Memory Joggers!

Re: Mammary joggers

MathGirl said:
On Old Olympus Towering Top, A Finn And German Vaulted and Hopped.


I learned "...A Fat-Assed German Vaulted and Hopped"
It's the order of some nerves somewhere or something.

Then there's the 6 F's for the typical gall bladder(?) patient: Fat Female in her Forties with Fetid Floating Feces.

Roy G Biv are the colors of the spectrum (red, orange, yellow &c)

C. HOPKINS CaFe lists all the elements found in the human body (except for trace elements)

LiBe BCNOFNe is the second period of the periodic table of the Elements (NaMg AlSiPSClAr is the third period, but that just for us Dr.s)

Oh My Such Good Apple Pie gives the trivial names of the first five binary carboxylic acids: oxalic, malonic, succinic, glutaric, adipic, palmitic. (Always good to know as an ice breaker.)

All Cows Eat Grass are the spaces of the bass clef,

Good Boys Do Fine Always are the lines of the bass clef

"Hey Get Bent" is an easy way to tell people to leave you alone.

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Just a hello :kiss: (on the cheek 'by your nose').

Didn't know you were so long waisted (that's w-a-i...)

cheers, Perdita
Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly

Resistors are color coded to give their value (in ohms)
The colors represent 0 thru 9
Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Gray White
OT said:
Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly
Resistors are color coded to give their value (in ohms)...
Man, I only learned i before e, the great lakes and musical notes. I knew scientists were creative, but WOW (doesn't stand for anything).

Perdita (stands for me)
shesh all I meaned was more driven into my skull. occasionally for no reason I can still recite


Truth be told I don't even remember WHY I had to memorize this, just these words were required to be memorized to get through 9th grade english

Other than soh cah toa, I think all my memory things involve hands

*makes genereric gesture that everyone makes when trying to figure out currant flow and magnetic feilds*

well that and the knuckle counting thing for what months have 31 days.

Eons ago, my English Teacher decided it would be a nifty idea to torture her class into being able to exactly duplicate the full verison of "The Lady of Shallot", including punctuation.

Thankfully, a master pianist (Swedish, I believe) had developed the technology for my erstwhile self to pass this most challenging of life's little huddles.

The man, Victor Borge. The invention, phonetic punctuation.

I have not thought to test myself lately, but as recently as ten years ago, I could empty a room simply by reciting Tennyson's epic poem, with punctuation included PHONETICALLY. ;)

This is what can happen when one foists education and culture upon the masses. :rolleyes:
Quasimodem: Lol. I loved that sketch by Borge. I believe he got American citizenship, but was unable to make it as a concert pianist, so started doing comedy.

Now how many of you expected me to know about phonetic punctuation?

The Earl
Alex756 said:
shesh all I meaned was more driven into my skull. occasionally for no reason I can still recite



Truth be told I don't even remember WHY I had to memorize this, just these words were required to be memorized to get through 9th grade english

Other than soh cah toa, I think all my memory things involve hands

*makes genereric gesture that everyone makes when trying to figure out currant flow and magnetic feilds*

well that and the knuckle counting thing for what months have 31 days.

Alex : soh cah toa, huh? Sine, cosine tangent? I don't think I ever learned that. I always had to write it on my shoe before a test. I had very highly eduicated shoes.

We had to memorize a long list of "helper verbs" before we could be promoted to seventh grade. All I remember now is the beginning: "Can could shall should will would may...something"

And yes, it was called the Right Handed Screw Rule for determining the relationship between current flow, magnetic and elecrical fields. You place thumb, index, and middle finger of right hand all perpendicular to one another. Also gives the orientation of the x, y, z axis in 3-D space as well as the resultant of the dot product of two vectors.

dr_mabeuse said:
Alex : soh cah toa, huh? Sine, cosine tangent? I don't think I ever learned that. I always had to write it on my shoe before a test. I had very highly eduicated shoes.


Oh might as well show my geekieness this early in the morning .... it was writen above the drinking fountain in the math wing of my high school

soh - sine -= opposite over hypotanuse

pardon my spelling this early ...

cah - cosign = ajacant over hyp

toa - tangent = opp over adj

I shall remeber trig this way for the rest of my life.

TheEarl said:
Now how many of you expected me to know about phonetic punctuation?
Sweets, I didn't expect you to know about Victor Borge!

Gabriel_Lee said:
That which need not be mentioned.

Dear GL,
Thanks. That clears it right up.

Ps. V.Borge was Danish. Prune, I think. I saw him in person before he died (obviously), and he was wonderful. The phonetic punctuation and variations on "Happy Birthday" are priceless.

Pps. Dear Earl, We expect you to know about EVERYTHING.
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Rainbow Skin said:
Education has changed. I just learnt it as VIBGYOR, pronounced VIB-GYOR.

My younger sister learnt it as Virgins In Bed Give You Odd Results, which would have got us suspended, detained, redded, or otherwise marked.

I must have a peculiar mind, as I find it easier to remember the original: (deep breath) hydrogenheliumlithiumberyllium...

We learned this one as


I also learned "King Phillip Came Over For Good Salt" for the scientific classifications of animals -- Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.

I make my kids learn 60 most commonly used prepositions by singing them to Yankee Doodle Dandy ... it gets stuck in your head!

And who could forget "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" for the order of operations in math.
Re: mnemonics

TheElvenWench said:
<..partial snippety..>And who could forget "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" for the order of operations in math.

Me, for one! What's the P (Power?) and E? The rest I get.

t'other Alex
True actually. Sarcasm gets you everywhere. Look at Jack Dee.

The Earl
Originally posted by TheEarl True actually. Sarcasm gets you everywhere. Look at Jack Dee.

Oh, yes, of course, Jack Dee. Ummm... who's Jack Dee?
A very dry English comedian who was famous in the early years of his career for never smiling during his act. He made dry sarcastic observations and very very funny jokes. Unfortunately he's turned a bit shit now.

The Earl
Only because he gave up some of the dry sarcasm and moved more into Lee Evans territory.

The Earl