So you're pissed that you can't walk into a crowd of strangers and randomly pick someone who has the ability to know your body intimately and have all the secrets to get you off, all of this without ever having met you before?
And you're bitching about this while you have "plenty of awesome guys you like to have sex with". I only have one question for you, WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!? Seems you're bitching about getting cake AND having to eat it too. Then you're bitching that the cake you have isn't good enough, so you bitch some more that you have to taste other cake . . . Maybe the problem isn't the cake . . .
Why don't you come back when you have a real problem you'd like help with. Welcome to the real world, where finding a compatible mate, whether for one night or for a lifetime is the exact same for both sexes. For your information, finding a good woman for anything, let alone sex, is just as difficult for men.
IRL its common for most of us to pick out the worst person in the world from a group of strangers; happens all the time. If she attracts me she's seriously damaged goods. In exchange for Mom Mother Nature rewards us with her dead ringer to ruin our lives. Then you know what drove dad to drink.