, so far.
ffreak said:
PS. Perdita, we'll be just as reactionary if someone hurt your feelings.
Eff, I thank you for your thought but I'd hope any reactions would focus on comforting me vs. eviscerating an ignorant, sad, whatever soul. As for kissing, I love it and would always prefer to be kissed than to rant at an ignorant, sad, whatever soul.

Perdita :kiss:
Originally posted by perdita Eff, I thank you for your thought but I'd hope any reactions would focus on comforting me vs. eviscerating an ignorant, sad, whatever soul. As for kissing, I love it and would always prefer to be kissed than to rant at an ignorant, sad, whatever soul.
Dear Pertida,
It's nice that someone's being adult around here. Even if it is a bit too kissy-huggy.
Ps. Personally, I say, "Gut the mofo." I don't even remember what it was all about, but that's what I say.
MathGirl said:
Dear Pertida, It's nice that someone's being adult around here. Even if it is a bit too kissy-huggy.
Maths: First, could you at least spell my name correctly.

Second, Eff got all kissy-huggy and sucked me into it.

easily, Perdita
Originally posted by perdita Maths: First, could you at least spell my name correctly.Second, Eff got all kissy-huggy and sucked me into it.
Dear Pertida,
Sorry. Now that I look at it, I think I prefer my spelling.
Ps. Don't blame it on eff, sister. You're on the edge of K-H at all times.
MathGirl said:
Dear Pertida, Sorry. Now that I look at it, I think I prefer my spelling.
So I can start calling you Marge then?


:heart: :kiss:
des, I simply LOVED the part about the chocolate!:D :D :D

Me, I would probably have gone a different route, trying to throw that bitch's immaturirty back in her face by telling her straight out that I thought such a comment was both rude and offensive.

If she had had any small sense of intelligence, she would have been ashamed of herself. If she didn't have any, then atleast you'd have come out of it looking mature and dignified, by refusing to sink to her level.

But the chocolate was a great touch as well. Dignified yet malevolent. Just like M would have done it. And that's the greatest compliment you can get out of me.:rose:
Dang, now I'm really mad at Isabel. Here I was, in the dark, missing all the kisses and hugs. Ha-rumph!

Point taken, though, Perdita. Comfort is far better than waiting in the cold dark night while your defender has to fill-out countless forms and get lost in the shuffle of convincing the 'finest' that the other person was the assailant.

Maths, sorry, but you always look kissy-huggy to me, cute little ass, too, just the right shape to carry.

Flicka, I know you're trying to get us back on track, but I certainly don't want you to feel left out of any kissing and a hugging.

(closest I could find to kisses and a hug, ladies)

PS. Mrs. D, chocolate does come to mind here. You know scientists have isolated the particular chemical in chocolate that makes people want it so much. Seems to be the same one that is in marijuana. Gives a whole different picture to taking a toke, doesn't it. Go get a box of Godivas and get high with the Mrs.

pps. Isabel was more bluster than damage - not at all like Fran - at least not inland.
Life's too short to waste time on people who aren't worth it.

That said, if you can manage Winston Churchill-esque conversational gambits, glib comebacks and pithy movie-style one-liners, go for it. Life's *not* too short for cheap entertainment.
raphy said:
Life's too short to waste time on people who aren't worth it.

That said, if you can manage Winston Churchill-esque conversational gambits, glib comebacks and pithy movie-style one-liners, go for it. Life's *not* too short for cheap entertainment.

Hey raph I'm about to bitch but t'aint nothin personal. I've said it before and I'll say it again I refuse to have a battle of the wits with an unarmed person. The bitch in question would have needed a tour guide to follow the rant I could have unleashed on her. In the literary world it's much easier to cut somebody down with a wordy or clever insult in the real world most people don't have a clue what I'm talking about. I made a comment the other day refering to a slightly eccentric
woman as mrs. Havisham (sp?) :rolleyes
and it went over everybody's head with the exception of K.: :rolleyes:
destinie21 said:
I refuse to have a battle of the wits with an unarmed person. The bitch in question would have needed a tour guide to follow the rant I could have unleashed on her.

All too true, Mrs D, all too true.

I liked the chocolate trick, mind you. Very slick =)

I'm glad to hear you two are wearing your rings. Last I knew, you said you couldn't. Kudos for dumping cake on the woman. And, K knows she isn't fat... that bitch was (for some reason) trying to be a pain. Plain and simple. I'll never forget the last time my now ex-husband cheated on me. The girl was a chub, and I was a 12. It floored me so bad, I became a size 6 pretty quickly. She e-mailed one day after the break-up and called me a fat ass. I laughed so hard giggle tears were dripping on the keyboard. A few months later, I ran into her and bent over to ask her how she liked my "fat ass". Don't let the shit bug you, dear. You have love.

Hey Raphaelo. You trying to get a modelling job with Dest? What's with the AVs?

Blame 'dita and champagne.

Monstrous regiment of women, or something. Besides, I'm too short to be a model. Least ways, that's what they told me last time I was in LA.
raphy said:
Blame 'dita and champagne.

Monstrous regiment of women, or something. Besides, I'm too short to be a model. Least ways, that's what they told me last time I was in LA.

I'll gladly give you a foot of my height. I happen to be 2 inches over six feet. Work out the logistics and get back to me:)

Btw does she look fat to you?
these pictures will only be up for about an hour so have a good look
Which pictures?... and that would put me at a shade over 6 and a half feet... Oh well, I can dream.
SIGH . . .

destinie21 said:

What's the joke from a book that I recently read . . .

"Me: Such a shame that body is wasted on being a lesbian.

"Des: Honey , it ain't wasted AT ALL!!!!"

Lucky Des.

OnD <--wondering if K used to have to wear a weight belt in high winds when she wore 2's.

PS - Just in case it's not clear - I do NOT think there is anyway that anyone could believe that K is fat. I certainly could not.
That's K?

Shit, Mrs Dest, you're definitely a lucky Missus. Not fat. No way. No how.

And it's empty now =)
Re: SIGH . . .

OldnotDead said:
PS - Just in case it's not clear - I do NOT think there is anyway that anyone could believe that K is fat. I certainly could not.

Quite the opposite. Take her for a sandwich. Now.
