Memory Joggers!


cahab said:
Funilly enough, now I'm experienced, it all seems a bit of a let-down. Deja Vu.
Spoken like a real newbie non-virgin. P.
Gabriel_Lee said:
MG's is for the cranial nerves, but don't ask me what they are.

Dear GL,
Very good. I didn't think anyone here would get that. It's about as nonliterary as you can get.

Let's see: Oculomotor, Optic, Olfactory, Trigeminal, ..........., Acoustic, Facial, Auditory, Glossal, Vagus, Accessory, Hypoglossal.

Damn, can't remember T............. Oh well. Growing up with parents like mine, I acquired a lot of useless information like that.

Ps. Trochlear
MathGirl said:
Oculomotor, Optic, Olfactory, Trigeminal, ..........., Acoustic, Facial, Auditory, Glossal, Vagus, Accessory, Hypoglossal. Trochlear
MG, what kind of man would succumb to these terms in foreplay? I'm desperate. P.
Piano thingies: Every Good Boy Deserves Food and FACE for the tenor notes. Great Big Dogs Fight Animals and All Cows Eat Grass for the bass notes. It's actually been years since I last played the piano, so I'm quite proud I remembered that.

Planets: My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets.

All I can think of.

On the hijacking note: Does anyone remember hte film Johnny Mneumonic?

The Earl
Originally posted by MathGirl
Oculomotor, Optic, Olfactory, Trigeminal, ..........., Acoustic, Facial, Auditory, Glossal, Vagus, Accessory, Hypoglossal. Trochlear
Is anyone else concerned about MG's upbringing?

Mine was for the first 25 digits of Pi, or course. I find it difficult to understand why anyone would really want to remember that.

Re: Mammary joggers

MathGirl said:
On Old Olympus Towering Top, A Finn And German Vaulted and Hopped.


I cannot believe this. Actually I learned it differently: On old Olympus' towering tops, a fair assed German viewed some hops.

And to this day I can remember the name of each and every nerve, although what they actually do is beyond me.

spinal accessory

MathGirl, you have absolutley made my frickin' day. Thank-you.
Colours of the Rainbow

What about the colours of the rainbow?

Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet

Re: Re: Mammary joggers

Vincent E said:
And to this day I can remember the name of each and every nerve, although what they actually do is beyond me.
MathGirl, you have absolutley made my frickin' day. Thank-you.

Dear VE,
I hadn't thought about those cute little spinal nerves since I was about twelve, so I'm sure your list is more accurate than mine. I'm glad I made your day. The day must not have been too special to begin with if that made it, though.
Ps. Are you sure there isn't a trochlear in there somewhere? I tried so hard to remember that one.
Pps. GL, Don't be concerned about my upbringing. My parents are both professors of medicine, and the family conversations often were bizarre. When I was twelve, I didn't get motherly advice about "my little monthly friend." It was a three hour lecture on female reproductive physiology. Complete with FSH, LH, corpus luteum, and the role of the adenohypophysis in the menstrual cycle. Sigh................
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Originally posted by MathGirl
My parents are both professors of medicine, and the family conversations often were bizarre. When I was twelve, I didn't get motherly advice about "my little monthly friend." It was a three hour lecture on female reproductive physiology. Complete with FSH, LH, corpus luteum, and the role of the adenohypophysis in the menstrual cycle. Sigh................
That was kind of what I meant, MG. It's amazing that you came out of that as well adjusted as you almost are. :p

Affectionately yours,


P.S. I luv them big words.
Gabriel_Lee said:
It's amazing that you came out of that as well adjusted as

Dear GL,
Me well adjusted? There are those who would dispute that. Me, for one.
MG's rear

Gabe, luvvy: just to reassure you - I'm MG's self-appointed back watcher (as in BtVS-lingo, "Watch yer back"). I think there's a small number of regulars here who look out for the big but sensitive rear ender (not to mention those lovely beach gals that pop up occasionally).

Idea: we could 'patrol' together, honbun. Perdita
MG's rear patrol

I like the sound of that. Do you think she can control herself?
Re: MG's rear patrol

Gabriel_Lee said:
I like the sound of that. Do you think she can control herself?
Of course she can, she merely chooses not to (esp. w/stupid or evil people; which is so easy to do). I'm just backup and she appreciates it. I'm a good friend to have, and she's one too. Join the club, dude (So. Cal. talk but we're both No. Cal femmes). You probably know Svenska (we miss her so) is a great pal too, very wise Swede.

Patrolgal Perdita :rose:
English Lady:

Please excuse the personal asides on your thread, but we have contributed, and I hope other memory jogging people will just jump in. cheers, Perdita :rose:
To go off on a complete tangent, the only one I can think of that hasn't already been mentioned was the WIER/WIRE wheel, which was something to do with electricity W-Watts, I-Amps, E-Volts and R-Ohms (I think). For the life of me I can't remember what it was all about!

To TheEarl - yes, your Grace, I remember Johnny Mnemonic - film starring Keanu Reeves, based on a short story by William Gibson, also author of Neuromancer and other man-computer interface stories.

TheEarl said:
On the hijacking note: Does anyone remember hte film Johnny Mneumonic?
The Earl

Yes, Earl, I remember "Johnny Mnemonic."

William Gibson did the screenplay from one of his short stories.

Keanu Reeves with more information in his brain than any human brain can hold. Guck starting to leak out his ears.

It is a difficult kind of concept to swallow, or forget, either.

I used to feel the exact same way, going in, after cramming all night, for finals. :(

My choice is onomatopoeia!

It is such a simple concept, so how come, I can never remember how to spell it?

Mnemonic ear guck? :eek:
Bang! Grunt! Poot!

Quasimodem said:
My choice is onomatopoeia! It is such a simple concept, so how come, I can never remember how to spell it?

Dear Quaz,
I think that's pretty close.
There was the, from chemistry, rhyme:

My her rest be quiet and placid
she added water to the acid
the other girl did what she oughta
and added acid to the water

Gabriel_Lee said:
and added acid to the waterGL

Dear GL,
Yes, yes. I was taking freshman chem when the lab TA told me to make up a 5 gallon carboy or 1N HCl. It was only later, after the exothermia had caused the bottom to fall out of the glass jug that he told me the axion, "AAA." Always Add Acid
Live and learn,