Memory Joggers!

Lee Evans: English comedian who does do some funny stuff, but does a lot of slapstick too.

I'll bet you philistines haven't heard of Eddie Izzard.

The Earl
Izzard lust

You must tell me all about it. (Your smugness is suitable in this instance.)

Sorry, Earl, but my BritCom is limited mostly to all of 'Monty Python', some of 'The Goon Show,' and odd turns by the 'Carry On Gang.' :D

Provincial, I know, but how can I help it. I LIVE in a province!!! :(
Quas: don't you get cable? I have no knowledge of provincial life.

MathGirl said:
Isn't that some sort of disease. Yersenia pestis?
MG: you must stop reading those medical texts. Don't you have any Homer or Tolstoy? P
Re: Re: Re: Mammary joggers

MathGirl said:
Dear VE,
I hadn't thought about those cute little spinal nerves since I was about twelve, so I'm sure your list is more accurate than mine. I'm glad I made your day. The day must not have been too special to begin with if that made it, though.
Ps. Are you sure there isn't a trochlear in there somewhere? I tried so hard to remember that one.

I believe that the auditory nerves are also refered to as the vestibulocochlear (sp?).