MLP~Mystic Lake Poetry

An earthy autumn morn' rushes magically
fumbling in burnished triumph
and laughing loudly in delight.
Whilst scented spring bows its head
into the wind,
when night decays with silence.
Each dewdrop paints persuasive red lines ,
a star shoots westwards
and sunrise awakens across the horizon.

Fading into the Red

Red, blood drenches walls
calling to my ancient soul
Dare I answer?

Standing within the hallowed moments
the past floats within my grasp
shadow dancers floating amongst the red
melding with my ghost
now forever one with the earth.

Piouretting within the terra
forward I go to my destiny
leaving behind the wailing women
clinging to desires of those who press in love.

Forgotten guards blind to ordinary eyes
protecting vulnerable naivity
til blooming truth emerges
eyes once veiled now drenched
in the red.

still in the works..........
Du Lac said:
Fading into the Red

Red, blood drenches walls
calling to my ancient soul
Dare I answer?

Standing within the hallowed moments
the past floats within my grasp
shadow dancers floating amongst the red
melding with my ghost
now forever one with the earth.

Piouretting within the terra
forward I go to my destiny
leaving behind the wailing women
clinging to desires of those who press in love.

Forgotten guards blind to ordinary eyes
protecting vulnerable naivity
til blooming truth emerges
eyes once veiled now drenched
in the red.

still in the works..........

ahhhh... the sound of red <grin>

wow another masterpiece being painted? stirs the mental projector <smile> Slightly intrigued to watch this blossom <grin> mystic poetry ....
just wrote a quickie last nite..

Du Lac said:
Fading into the Red

Red, blood drenches walls
calling to my ancient soul
Dare I answer?

Standing within the hallowed moments
the past floats within my grasp
shadow dancers floating amongst the red
melding with my ghost
now forever one with the earth.

Piouretting within the terra
forward I go to my destiny
leaving behind the wailing women
clinging to desires of those who press in love.

Forgotten guards blind to ordinary eyes
protecting vulnerable naivity
til blooming truth emerges
eyes once veiled now drenched
in the red.

still in the works..........

we must be on the same waves this week... ;) sensual remembering the ruby cross...


Water is the other side of Fire's transformative coin.
Where Fire creates change through release, Water creates change through
connections. Water wears away the stone, changing stone to sand and
carrying each grain of sand to a new relationship as a beach or
riverbed. It changes a lifeless desert into a field of flowers, not by
destroying the earth and releasing its energy into another form, but by
slipping through the soil, reaching the waiting energy of the flowers,
and acting as the catalyst that allows the flower's energy to develop a
relationship between soil and sun.
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Fading into the Red

Red, blood drenches walls
calling to my ancient soul
Dare I answer?

Protecting vulnerable naivete
til blooming truth emerges,
forgotten sentries stand tall
blind to ordinary eyes,
hidden in the ochre.

Fixed within the hallowed moments
the past floats within my grasp.

Shadow dancers flit amongst the clay
melding with my ghost
forever one with the earth.

Piouretting within the terra
forward I go to my destiny,
leaving behind the wailing women
clinging to desires of those who
press forward in confused love.

Eyes once veiled now
in the red.

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Du Lac said:
Fading into the Red

Red, blood drenches walls
calling to my ancient soul
Dare I answer?

Protecting vulnerable naivete
til blooming truth emerges,
forgotten sentries stand tall
blind to ordinary eyes,
hidden in the ochre.

Fixed within the hallowed moments
the past floats within my grasp.

Shadow dancers flit amongst the clay
melding with my ghost
forever one with the earth.

Piouretting within the terra
forward I go to my destiny,
leaving behind the wailing women
clinging to desires of those who
press forward in confused love.

Eyes once veiled now
in the red.


great poem Du...
what's it about?

Shadow dancers flit amongst the clay
melding with my ghost
forever one with the earth.

sounds like a hunter got a deer! <grin>
Ten point buck at dusk <grin> with a compound bow
Du Lac said:
Fading into the Red

Red, blood drenches walls
calling to my ancient soul
Dare I answer?

Protecting vulnerable naivete
til blooming truth emerges,
forgotten sentries stand tall
blind to ordinary eyes,
hidden in the ochre.

Fixed within the hallowed moments
the past floats within my grasp.

Shadow dancers flit amongst the clay
melding with my ghost
forever one with the earth.

Piouretting within the terra
forward I go to my destiny,
leaving behind the wailing women
clinging to desires of those who
press forward in confused love.

Eyes once veiled now
in the red.


Wow Du this one is awesome !!
I love the imagery and also the pic. I could feel it
just surging through. Beauty and yet so sad. I can see
the painting on the wall of that cavern and feel
the forgotten ones who were once, but no longer.
Very inspiring write.

:rose: :rose: :rose:
What Fading into the Red is about....

Hey Art..
Ty for the compliment as well as TY RF for reading and enjoying this work.

It is about change. Feeling your true self (which is the whispers of the ancestors calling you) come alive and leaving behind the former woman that always tried her best to do and become what those who said they loved her said she should be.

It came to me when camping last week end at Red Cliffs. Morgan said he saw our shadows dancing on the red cliff walls becoming one with the ancestors and so many others that also stood there in front of a fire and watched their shadows surge into the ochre walls.

I felt a change come over me that night. Watching shooting stars from our tent and feeling the ice cold air on my face as I slept. This was who and what I always have been. One with nature and finding truth in the old ways.

Hence I wrote a poem lol... the canyon is surrounded with faces that if you meditate long enough you will see them standing guard over the shadows. Watching for those who hear to emerge into the old ways state of being.

A beautiful place as is many places here. We found a new place on the Desert reserve here in Leeds. It is my power spot and I await the time to go and hear the message that rides on the backs of warm breezes that russle the sage.

More to come lol..

My Erotic Tale said:

great poem Du...
what's it about?

Shadow dancers flit amongst the clay
melding with my ghost
forever one with the earth.

sounds like a hunter got a deer! <grin>
Ten point buck at dusk <grin> with a compound bow
Du Lac said:
Hey Art..
Ty for the compliment as well as TY RF for reading and enjoying this work.

It is about change. Feeling your true self (which is the whispers of the ancestors calling you) come alive and leaving behind the former woman that always tried her best to do and become what those who said they loved her said she should be.

It came to me when camping last week end at Red Cliffs. Morgan said he saw our shadows dancing on the red cliff walls becoming one with the ancestors and so many others that also stood there in front of a fire and watched their shadows surge into the ochre walls.

I felt a change come over me that night. Watching shooting stars from our tent and feeling the ice cold air on my face as I slept. This was who and what I always have been. One with nature and finding truth in the old ways.

Hence I wrote a poem lol... the canyon is surrounded with faces that if you meditate long enough you will see them standing guard over the shadows. Watching for those who hear to emerge into the old ways state of being.

A beautiful place as is many places here. We found a new place on the Desert reserve here in Leeds. It is my power spot and I await the time to go and hear the message that rides on the backs of warm breezes that russle the sage.

More to come lol..

camping <grin> people come to where I live to them "Tin canners" I know not every one is as inconciderate of mother earth or the way they leave things behind but the few 'Litter bugs' seem to be what is remembered on mondays when they leave,

now where do I go for a weekend get away since I live where most would love to come and camp <grin> 'the big shitty' I guess <grin> makes you appreciate where I live <grin>

the great outdoors is inspirational to campers as well as residence <grin> nice write Du....more please!
My Erotic Tale said:
camping <grin> people come to where I live to them "Tin canners" I know not every one is as inconciderate of mother earth or the way they leave things behind but the few 'Litter bugs' seem to be what is remembered on mondays when they leave,

now where do I go for a weekend get away since I live where most would love to come and camp <grin> 'the big shitty' I guess <grin> makes you appreciate where I live <grin>

the great outdoors is inspirational to campers as well as residence <grin> nice write Du....more please!

Oh, I would love to go camping ...

A tent, campfire, marshmellows, hot dogs n a sleepin bag ... Grrrr

Oh I almost forgot ... which way to the men?


Oh, ok I will be serious ....
One man will do .. welll er maybe two ..

Gotcha !! *winks n giggles.
Now I have to write a poem about it eh ~


Du ~~ very good poem. I loved it and the picturesque
imagery behind the words. You amaze me lady, always great
to read your writing ...


no camping this weekend? Getting cold yet? need some warm texas winds to blow that way yet <grin enjoy life hun... and pull that bow <grin>
i get a poem a day email from another website and to me it sounded zen-like so i thought i'd share it with you. :)

Autumn River Song

The moon shimmers in green water.
White herons fly through the moonlight.

The young man hears a girl gathering water-chestnuts:
into the night, singing, they paddle home together.

Li T'ai-po
tr. Hamil

Li Po
Sure As

But Before

The Morning

Rising Sun

The Du

Will Come


at the

same time

and after

the moon

and night falls

the Du

touches all​

(dang Du... I might have to do something with this lil inspirational piece <grin> should it grow? or says it all? or ...don't know? <grin>) my muse ...I knew I left it someplace ... the MLP~ thread <grin>
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found this and reminded me of the ~Du

Enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water. The moon does not get wet, nor is the water broken. Although its light is wide and great, the moon is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide. The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.
- Dogen.
Art and Blue

Thank you so much both of you for such inspiring writes and quotes. I am honored you brought them here! I spent the day at a natural hot spring today. They set up old tubs and the hot water from the earth runs into them... on a hill you sit and look over the mountains covered with snow... I can not tell you how perfect it was... Morgan spoils me... it only cost $5!
I know there is a poem from this day coming... all in the making ..

Miss you both big love..
fog on the lake
hides the mystical

shielding a world
from a world

in misting swirls

as if fairies drape
the dew

to conceal from you

the mysticism
of the lake
I realized I hadn't added another zodiac poem to this thread since Virgo.

This is one of my favourite peices from this series. It speaks of Anubis, the jackal-headed brother of Isis and his role in the journey of the immortal soul to the Fields of Peace.

found another place....
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This sign needs no introduction, I was born on the cusp with Saggitarius but I'm still a stronger Scorpion

found another place
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I just want to thank you for sharing your poems here. I was thinking yesterday to PM you because I wanted to read the rest of the series. I am a Libre and I love the connections you wrote about. These are stellar and I want to thank you again for your grace in posting them on MLP
Du~ :rose:
bumping up to rethink on blues cipher... hmmm will be back with thoughts and mind boggling riddles lol..
du~ :cool:

bluerains said:
I thought you were gone for a while to move ..glad you can spare a few moments...I have a new cipher for you ponder from ~R~...see if you can make empathic waves and I am looking up the hints....maybe together we can see a bit more...luvfromblue

gone too long ... underneath the midnite sea

from atlantis to meru ... from meru to peru ... remember the wars of
aventus ...

through the warm hearts of america the winds of anger will grow into
storms ...

sea of nabium ... sea of ambrium ... sea of andarium ...

how far to go we cannot say ... how many more will journey this way?
until your eyes and hearts are opened ...

dark nights will fall on sleeping souls ... far from your sun we watch
history repeat ...

storms have come to awaken mabus into another day ... dark skies will
fall down and wash the stars away ..

look through the eye of the storm .... verbum sapienti .... oceans of
light ... whispers in the night ...

io ... phoebus ... vega ... andromeda ...arcturia

father, sun ... earth my mother ... hold the memories ...

ultraviolet ... light the way ... when six was nine ... and night was
day ...

storms in america ...
bumping for working on... anyone have any thoughts? I like the jest of this one but it almost seems to plainly worded to me....
help greatly appreciated
du~ :rose:

Du Lac said:
The Watchman

He sits and waits
her maturing faulters on the edge
poised between earth and sky
his cravings crawl from his mind.

A strength from within, burning under her skin
feminine eyes blink back tears of the past
their path bursting with dusty red rocks
youthful terra filled with vigorous life.

He calls for her to follow
hand held out for her safe approach
pushing her forward into gusting joys
an addiction to share one's mirth.

Elks whistle, grouse dance
echoing canyons filled with silent solace
wide open spaces of healing red
willingly she stands before the watchman.

Protective love wrapped in burly arms
a seduction to change
luring her into a new world
filled with pink folds of clay upon the horizon.
a bit from the beginning...

Du Lac said:
bumping up to rethink on blues cipher... hmmm will be back with thoughts and mind boggling riddles lol..
du~ :cool:

it was the fall of 1927 where future's past became that of 1297

you will see tomorrow ... the answer and the lie .... don't come alone
but come with fire and stone ...

look inside of yourself and you might see someone you don't know ...
it's just what you need letting the river in you flow ... where familiar
faces and worn out places are your history's cage ... look foward to a
future in the past ... welcome to your life .. there's no turning back
... while you sleep ... they will find you... don't turn backs on mother
nature ...

there's a room where the light won't find you ... however they are right
behind you ... they lack the vision .. one headline why believe it ?

Enola Gay should have stayed at home yesterday ... why did you
lie? ... the damned don't cry when two moons shine over moscow in your
unguarded moment ...

found this
Click here to go to previous century.

Morocco's Muslim government grants special privileges to Jews in order to encourage trade and education.

Hunac Ceel revolts against the Maya of Chichén Itzá. He establishes a new capital at Mayapán.

Famine hits Egypt. Egypt will not recover until 1204.

The Fourth Crusade begins. Crusaders organize themselves and agree to meet in Venice. When they are unable to pay for transport, they agree to conquer outlying territories on the behalf of the Byzantine emperor.

1203 King John of England orders the murder of his nephew Arthur, Duke of Brittany.
1204 Crusaders, irritated at treatment of the Byzantine government, capture and sack Constantinople, destroying priceless artifacts and stealing relics. They establish a Latin ruler.
Temujin Genghis Khan) declared "Emperor within the Seas," the Khan of Khans among the steppes tribes.

Dynasty of slave-kings rule in India until 1290.

1207 Pope Innocent III appoints Stephen Langton archbishop. John refuses to let him take office of the Archbishopric of Canterbury, wanting to sail the church-office to his own candidate
Antagonized by John's intervention in church affairs, Pope Innocent III places England under interdict.

Pope Innocent III calls for a crusade against the Albigensians or Cathars, a heretical sect in southern France. The heresy is particularly dangerous to orthodoxy because it refutes the need for worship in churches, the sacraments, and the material wealth of the church.

Cambridge University founded.

Pope Innocent III, fed up with King John's attacks on church property, excommunicates him.

Innocent III, on a roll, also excommunicates Holy Roman Emperor Otto IV, adding him to the list of political figures cast out of the church.

Francis of Assisi founds the Franciscan Order.

Genghis Khan invades China.

Probable date of election of Hermann von SalzaÊas grand master of the Teutonic Knights. The date coincided with the date of the marriage in Tyre of John of Brienne to Mary. It was also the date of John's coronation as King of Jerusalem

Alfonso II becomes king of Portugal. He rules until 1223.

Burzenland settled by the Teutonic Knights with the authority of Hungary's King Andrew II.

St. Francis reportedly landed on the Isola Maggiore, an island on Lake Trasimeno.

Frederick II recognized officially as Holy Roman Emperor. He has a long-lasting and influential reign until his death in 1250.

In early spring, 10,000 German children and later in June, 20,000 French set off on the Children's Crusade. Their leader, a fourteen-year -old shepherd boy named Stephen from Cloyes-sur-le-Loire, France, has vision of Christ and delivers a letter to the King of France. Stephen confronts the pope and chastises him for his lack of action in rescuing the Holy Land. The chagrined pope grants him permission. The horde of children set off for Palestine, expecting the Mediterranean Sea to part for them as the Red Sea did for Moses in Christian belief. When this miracle fails to happen, they are "generously" given free passage across the ocean--but the sailors take them captive and sell thousands of them into slavery in Muslim slave markets of northern Africa.

Alfonso VIII of Castile expanded the Reconquista. King Sancho VII of Navarre won the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa. Moslems were crushed in the Spanish crusade. Peter II of Aragon defeats the Moors at Las Navas de Tolosa

Adomadana given to the Teutonic Knights by King Leo of Armenia

Pope Innocent declares King John of England deposed. John mends his ways to make peace.

James I (James the Conqueror) becomes King of Aragon. He rules 63 years until 1276.

English barons force John to sign a statement concerning the rights of the nobility, severely limiting the power of the monarchy. This "Great Charter" (Magna Carta) will form a legal model for later groups seeking to de-centralize state power.

Pope Innocent III calls the Fourth Lateran Council, one of the most important events in Church history, with 71 statements of doctrine ratified. For the first time in church history, yearly confession is required of all Christians, and transubstantiation became an official part of Catholic doctrine. Pope Innocent introduced a policy in which soldiers--if fighting non-Christian forces on crusade--could be given forgiveness of sins without penance. (This doctrine was a key element in rousing public enthusiasm for conquests in the Middle East.) Finally, the church passed a series of anti-semitic laws, requiring Jews to wear distinguishing clothing and forbidding them from holding political office over Christians.

Saint Dominic founds the Dominic Order at Toulouse. These friars take up the task of preaching orthodox beliefs to counter growing and popular heresies such as Catharism.

Frederick II crowned in France; he renews French struggle for control over the papacy.

Henry III becomes King of England. At nine years old, the kingdom is controlled by a regent-protector until he achieves adulthood. Henry III's reign lasts 56 years, ending in 1272.

Pope Honorius III claims the Papal See, ruling the church until 1227.

1217 The Fifth Crusade begins, lasting until 1222. The crusaders set out to conquer Egypt, in order that its grain supplies and troops will not be available to Muslim forces, who are becoming increasingly organized and centralized under a single ruler.
1218 Genghis Khan captures Persian empire.
The Mongols conquer Bokhora.

Genghis Khan's destruction of irrigation in Afghanistan leads to permanent deserts in the area.

The port of Damietta falls to the Crusaders.

1222 The Fifth Crusade ends in failure. Egypt remains in Muslim hands.
Louis VIII takes the throne of France, ruling until 1226.

The Mongols invade Russia.

1224 France and England go to war over French territories held by England.
1226 Louis IX (Saint Louis) rules France. His reign lasts until 1270.
Gregory IX assumes control of Papal See. He serves as pope until 1241.

War ends between France and England.

Henry III begins rule as an adult in England.

Genghis Khan dies. His sons divide the empire among themselves.
1297 Magna Carta confirmed by Edward I, enters English statute rolls as law
\but 1927 connection is yet unknown to me...
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