Meet Mia Love. You'll be seeing a lot more of her.

I keep hearing all about the "interests and aspirations" from these self-appointed mouth pieces for the black community. What I want to know is exactly what are these "interests and aspirations?" I want to see a definitive fucking list. Until that list is made available and endorsed by an overwhelming majority of the black community the words are just so much meaningless bull shit.


Anyone got a list? Anyone got an answer?

You're in a suspiciously good mood about this election. It's almost as if your side won, but you said you voted straight Libertarian so that can't be true.

I'm pretty much the same as I was and when I did the poll about two weeks ago, I voted and posted that I didn't think there was going to be much of a difference and there will not be, in the very short term. It all hinges on the President now and bad thing for your side, he's no Bill Clinton.

I did not say I voted straight Libertarian. I said I voted for all of the Libertarian Candidates, did not cast a vote for any Republican running unopposed, the vast majority, and I voted for the Republican in one contested race, because I personally know the Democrat candidate, while she is a really nice person, she is in no way qualified for any office, not just the one she was running for.

My amusement is in watching the antics of the defeated as they tell us about divined numbers that prove how much the Republicans are in trouble, especially in 2016, how they went straight to voter intimidation, as predicted and how they have dedicated to invalidating the vote because so many on their team refused to vote.

The even allowed me to dust off an old classic from 2007-08 as they started describing black conservatives as not really black. That' some funny shit braugh, because at the same time, we have a thread declaring Republicans doomed because white people are going extinct...


... as if skin color equals philosophy.

[voice=Al Sharpton][tone=megaphone][tune=Puff, the Magic Dragon]

Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
'Cause he's not authentic like me.
Yeah, the guy from the L.A. paper
Said he makes guilty whites feel good
They'll vote for him, and not for me
'Cause he's not from the hood.

See, real black men, like Snoop Dog,
Or me, or Farrakhan
Have talked the talk, and walked the walk.
Not come in late and won!

Oh, Barack the Magic Negro, lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
'Cause he's black, but not authentically.
Oh, Barack the Magic Negro, lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
'Cause he's black, but not authentically.

Some say Barack's "articulate"
And bright and new and "clean."
The media sure loves this guy,
A white interloper's dream!
But, when you vote for president,
Watch out, and don't be fooled!
Don't vote the Magic Negro in ...
'Cause ... [/tune]

Cause I won't have nothing after all these years of sacrifice
And I won't get justice. This is about justice. This isn't about me, it's about justice.
It's about buffet. I don't have no buffet and there won't be any church contributions,
And there'll be no cash in the collection plate.

There ain't gonna be no cash money, no walkin' around money, no folding money.
Now, Barack's going to come in here and ........

*squelch* [/tone][/voice]
the NAACP is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored "Progressives."

Why is there no "progress" for blacks in cities run by "progressives?"

The flip side of Ismael's question that no one is going to answer is: What is it about the conservative point of view that is anathema to a person of color?

What is it that government needs to do for a black person that they need not do for white people? What does government do now for white people that they do not do for black people?
the NAACP is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored "Progressives."

Why is there no "progress" for blacks in cities run by "progressives?"

The flip side of Ismael's question that no one is going to answer is: What is it about the conservative point of view that is anathema to a person of color?

What is it that government needs to do for a black person that they need not do for white people? What does government do now for white people that they do not do for black people?

Oh, I have some answers, but I think that I shall just whistle "Dixie."
With a rebel yell, they cry MO MO MO!

"Why are you here?"

"To get some money."

"What kind of money?"

"Obama money."

"Where's it coming from?


"And where did Obama get it?"

"I don't know... his stash, I don't know. I don't know where he got it from, but he's givin' it t'us to help us. We love him. That's why we voted for him... Obama! Obama!"

Mm-Mm, That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!

That's what I voted for!
that woman was convicted to jail for a few yrs

redu=ed to home confinment.....let out

treated like a hero at Dum gatherings
And if that's what it is, that's what it is. Let them openly declare so.


they do......sometimes in nicer ways.....mostly couched in

living wage

living home etc words


its just



Why do you think Obama is giving Afghanistan back to the Taliban?

;) ;)

He's a supply-side Capitalist. He knows a new pipeline will get the prices down...
I misquoted. He turned it into an adjective commenting on her lack of "real blackness" being key to her victory.

So he was not calling her he was simply pointing out that she is

Not that he was referring to pigmentation, hers is fine, she simply fails his cultural blackness test, I gather.

You are still misquoting him.

Here is what he said.

Oh fuck.

You really went there, didn't you?

This is the kind of shit that means that she'll never be anything but a token to you fucks. And I wish she could read this shit, to know what she's actually representing.

I bet she wouldn't have won if her hair wasn't relaxed. You fuckers couldn't stand real blackness if it put itself in front of your faces.

Now it may be that hair that is chemically relaxed is real. Or not. Sort of like it may be that boob-job boobs are real. Or not.

Regardless, there is a tangle of social context in natural versus relaxed hair of which you are ignorant. Or not. I'll give you the benefit of ignorance rather than assuming you intentionally took Zumi's words out of context to try to suggest that his name is really Jamal.

“For black women, you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t,” said Ingrid Banks, an associate professor of black studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara. “If you’ve got straight hair, you’re pegged as selling out. If you don’t straighten your hair,” she said, “you’re seen as not practicing appropriate grooming practices.”

Anyone who thought such preconceptions were outdated would have been reminded otherwise by some negative reactions to the president’s 11-year-old daughter, Malia Obama, who wore her hair in twists while in Rome this summer. Commenters on the conservative blog Free Republic attacked her as unfit to represent America for stepping out unstraightened.
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You are still misquoting him.

Here is what he said.

Now it may be that hair that is chemically relaxed is real. Or not. Sort of like it may be that boob-job boobs are real. Or not.

Regardless, there is a tangle of social context in natural versus relaxed hair of which you are ignorant. Or not. I'll give you the benefit of ignorance rather than assuming you intentionally took Zumi's words out of context.

Context changes nothing. A black man does not get to decide for a black woman what is "real blackness" (not a word) just because he shares a gene for increased melanin production.

If she chose to shave her head as a fashion statement she is no less an authentic person than he is.

I suspect he's a white liberal hipster fantasizing about being black in any case. THAT has the ring of verity to me.

I am very much aware that there are some blacks that believe they are more authentically black if they change their name and wear a dashiki.

No human gets to decide what is authentic for another human.
Context changes nothing. A black man does not get to decide for a black woman what is "real blackness" (not a word) just because he shares a gene for increased melanin production.

If she chose to shave her head as a fashion statement she is no less an authentic person than he is.

I suspect he's a white liberal hipster fantasizing about being black in any case. THAT has the ring of verity to me.

I am very much aware that there are some blacks that believe they are more authentically black if they change their name and wear a dashiki.

No human gets to decide what is authentic for another human.

That's his point. Tell that to the bloggers who called out Obama's daughter for daring to do that.

That's his point. Tell that to the bloggers who called out Obama's daughter for daring to do that.

That is not his point.

He presumes to speak for white utah residents...people that I know a hell of a lot better than the asshole racist Zumi does.

He claims that if her politics and her demeanor were topped off with a natural, voters who ELECTED her would have shunned her.

Utter bullshit.

Only HE is the arbiter "verity."

I have no idea, (and no interest) in whatever separate point you are making about bloggers and obama's daughters. No idea what that is about.
That is not his point.

He presumes to speak for white utah residents...people that I know a hell of a lot better than the asshole racist Zumi does.

He claims that if her politics and her demeanor were topped off with a natural, voters who ELECTED her would have shunned her.

Utter bullshit.

Only HE is the arbiter "verity."

I have no idea, (and no interest) in whatever separate point you are making about bloggers and obama's daughters. No idea what that is about.

Thank you for arbiting verity, Query.
Of course, someone who got the CBC's policy all wrong, even down to their not accepting Mia's planned joining due to conservatism

someone who thinks "Jamaal" is a sufficient catchall name for black representation in an urban locale (and elsewhere)

or someone who can tell a black person how to spell Kwanzaa correctly

knows how to discern bullshitting when whitesplaining "blackness" is concerned.

knows my point.

Here's what I know for sure:

Bo knows yap.
Thank you for arbiting verity, Query.

You are welcome.

I'm sick of him telling me about my white experience, my inability to know or empathize with any black person but he can speak for all black people and know the minds of all white people.

People of his ilk is why there has been little progress in the black community these last 50 years with widespread opportunity. Don't act "too white" don't talk "too white." don't leave the community that is keeping you down. The black (and brown) people I interact with typically have left the "black community" sought out education or training, and are rapidly integrated into the workplace, with better than average trajectory on hiring and promotion. Fuck him and his poor me the white man be keepin' me down bullshit.

Fuck him. He is about third on my list for the most racist people I am acquainted with, and being black (assuming he actually is) does not provide cover for that.

I dare say I have met and interacted with people of all colors from more wide ranging backgrounds than his black hipster wanna be-ghetto ass ever will. Including ACTUAL Africans that do not romanticize that continent.
Sorry Zumi...didn't know you were up and around so I'll take it out of third person and address you personally.

Fuck you, bigot.

How's that for verity?
You are welcome.

I'm sick of him telling me about my white experience, my inability to know or empathize with any black person but he can speak for all black people and know the minds of all white people.

People of his ilk is why there has been little progress in the black community these last 50 years with widespread opportunity. Don't act "too white" don't talk "too white." don't leave the community that is keeping you down. The black (and brown) people I interact with typically have left the "black community" sought out education or training, and are rapidly integrated into the workplace, with better than average trajectory on hiring and promotion. Fuck him and his poor me the white man be keepin' me down bullshit.

Fuck him. He is about third on my list for the most racist people I am acquainted with, and being black (assuming he actually is) does not provide cover for that.

I dare say I have met and interacted with people of all colors from more wide ranging backgrounds than his black hipster wanna be-ghetto ass ever will. Including ACTUAL Africans that do not romanticize that continent.


My impression of him is much different from yours. I don't see the racism in him that you and others see. I do see someone who's life experience is different from mine and who can give me perspective. I see that in Eyer, too. And Subdued Passion. And a host of others here and in the real world.

I don't twit much anymore. But when I did, I got to see shots of Zumi's world. What I saw was someone living a good life in a big city with similarly-situated souls of all colors.

And I still don't understand Jamal.