Men writing women

Sweetnpetite: I'll give you that, but I'll extend it a little further.

Men are easy
Women are (mostly) not.

If a woman wants to, she can get sex. Any time, anywhere. Even Mo Mowlem (child scaring English politician) must get laid with the correct quantity of beer goggles.

If a man wants to have sex, he first has to find a willing female. Even Brad Pitt must go home alone at some point.

Yes I am aware he's married. It's allegorical.

The Earl

Men, and women think remarcably alike. Saying women are more emotive is sexism. Saying men are more mental isn't reverse sexism, it's just sexism.
Poeple are a complex collection of the physical body, mental personality, emotional feeling, instinct, and upbringing. With anything governed by all those inputs, the results are unpredictable at best.
Yes, there are differences, but I chalk most of them up to social programming. In addition to "Sugar, and spice, and everything nice", or "Snips, and snails, and puppydog tails" we also get sugar, and snips, and everything in between. Men tend to be stronger, we also get all the heavy labor. Women tend to be more emotional, they've got a lot more hormones than we do.
Whatever, we're all human, we all feel, and we all fuck up. If you don't be an asshole about it, it doesn't really matter if you stick in, or stick out beyond the mechanics of plumbing. As for writing as the "Opposite" sex, have a go at it. Throw it to the best example of the requisite gender, and see what they think. If you are limited to writing only what you know, than you are limited as a writer. If the only characters you have with any depth, and conviction are your own gender, than I'm sorry, You Are A Sexist.